I have no reservations or shame to say that I have never enjoyed a recording of Merman as much as I have Idina's NO GOOD DEED, DEFYING GRAVITY, LET IT GO or ALWAYS STARTING OVER.
That is impossible unless you are 13 years old or younger! You have already been told who you are, what you like, how old you are, what you don't appreciate, and you have been deemed ignorant, ungrateful and inferior. There is no other option. The judgment is standing and repentance is futile. You have been summarily dismissed and excommunicated by self-proclaimed higher life forms.
The post I was commenting on referred to the "Typical Idina fan" as "Kids with no knowledge of the past and no appreciation for it."
In response, I listed performers from the past who, no matter what you think of them, were trailblazers and should be appreciated for what they did. I certainly do. I'm certainly not a "kid" (I wish), but I'm definitely an Idina Menzel fan.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
I was certainly not comparing Idina Menzel with Judy Garland, merely pointing out that they are successful despite (or perhaps because of) their vocal imperfections.
And please don't slog off Ethel Merman. She was the most successful Broadway star of all time. You may not understand her appeal but she made shows into hits merely by appearing in them. There has never been (and probably will never be) a stage star so consistently popular.
Oh yay, my 30th birthday is on Saturday and I can pass for younger. So I will give up my legal adult rights to return to being 13 because I saw Idina and enjoyed it. People should just enjoy what they like.
Vehemently disagree. It was one of her best concerts to-date. However, I concede that she's not everyone's cup of tea. If you want polished and annoyingly scripted, go see Kristin - she's been telling the same terrible jokes for 5 years. And yeah, it was probably under-rehearsed...given she is performing 8 shows per week; when was there time to do intense rehearsal?? Some people are never happy.
ANYWAY. As someone who has seen her in concert upwards of 20 times (and no I'm not a 14 year old "fanzel,") it truly was a wonderful performance.
Okay, so it does bother me that a handful of Idina fans turn to putting down OTHER performers as a way of "defending" Menzel. How does Chenoweth's show have anything to do with Idina's?
"These divas need their stage!"
Wow, that made me giggle...didn't hear her say that last night.
Updated On: 6/18/14 at 12:40 AM
Chorus Member Joined: 1/12/14
"This diva needs her stage". I love it! It was absolutely killing me not to be at that concert. I saw her on tour and she was just remarkable (she even got sick right before the performance and still came out and put on a great show). I admire what she does and I think she's one of the best performers of all time. If that makes me a "14 year old fanzel" even at my current age, then so be it. I'll always be a fan of Idina's.
What a perfect song for that to happen during! Wish I could have been there for the concert, it sound like it was a great night.
While Idina may not have quite the widespread success of the great stars of yesteryear, she is as close as we have to a Merman-type star today. And who cares if some people are a little over-zealous with their adoration? I've heard some Judy or Merman fans be just as annoying, except they have the added layers of lamenting the deterioration of today's entertainment world and think they're more entitled because their divas were part of the long-gone golden age. The comment about Merman making hits by just appearing in them is interesting, because some would argue that this is exactly what's happening with IF/THEN.
Bottom line, everyone's tastes are different. Some may love a performer, others may hate her. If you like her you should be able to express that, and if you don't just don't listen to her recordings/see her concerts & shows/read her BWW threads.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"ANYWAY. As someone who has seen her in concert upwards of 20 times (and no I'm not a 14 year old "fanzel,") it truly was a wonderful performance."
Um, yeah, because you earn a paycheck by running her social media outlets.. as you've said before. Not exactly the most objective opinion.
The accessory complaining about objectivity is a wonderful way to start the morning.
My understanding is VM was a fan of Idina's before she got her current gig. But more importantly, her view has been echoed by tons of fans who got to see the show live.
Again, Idina is not for everyone.
And good on VM for actually getting to work for artists she admires. I believe she also works with a few other Broadway ladies.
Ethel Merman should certainly be revered. However, let us not rewrite history by saying that EVERY show she appeared in turned into a hit.
"How does Chenoweth's show have anything to do with Idina's?"
My point was in direct reference to the criticism that she was unrehearsed. It was also my opinion on what makes an enjoyable show - Streisand-esque scripted jokes or off-the-cuff banter. I'm a fan of Kristin, just not the way she chooses to present herself at times. Tis all.
