Hey everyone! I was hoping I could get your help with something. I am a dance instructor and am looking for a few suggestions...
With my advanced dancers every few weeks or so I have been teaching them original choreography to some iconic broadway numbers. So far they have learned: Glory from Pippin; the opening number and One from ACL; Cool from WSS, Steam Heat, Our Favorite Son from Will Rogers Folles, and two Agnes De Mille pieces.
I was wondering what original choreography I should teach them? I've done Agnes, Bennett, fosse, and Tommy Tune. What other choreographers should I expose my dancers to? ( Bob Fosse was the only one theyhad even heard of)? Also If there are other numbers by any of the above people I'll take those suggestions as well!
If you're interested in tap, there's the opening number for 42nd Street. Also, Turkey Lurkey Time.
Try Michael Kidd's "Quadrille" from Can Can:
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
I don't know how many dancers you have, but I have always loved the Michael Kidd choreography for "The Crap Shooters' Dance" in Guys and Dolls.
Or Joe Layton's "Little Old New York" from Tenderloin:
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
The dance section of The Telephone Song from Cabaret
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Too Darn Hot from Kiss Me Kate
There's Gotta Be Something Better Than This from Sweet Charity
Robert Alton's tap choreography is phenomenal for Anything Goes.
What about starting with the title song?
That Can Can number was amazing.
America - West Side Story
Rich Man's Frug - Sweet Charity
Forget About the Boy - Thoroughly Modern Millie
A Secretary is Not a Toy - How to Succeed
All That Jazz - Chicago
Shoeless Joe - Damn Yankees
I Got Rhythm - Crazy For You
Bottle Dance - Fiddler on the Roof
Hollywood Production Code - Hollywood/Ukraine
Aggie Song - Best Little Whorehouse
Who's That Woman - Follies
Solidarity - Billy Elliot
For the Longest Time/Uptown Girl - Movin' Out
Stand-by Joined: 11/4/11
What a fun class I suspect you teach. I think its wonderful that you honor the amazing work of the Broadway choreographers.
I know they already learned Steam Heat, but Who's Got the Pain is great - better, I think.
I don't know if this is "iconic," but it's a wonderful Joe Layton ensemble number from GEORGE M!
I've always thought of The Shriner's Ballet from Bye Bye Birdie as pretty iconic, at least to me. I don't know if it would be best to do with a dance class though. The Small House of Uncle Thomas from King and I is also one I consider pretty iconic.
Wow! Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I have a lot of work to do now!!!
PJ- I knew I could count on you! I LIVE for that can-can number!
AEA- this class has 17 dancers ( 13w 4m) ages 14-18.
I would love to teach them a tap piece but the class I've been doing this in is a technique class and not all the dancers tap as well.
Matt those were some great suggestions as well! I haven't done solidarity but I did teach my younger girls ( 10-14 company) the electricity choreography. Also you mentioned movin out and I have been teaching myself all of its still rock and roll to me and I though goodnight Saigon might be a challenging piece to teach as well.
There are so many options here to chose from! Every dance I already taught them I already knew from performing myself or being taught the combo from one of my past teachers/mentors. So this will be a challenge, but an exciting one for sure!!
Thanks so much!!!
The Riviera Rage from Irene, choreo: Peter Gennaro
Tap Dance section of I Want to Be Happy from No, No, Nanette; choreo: Donald Saddler
The Waiters Gallup from Hello Dolly, choreo: Gower Champion
BTW, Popularity from George M! is an amazing number! I did this show years ago, directed by one of the chorus boys from the OBC, and this number starts out in rehearsal clothes and dancers keep adding layers as the dance goes on, ending up in full performance costume by the end of the number.
I almost forgot:
Farandole and Simply Irresistible from Contact.