Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
As I mentioned earlier evem though Tum Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' was a MASSIVE Blockbuster hit Disney kept the characters from Walt Disney's version in the park. The only characters who might possibly appear around the parks would be Jack, Red Riding Hood, and the Baker and his Wife.
ETA: And the possibly is with a very small p.
Updated On: 6/14/13 at 02:37 PM
^ Well... Disney didn't completely keep Burton's Alice characters out of the park: they ARE selling their version of Colleen Atwood's mad hatter hat in all the hat shops around Main Street. I can see Meryl's witch's hat and Little Red's hood becoming big sellers too.
Well, fantasyland already resembles a village, complete with Cinderella's castle so an ITW land would be very unlikely. I could see them however adding the witch's garden and a Beanstalk themed attraction, possibly a playground.
Magic Kingdom already has an ALICE ride with the spinning cups, so they already have a ride that promotes that story, and like others have said, they do have merchandise using the Burton imagery they sell in the parks. And let's not forget they changed the PIRATES ride to fit the film's vision.
I could definitely see them creating something that relates to INTO THE WOODS, whether it's a sing along type of show, an actual ride or just having the characters in the park. INTO THE WOODS as a property now gives them the rights to that version's depiction of Little Red Riding Hood and Jack, it'll also give them the characters created for the show. Besty was simply referring to the very large potential Disney saw in this property, they didn't just acquire it because they wanted to do Marshall a favor or because they love Sondheim.
I'm sure, far ahead of this, Disney Imagineering is working on putting Oz in the parks, whether it's a ride, a show, or a whole section. That'll come before Into the Woods.
But money talks. My original post said if it's a "big hit." If Into the Woods were to make a bazillion dollars at the box office, you can bet Disney would be selling Little Red Riding Hood dolls and Baker's cookbooks and Jack's Magic Beans before you could say "merchandising blitz."
Chorus Member Joined: 10/3/12
It's kind of frustrating how sporadically casting news is coming out.
I don't think we'll see a major attraction based on the film. I think the most could be a pre-parade float or a meet-and-greet with a couple of the characters. They wouldn't market the film like an animated film, it would be more like the Lone Ranger or Oz. I could see lots of potential merchandise.
Depends on the staying power. Despite making $1 billion at the box office, there's no Alice ride and Oz is tanking in home video sales.
It seems they are still looking for Little Red...
Will This Be Little Red??
To those speculating about whether or not Megan Hilty will be appearing in the film, she won't be.
Aw, what a shame. Well, who are we going to fantasy cast as the Stepsisters?
Sorry to hear about Hilty. She would have been great.
As for this 11-year-old, several things come to mind:
1) I'm really glad they are considering non-whiteys for roles in the film. I realize there are some family connections that need to make sense, some obvious and some revealed during the story. Those have to be maintained to avoid a WFT?! moment. But other than that, I see no reason why this can't be a multi-racial, multicultural cast. They are already "mixing" the forest with Americans and Brits, which is great. I hope they take it one step further. So if Little Red and her Granny end up being non-white folks, that's just fine with me.
2) This girl is very talented. She's got the stage presence, she's got a terrific smile, and she can turn on the attitude instantly (which is actually great for the acerbic "Little Red.").
3) Her voice is a little too pop (okay, WAY too pop here), but I have a feeling she can alter her style if she wants.
4) 11 seems a bit too young for Little Red. Maybe I'm naive here, but I would like her a little closer to "blossoming" into puberty, like maybe 13-15-ish? Eleven is still very much a child to me. It would make "I know things now" a little more than just a little uncomfortable.
5) I wish her luck. If she gets the part, good for her!
6) After seeing this, I really wish she were playing Annie in the remake. She is perfect for it, and can actually sing.
Fantasy-casting the stepsisters, ray?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
I quite like the young lady up for Little Red.
It's a shame that this movie is seeking so many names. Though Osnes and Boggess would be great as the stepsisters I'm sure, they are more than worthy of playing Cinderella. We know that won't happen in this film though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Has there been any casting announcements for Cinderella? I have a feeling they are going to go for a Broadway actress for this part. Sierra would be perfect.
Besty, count me in, would love to see those two make an appearance here.
I'm sure Anna Kendrick is still the number one choice for Cinderella, unless her schedule won't allow it. And I would love to see Sierra Boggess and Laura Osnes pick on her.
... with Christine Baranski as the Stepmother.
Great stuff.
Hey, let's say this young girl in the video gets Little Red. You know who I'd love to see as her granny? Diahann Carroll or Leslie Uggams!
EDIT: Or ... Whoopi Goldberg.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Does Anna Kendrick have the range to play Cinderella? That part calls for a lyrical soprano. Is Anna a soprano?
Updated On: 6/16/13 at 03:19 PM
That part doesn't call for anything. They can lower the keys. This isn't the Broadway show.
That said, I'm pretty sure Anna can hit the notes anyway, or close to it.
Keep in mind, high sopranos on film are VERY tricky. Most of them sound too shrill. Even if she CAN hit the notes, they will probably lower the keys a bit.
EDIT: Anna has a high soprano belt. I'm sure she can lighten it up for a more legit sound. You've heard her sing For Good with Chenoweth, right?
Meet the frontrunner for Elphaba if they make Wicked into a film anytime soon:
Does Maisie Williams sing? I think she'd make a great Little Red.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
"That part doesn't call for anything. They can lower the keys."
So in other words no one actually knows if She can sing it how Sondheim originally intended it to be sung.....good lord.
I hope they don't have to take it down, the harmonies are so pretty when sung in the original keys. If she can't hit the notes then they need to not cast her or lower it cause no one wants a Seyfried Cosette fiasco again..
Or just cast someone who can hit the notes like Laura or Sierra
Got it. You are going to hate the movie already, because it isn't the Broadway show. That's cool.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
If Jezile does get the role of Red Riding Hood I wonder who would play her Granny. Maybe Cicely Tyson? It's shame that Hilty won't be in the film, but like Allison Janney it appears that a new TV show may have caused scheduling conflicts. I hope whomever they cast as Florinda and Lucinda have great senses of humor.
Updated On: 2/1/14 at 03:31 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
"Got it. You are going to hate the movie already, because it isn't the Broadway show. That's cool."
lol overreact much? I didn't say anything about hating this at all. I haven't even given my opinion on Anna's voice. Did I ever say i wouldn't be happy if Anna was cast? No i didn't. Calm down crazy.