but the tv show I work for spoke with Jeremy's doctor and it was a lot more serious than most people think.
Of course his doctor is saying it's serious. But there's some question about the credibility of this doctor, which is why a second opinion has been ordered. Besides, this guy's diagnosis has been all over the press -- why would it being told to the show you work for make it any more true? Again, to reiterate, if it is, I certainly wish him a full and speedy recovery, but as it stands now, the story has some pretty wacky holes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"no one shoved sushi down his throat 2x a day. That was his decision."
I can't believe somebody would go out of his/her way to concede that there is the possibility that the mercury story is true and then to blame the victim.
God bless us, everyone, except Jeremy Piven, apparently.
Finding Namo ~ In this case, he is hardly a "victim". Unless of course he's going to start claiming Raul or someone was sprinkling mercury into his food. It's not a secret that some fish CAN have high levels of mercury. So if you choose to eat it that much, you ARE taking a risk and are NOT a "victim". (Kind of makes me glad I'm allergic and can cross THAT worry off my list.)
That said, all this talk of how "exhausting" it is to have high levels of mercury is, as has been pointed out on here, somewhat contradicted by the pictures taken of Piven at some film event or other just a week or so before his "diagnosis" where he looks full of pep and energy. Even the best actors LOOK exhausted when they are.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
I disagree- mercury in fish is hardly as publicized or worried-about a public health phenomenon as, say, smoking cigarettes or living on Big Macs. Probably because the health effects of mercury poisoning from diet are still argued about if they exist at all - as this thread demonstrates. So no, I really don't think being surprised at getting mercury poisoning from sushi is silly on the level of being surprised your meat-and-dairy diet gave you a heart attack.
I'd heard about it long before this ~ and I have had no reason to be warned off fish by a doctor, so it's not like I was specifically told. Does it have a surgeon general's warning? No. But it is hardly some secret thing that very few people know about. And definitely not so hardly known that you should be considered a "victim" if you choose to eat that much fish.
I've recently gone to eating a lot of fish and have always loved sushi.
All of this talk has me a little worried.
I used to eat sushi 5 times a week and now cut it down to once or twice a week. I live for sushi but everything is better in moderation.
Hope that Mr Piven feels better soon.
He is really sexy!
So ugly people are not entitled to wellness?
Is this doctor a real MD? He sounds like a homeopath and the ones I have been to have a fixation about mercury in the body.
Yes. He is a real MD.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
What's the line from the show Charlie says to Bob about Karen...I thought it was so freaking brilliant, and it kinda can be applied here. Something like "They are just words until they are proven true"...could someone give me the exact quote?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
But there's some question about the credibility of this doctor, which is why a second opinion has been ordered.
"Who, me?" heh
My cousin's mercury level is so high that she's registered with the state. She still works 15 hour days at ABC news, so clearly there's a difference between having "high mercury levels" and "mercury poisoning" or whatever he has.
Okay, Esparza's curtain speech was tacky, but does anyone believe he would've given it, had there not been a toxic climate around this production, at least in recent weeks? Something was going on, and I doubt it was all about low energy in one star. Blah blah blah re the mercury -- he could'e stayed in bed all day and still done the play. We're not talking about the role of Jean Val Jean, or ANGELS IN AMERICA. An 85 minute performance, and he's off stage for part of it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
If only Mr. Pinter had lived to write the backstage saga of this production!
I guess we will be seeing Mr. Stevens in a large role on ENTOURAGE this season.
Unless he's already on it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
As to the earlier post about homeopathic medicine, I am a skeptic, and I'm sure the mercury is only supposed to be in your body if the doctor puts it there.
I'm totally missing something. Who is Mr. Stevens?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
Is it possible that all this he said she said crap is just a ploy to stir up publicity to help get butts in the seats? I dunno, it just seems to be getting more and more rediculous.
"Blah blah blah re the mercury -- he could'e stayed in bed all day and still done the play. We're not talking about the role of Jean Val Jean, or ANGELS IN AMERICA. An 85 minute performance, and he's off stage for part of it. "
...I believe Bob Gould is onstage for nearly the entirety of the play. It's hardly a trifle of a part to play.
If Piven really is very sick I wish him a speedy recovery but man I wish I could have seen William H Macy's performance! Does anybody know if he will be going on again? I'm planning to see it either way but it would be amazing to see him live!
EDIT: nevermind, should check my info first, can't wait for Macy to step in although I'm sure Butz is doing a fine job.
If Piven is so sick, why was he spotted at the airport the other day going to Bangkok?
For treatment?
they can't treat high mercury levels in America?
My cousin's mercury level is so high that she's registered with the state.
Registered with the state?
People don't go to Bangkok for mercury poisoning treatment. It's not like it's some bizarre and exotic disease that only a handful of doctors in the world can treat.
Jeremy's jumping ship, that's what.