Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I never once got the idea that Ivy thought she would get the part if she boinked Derek. I think she justfiably thought he was hot and just wanted to have a good time, like any red-blooded sex-loving human would.
But at this point in her career I would tell her to get the get the get the
"Knitting needle?'
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
For better or worse I find some of the pro Ivy rhetoric morally repugnant
The only thing morally repugnant about Smash was Sam.
Updated On: 5/28/13 at 03:07 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"I never once got the idea that Ivy thought she would get the part if she boinked Derek. I think she justfiably thought he was hot and just wanted to have a good time, like any red-blooded sex-loving human would."
And you know this how exactly? It's not a coincidence that she landed the replacement role after doing the nasty with Derek.
This show is incredibly misogynistic with regard to women in positions of power. The only positions they should be holding are in the bed, or so it seems.
How does a show, written by homosexuals for homosexuals (and women), become so blatantly sexist?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Because gay men are just as prone to sexism and misogyny as straight men are?
Even if there was no Bombshell Ivy would've still slept with Dekrek because she loved him. And even if she didn't and slept with him just for the part, I still wouldn't call her "morally repugnant." She's just a girl who knows what she wants.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
all that jazz would go so far as to justify someone murdering if they were in SMASH. Wha da fuk?!
Not murdering, but temporarily poisoining someone, well that's a different story...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"This show is incredibly misogynistic with regard to women in positions of power. The only positions they should be holding are in the bed, or so it seems."
If Angelica Huston were here she'd throw a much-needed martini in your face.
I never thought Ivy was THAT bad in season one (or two), and certainly would never have called her "morally repugnant."
Perhaps Ivy was supposed to be the "bad girl," but who doesn't root for the bad girl in a nighttime soap?
Would you rather be friends with/root for Krystle or Alexis? Allison or Amanda (or Syndey!)? Andrea or Kelly?
Did you hate Amanda for sleeping with and stealing Billy from Allison? I certainly didn't. Amanda was awesome. Some of you are acting like Ivy went on a shooting spree and then blew up a daycare.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I'm completely pro-choice, but anyone who has ever watched tv before knows that if the show continued, Ivy would have had that baby.
YES. Do not get me started. There is no way that Ivy wouldn't have even considered an abortion in real life. But she didn't even act like it was an option.
And apparently she wasn't on any form of birth control either. If she was, the writers couldn't have punished the slutty slut slut with a baby in her vagina.
Oh, and people blaming Ivy for sleeping with Dev are totally ignoring the fact that Dev was the one who was engaged to Karen, the only one who could really hurt her. He was the one who chose to sleep with Ivy.
"And you know this how exactly? It's not a coincidence that she landed the replacement role after doing the nasty with Derek."
And how do you know THAT exactly?
"If Angelica Huston were here she'd throw a much-needed martini in your face."
And she'd throw one in yours for misspelling her name. It's Anjelica.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I would have seriously questioned Derek's bisexuality if he hadn't wanted to boink Ivy. Karen obviously scratched his boy itch.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Even the show can't spell Angelicka's name.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Feel free to expand on your witty one liner. Or just leave it up to me to guess why in the hell I'd be subjected to the same fate as Jerry. Are you suggesting that the show isn't misogynistic?
It's not a coincidence that she landed the replacement role after doing the nasty with Derek.
This is confusing to me. Do you mean that Ivy would not have replaced Karen in Bombshell if it wasn't for her sleeping with Derek? After Derek quit and Karen personally told Tom that Ivy should be his Marilyn?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
LH, I like to know who I'm engaging with and never quite trust new screen names in front of people who post as if they've been here much longer than one day.
Regarding the whole baby/abortion thing and TV...I think it's a function of the fact that, once the decision to have an abortion is made, the drama disappears. That's why the Maude episode is just a very special episode...not a season's worth of sturm und drang. It's actually a relatively simple thing to have done and there's not further chance to exploit it (unless you really wanna get misogynistic and make the woman regret that abortion FOREVER).
So it never really bothers me when a character ends up keeping the baby. It's just the writers being kind of lazy and using the glory of childbirth as a plot point they can mine for a while.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
So...did we ever find out why Tom hate Derek from the start? It was hinted there was an ugly history between them- what was it? Or will that story remain unknowable, like who won the Best Director Tony?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Didn't he sleep with Derek's father?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I feel like they did explain it once.
"And you know this how exactly? It's not a coincidence that she landed the replacement role after doing the nasty with Derek."
Why do you use the word nasty to refer to sex? In the words of Hugh Hefner:
"I think one of the great sadnesses is the fact that the very notion of obscenity is connected to sex, instead of to violence. Why the most loving part of our nature and images related to that are considered obscene suggests very strongly that we have a very cockeyed view of what is really moral."
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Excuse me but didn't Ivy get the part (for realsies this time guys) only after TOM took over as director and Karen left to go to Hitlist?