Liza, I know you're jealous that I get to work with the people I admire - there's no need to constantly berate me for it and call attention to it as though it somehow negates whatever my opinion might be. I was a fan for YEARS and still am. We all know you despise her, but thanks for the endless reminders. :)
Thanks for sticking up for me, YWIW. :)
Updated On: 6/18/14 at 11:36 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
You are employed by Idina. You get paid by Idina. I wouldn't expect you to admit that she does, in fact, have flaws. I think that's part of the problem Newintown was pointing out. There are so many rabid fans that refuse to accept the fact that she is not the second coming of Jesus Christ or the ultimate, supreme, "perfect" performer.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure where I ever claimed she is flawless or proclaimed her to be the second coming? And I'm not sure why you're on a mission to change people's opinions of Menzel - I don't think anyone here is trying to change YOUR opinion.
I do wish the ignore user function ignored the users when on the reply screen.
There are so many rabid fans that refuse to accept the fact that she is not the second coming of Jesus Christ or the ultimate, supreme, "perfect" performer.
That is true of every popular performer in every genre including Ethel Merman and ESPECIALLY Judy Garland. Nobody negated the fact that rabid fans exist. Just the notion that anyone who enjoyed the concert or If/Then is a rabid ignorant teen fan by default.
You are employed by Idina. You get paid by Idina. I wouldn't expect you to admit that she does, in fact, have flaws.
I assume you're trying to force a point, but it's not working. Why do you need this person to list Idina's flaws?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
No, not every single show Merman appeared in was a hit, but in a career that spanned almost 50 years she only had a couple that weren't hits. Her tracks record is absolutely unequaled.
"There are so many rabid fans that refuse to accept the fact that she is not the second coming of Jesus Christ or the ultimate, supreme, "perfect" performer."
Actually, most of the Idina fans in here have specifically addressed her not being perfect. That is something they like about her personally. So, if what you like about Idina is that she is flawed and such, then you can still think the concert was perfect, since it was exactly what you expected.
Here are some of the Idina fans from this thread (who by your theory can't accept her as not being perfect):
"She doesn't need to be "polished" or "perfect" and I would venture to say she doesn't want to be seen as that."
"If you want polished perfection, well, that is not what anyone should expect in a one-night show."
"She's crass, dirty, sassy, quirky, awkward, spontaneous, unpolished, vain, blunt, messy, and vulnerable--and I think it's the most charming and lovable thing in the world!"
It seems the only people who bring up her perfection are the ones who want to put her on a higher pedestal, so the fall is greater when they push her off of it.
Updated On: 6/18/14 at 12:16 PM
Nobody, in my opinion, came off as a fan who can think Idina can do no wrong. Someone gave their opinion, and it was for people to respond how they felt. Now, if those of us who said we enjoyed it and the OP or someone else who disagreed with us is a moron who knows nothing, that would be immature and not a good conversation. I really think most performers have a small number of fans who think that person can do no wrong, but please read the conversation before jumping to that conclusion. I mean, are we not allowed to discuss popular performers and something we saw them in anymore?
Perhaps the accessory has so many people blocked that it has no idea what is actually being said?
The Cheno reference makes me laugh because her last Carnegie hall concert was anything BUT flawless. She skipped songs by accident, messed up the words to songs, etc. and she still pulled off her charm (just like Idina does when she screws something up).
"The Cheno reference makes me laugh because her last Carnegie hall concert was anything BUT flawless. She skipped songs by accident, messed up the words to songs, etc. and she still pulled off her charm (just like Idina does when she screws something up)."
That is refreshing to hear!! That didn't used to be the case. I didn't mean to make give my comment a "bash Kristin" sentiment, given my admiration of her. But when you see the same concert years apart and it's still the "first time" she's ever realized that comment was dirty or sung that song or told that joke...yawn. I believe I read here that Bernadette does the same thing - something about selling her condo? I get repeated schtick, but at least make it not feel like it's verbatim.
Yay for "flawed" performances! The flaws are what make them perfect.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Perfection, like art and beauty, is subjective. All based on the eye of the beholder.
Why is it always Liza's Headband and NewInTown? Every time I see either one of them in a thread I know it's gonna turn nasty, you must have such little home satisfaction. Drop the nasty queen act, it's dated and redundant, join the shiny happy people, it can be fun.