"Excuse me but didn't Ivy get the part (for realsies this time guys) only after TOM took over as director and Karen left to go to Hitlist?"
Everyone is talking about how she got the part during the workshop in Season 1. The callbacks were between Karen and Ivy. Derick tried to get Karen to sleep with him but she said no. Ivy did sleep with him. Ivy got the part. Yet it's never shown him saving to Ivy "Sleep with me and I'll give you the part." Ivy also had the rest of the creative team backing her so she likely would have gotten the part is she slept with him or not.
On the topic of Ivy sleeping with Dev, this is something that bugged me since that happened... is it even proven that Ivy KNEW that he who he was BEFORE they slept together?
I don't have season 1 on DVD so I can't look back but I recall that scene as... they ran into each other at a the bar but the conversation was never shown, it just skipped to the next morning and Karen was never mentioned between them until he realized he left the ring behind in Ivy's room. Karen introduced them the next day and I always though that was their "first meeting" other then the one night stand. It's there a possibility that Dev never TOLD Ivy who he was until after the sex? It doesn't make up for Ivy's action after but it's very possibly that she didn't realize what she was getting into. She just wanted an one night stand to take off the edge and got more then she expected.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
She slept with a guy she didn't even know? Well that makes it even worse, doesn't it?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
If I remember it correctly, she didn't know who Dev was until the morning after.
Makes her "bad" for wanting a one night stand, sure but people do it all the time and it's not AS BAD as if she did it KNOWING she was sleeping with Karen's man. If that was information HE withheld, that's on him being a scumbag more then on her. If she DID know ahead of time, she might not have done it at all. Again, this is all assuming things that were never shown (something else the writers did a LOT of).
Updated On: 5/28/13 at 05:42 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
There's nothing inherently bad about wanting a one-night stand.
Updated On: 5/28/13 at 05:45 PM
Yes there is, Phyllis. That's why the studio audience of the pilot episode of Friends was polled about whether they judged Monica for sleeping with a guy on the first date. Just like they were asked whether they judged Joey for sleeping with girls on the first date. (Oh, wait.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
If she didn't even know who Dev was, then the fact that people blame Ivy for it is absolutely ridiculous.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
givesmevoice, Monica didn't even intend that to be a one-night stand! She "just thought he was nice"!
Actually, now that I remember it, though, I think Ivy DID know who she was sleeping with. When they meet at the bar, I think he told her his name. And she'd have known Dev was the name of Karen's boyfriend. I just went back and checked and I think she did know. He tells her his name, she takes a long, meaningful pause and tells him hers, which leads me to believe they both knew exactly the other was.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Cox beat me to it. Exactly what I was about to say.
So, if there is malice and vengeful intentions behind a one night stand, couldn't that make it "inherently bad"? Just for arguments sake..
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
If a woman sleeps with a man who is not her husband (or at least her fiance) it is inherently bad. Karen slept with two men in two years- both of which she was "serious" about.
Ivy lived life like a carousel, beau after beau after beau.
I would've slept with Dev, even if I had known who he was.
Hell, I would've slept with him twice.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I would tie him up until the fur grew back. THEN I would boink him.
And I totally agree with all the men in this thread who have bravely taken a stand against women who use their vaginas for their own selfish pleasure. Don't they know that's why god flushes bloody curses out of them?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Poor Dev. I hope he's off having sex with AJ or whatever her name was.
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