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How to prepare for Sleep No More?

How to prepare for Sleep No More?

#1How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 9:37pm

So I just bought a ticket for this weekend for Sleep No More. Have yet to study Macbeth, but I plan to go through it (and SparkNotes) on the plane.

Any other works to look at before I go?

Extremely excited.

#2How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 9:47pm

Let me give you some information that could be useful and will keep spoilers to a minimum.

You're entering a shadowy dreamscape world. Some of the characters you will encounter: MacBeth, Lady MacBeth, King Duncan, MacDuff, pregnant Lady MacDuff, Malcolm, Banquo. The three witches, one of whom is male, and Hecate, the fake non-Shakespeare (probably) witch boss.

You probably already know how you can choose to explore the world you enter and let scenes happen around you and/or you can chase after characters and see what happens to them in the course of telling the story.Though the world is a spooky one, no one will jump out of the shadows to try to deliberately frighten you.

If a character holds out his or her hand to you, do not hesitate, TAKE IT!

Really, that little guide should help you.

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#2How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 9:51pm

Namo, Hecate is in Shakespeare's original folio of MACBETH. Where are you getting the idea that she's not?

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#3How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 9:52pm

Meh. That came out snarkier than I'd like, but it has been a long day with my very close-minded stepfather. Oy. What a bigot. Anyway....

Maybe I mis-understood you, but she's definitely a real character from MACBETH.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#4How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 10:00pm

I'm from the Shakespeare wrote the plays but Hecate was inserted camps.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#5How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 10:01pm

On further thought, you may be assuming she's "fake" because she is almost ALWAYS cut from the text for production. It's a very minor role, but one I find fascinating. I'm directing a production of the play this fall where my Lady Macbeth will actually be doubling as Hecate.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#6How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 10:02pm

Ah, gotcha! I've never actually heard that theory. Now I must go and look into it...

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

JeaniusIsMe Profile Photo
#7How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/4/11 at 11:44pm

My recommendation would be to try and follow a character or two for the first two cycles to get a feel for the story. Then use the final cycle to simply wander and explore. Sparknoting Macbeth will certainly be helpful. Also, wear comfortable shoes (stay away from flip flops or sandals), and clothes for a warm setting as it tends to get pretty warm in the experience.

Most importantly, remember there is no right way to experience it. If you're going with others, try to split up for at least a part of the time- comparing notes after is part of the fun. And, as has been said, if a character holds out their hand to you- Take it! Have a great time!

rougeduck Profile Photo
#8How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 12:06am

If I may, Lady Macbeth doubling as Hecate is an absolutely brilliant approach.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#9How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 12:10am

I think it would help to have a basic knowledge of Macbeth, but you don't need to have studied it extensively. Knowing the plot will help you to know what you're seeing, but you'll still probably see at least a few things that you can't place because they're so bizarre.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#10How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 12:55am

Thank you, kindly! I'm very excited for the production.

My witches are also doubling as the murderers, but that has been done before, so I can't claim any "brilliance" there.

Sorry to threadjack! Back to the awesomeness of SLEEP, NO MORE! Enjoy! Dress comfortably and be curious!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#11How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 1:19am

i haven't posted here in years, but felt compelled after my incredible experience at sleep no more this weekend. what a mind-blower. i have never been so engaged.

i certainly understand why people are going time and time again. the whole thing was disorienting at first - sensory overload. after i did some exploring and following a couple of characters briefly (lady macbeth, lady macduff), i followed macbeth's full cycle once and i'm so glad i did. i was so impressed with the actor i saw. goosebumps. i'd love to go back and see lady macbeth's final moment, but macbeth's was phenomenal.

i'll also reiterate to take an actor's hand if it's offered - or as in my case, an actor lightly sucking on your thumb. How to prepare for Sleep No More?

#12How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 8:21am

There's no way I'm going to be able to see Sleep No More, but I'm extraordinarily intrigued by it. Would someone be willing to PM me the "spoilers" or give me some sort of walk-through as to how everything goes? Thanks.

#13How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 2:01pm

I wouldn't spend too much time studyng McBeth. IMO, it doesn't follow it that closely, and the whole thing is too disorienting to really relate it to the McBeth plot very much. (They also throw in a little Rebecaa, etc.) Maybe following a character is good, but you also have to deal with the crowds trying to do that, so if that doesn't work for you, just go with your own flow. Trying too hard to figure it out will just lead to frustration. Appreciate the beautiful scenes/rooms on their own terms.

On a practical note: wear the most comfy, cool clothes you can; drink plenty of water beforehand; eat beforehand (no food there); don't worry too much about your arrival time; don't worry about getting on the elevator the first time your number is called (they repeat them, and they don't check anyway); if you need a breather (i.e., mask off) or a sip of water (from the tap though), duck into a restroom (there are several obvious ones near the bathtub room...others throughout, I hear); if you are with someone, split up if not already separtaed, but may be good to met back in bar at an appointed time, compare notes, then plunge back in.

#14How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/5/11 at 2:22pm

most important thing you can do to prepare for this experience??

smoke a joint.

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#15How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/6/11 at 12:36am

Comfortable shoes and light clothes as everyone has said. 3 hours of walking and running takes a toll on you.

Follow Macbeth around for at least one full cycle. You should be able to figure out who he is from specific scenes if you read the sparknotes. Be curious and enjoy!


charlesjguiteau Profile Photo
#16How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/6/11 at 12:44am

ahhrealmonsters, You'll get WAY more information than you ought to have by going to the thread "Sleep No More Is Amazing". All the spoilers are there.

But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't read those pages till AFTER you've seen the show. You'll have so much more satisfying an experience for your first time without knowing all the ins and outs of the place.

Our own humble suggestions:
1. Don't linger long on the top floor: You'll see amazing decor up there but less of the scenes take place there.

2. Follow the lighting cues: when a room's lights glow brighter a scene is about to begin.

3. Listen for the performers' yelps and shrieks: Those sounds corral the attentive spectators to follow them to the best scenes.

4. Tracking just one performer is much harder than it sounds. Know that if you caught a scene just as it's ending it will occur again about an hour later.

5. Accept that you will have a fascinating time even if you don't stumble onto every scene or even every room in the space the first time you go. If the experience works on you the way it has on many of us, you'll find yourself plotting to come back for a second visit very soon. Enjoy.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#17How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/6/11 at 12:59am

I think the best way to do it is not to go in expecting anything in particular -- just go and let the stories and your instincts take you where they want you to go. So, that's to say, rather than going in (your first time, at least) saying "I'm going to follow Macbeth the entire time," just go in and let your curiosities guide you. Follow what feels right, what gets your interest; you may not have the most cohesive experience, but you're guaranteed to have a fascinating time.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Shubert Alley Cat Profile Photo
Shubert Alley Cat
#18How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/6/11 at 1:04am

Is it easy to get a cab after the late show? Not wanting to walk back to my hotel at 2 AM.

blaxx Profile Photo
#19How to prepare for Sleep No More?
Posted: 7/6/11 at 1:33am

I had to walk 3 and a half blocks to find a cab. Exit with the mob so you're not alone - the area is sketchy.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE
