Featured Actor Joined: 4/4/06
I know that wasn't directed at me, but even though I was never a Piven fan (all I had ever seen of his was Serendipity), I was happy when he was cast, and felt it would bring a lot of people to the theatre that wouldn't normally go. My brothers were even looking to go see it eventually because they are Entourage fans...and they haven't seen a Broadway show in years.
I always thought that even if Jeremy brought people in, they would leave wowed by Raul, and also happy that they got to see Jeremy.
I'm disappointed Jeremy won't still be bringing in those crowds. With shows closing left and right, it's not a great time to lose a big name.
If the guy is honestly ill, I genuinely hope he gets the proper treatments and is well soon. I definitely don't wish harm to anybody.
This whole situation is just flat-out odd...but that's show business, huh?
No it doesn't.
You've never seen Raul perform live, but sure seem to lead people to think that you have.
The question is simple:
Where did you see him perform live?
FACT: You won't answer a simple question.
re: The Official Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' Thread, Part 3
Posted On: 7/12/07 at 10:35 PM
Um, I’m a newbie here – this is my very first post anywhere on BWW, so be gentle, please!
I’ve only recently discovered Raúl, so I’m coming to this party kinda late. See, I live in Los Angeles and there’s just not a whole lot of coverage of Broadway or the theatre world out here. Hollywood has seen to that. I try to keep up, but only so much info gets through. A weak excuse, I know, but there it is.
But now that I know about this wonderful, amazing, talented man, I’m trying to make up for lost time. I can’t offer any stories or pictures of Raúl (yet!!) but I can offer endless appreciation, and ask questions. Lots of questions, and observations, too.
After I was first exposed to Raúl (geez, that makes him sound like a disease!) I stumbled to the Internet and started finding out all sorts of information (god I love the Internet!) But the best of all was finding broadwayworld.com and these message boards and all the awesome people here. I’m still plowing my way through the older threads, but it’s so much fun!
One other thing I have to say -- I hope everybody here knows what a treasure you have in luvtheEmcee. I emailed her a few weeks ago after reading some of her posts, and she has been infinitely kind and patient with all my questions and floundering around. She is a goddess!
Sorry for the long post! I try for brevity but rarely succeed.
Maybe he attended the exclusive L.A. benefit for Obama with Raul and Babs.
Not related to the whether-or-not-humbugfoto-saw-Raul-perform-live topic; today I was talking with my mom about what happened with Jeremy Piven (she was reading about William H. Macy taking over). If he is truly sick then hopefully he'll get better. That's all I can really say on the matter.
Although during the course of talking with my mom about the play/the Jeremy Piven fiasco, this happened:
Mom:Is Speed-the-Plow a musical?
Me:... are you kidding me? It's David Mamet.
Mom: Oh, so it's definitely not a musical.
(After her comment, I did conjure up a thought about Speed-the-Plow: The Musical, which was slightly amusing).
"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables
She's always complaining that she works too much and is always broke. She couldn't afford it.
"But the best of all was finding broadwayworld.com and these message boards and all the awesome people here."
I bet she's re-thinking that statement right about now.
In spite of what I said earlier, I'll answer your question (on the advice of some very true friends who I trust totally).
I saw Raul in Evita (in Los Angeles) in 1999, and in Cabaret in 2002. The truth is that on both occasions, while I appreciated his talent, he didn't...resonate with me the way he did when I encountered him again more recently.
And when have I EVER said I work too much? I'm broke because of what the stock market has done to my retirement funds. I hope nobody out there is facing the situation I'm facing.
That just seems odd since everyone else is saying that you've said you've never seen him.
I just find it strange that you can hardly remember seeing him, since you're such a huge fan. And considering your post below is from only a year ago and you only mention being 'exposed' to him, not actually saying anything about his performance.
Your story keeps changing...
It's obvious that you are some sort of fan that Raul would never want to meet.
See, that's why I didn't want to say anything, because I knew you'd find a way to twist it out of recognition.
I never said I had never seen him. People just inferred that because I didn't talk about having seen him the way everybody else did/does.
And I did not say I hardly remembered him. That's your warped interpretation.
I'm done with this.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/21/08
Put your personal attacks in a PM.
You really are coming off like an idiot, and one suspects that you don't want THAT.
"People just inferred that because I didn't talk about having seen him the way everybody else did/does."
No. When asked, you couldn't seem to remember.
When you think that if you just don't answer the question, it's not the same as lying, you are wrong.
You're pathetic.
William H Macy and Norbert Leo Butz will be sharing the role.
TheatreDiva, I'm not sure why anyone from the public feels the need to so vehemently defend the conduct of any celebrity--unless there's an unnamed connection you'd rather not reveal. The press and the producers have already jumped on the, ahem, fishiness of the story with zeal. Humbug's spidey-senses were merely more acute than the rest of ours. If you have an ulterior motive for defending Piven then I hope you reveal it. If you're merely stirring the pot out of boredom then perhaps a new hobby is in order.
This has nothing to do with anyone with the show, this has to do with the lies that Humbug is posting. She says she's never seen him in person then has to lie about it later.
Do you know how many PM's I've gotten thanking me for calling her out on her BS?
And LadyDT,
I do this on the boards so that people can see that this person is full of sh1t.
The 'Know-It-All-Fans' are becoming overwhelming on this board and they get bothersome. When they step in and correct people, tell people what they THINK the actor knows, etc., and they have never even seen them perform? Please. I have every right to call them out on their lies.
TD, I believe what triggered this for you was your impression that Humbugfoto disliked JP from the start and was unhappy about his casting. You may have been confused with me.
I'm just going by her negative bashing in this thread, which lead me to look at her other posts...
She's like a Claymate, but has never actually seen Raul perform.
Sad, really, since she posts as if she KNOWS him, personally.
Are you sure she's written on here that she'd never seen him perform live?
I mean, I saw Raul in "The Homecoming" before I became a fan of his. You don't always appreciate something upon first introduction.
You know, I'm thrilled with Macy, but I also suspect he attracts a different demographic than a Piven does. Semi off-topic but...sometimes I wish there were post-theatre surveys so we could get tangible data on *why* someone chooses to see a show. It might not make a difference with, say, a Disney show or something like Phantom, but when it involves stunt/celebrity casting it would be nice to get evidence that people are indeed seeing the show because of said celebrity as opposed to producers' suppositions.
"Are you sure she's written on here that she'd never seen him perform live?"
yes, but then she's changed her story so many times over the last year, it's hard to keep it straight.
The PM's I'm getting are saying that she's lying, that she claims to have never seen him, but then she back tracks and adds that she may have seen him in Evita in '99. THEN she claims to have seen him in Cabaret (which got a whole other round of PM's telling me that she's lying, and has said in the past that she could never afford to fly out to NY).
Liars, when given enough rope, will always hang themselves. And when you can go back and pull up her old postings and see it, it makes it even worse.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/4/06
How 'bout that Norbert Leo Butz?
I gotta say Morgaine that he is quite fabulous. =] I'm sure he'll be amazing in the role.
Who are the people writing you those PM's and how do they know about Humbugfoto's theatre attendance?
They don't want their names mentioned and I'm respecting their wishes.
But all I can say is she's pissed off many people with her 'know-it-all' attitude.
Yes, they've written "pissed off" and "Boiling mad".
One of them gave me Humbug's first post, because they KNEW that this person was full of it from the beginning.
So on that note, you may not want to believe Humbugfoto but we don't necessarily have to believe you if you cannot produce the evidence.