If Anna Kendrick just started shooting The Last Five Years today, would she even have time to film Into the Woods? Around August she also has Wish I Was Here (the Zach Braff movie), though I'm not sure how large her role is in that. Isn't ITW supposedly shooting this summer?
I haven't seen that video, but I really like Michelle Dockery on Downton. While she's not quite a "name" in the US, I could definitely see her become one with the right breakout role.
"She sold her soul to Sondheim."
I think he sold his soul to her. I would love to see her as Cinderella's Mother.
"Didn't Michelle Dockery audition for Cinderella?"
I like that idea. I'm hoping that she stars in the Cabaret revival now that Emma Stone is out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
"Isn't ITW supposedly shooting this summer?"
It begins filming in London this September.
Dockery isn't a bad idea at all, although I'd rather Cinderella be a tad younger in this (hopefully reading about 18-20 on screen, and Dockery reads late 20s to me).
Also, Cindrella's a fairly big supporting part. Would she have enough free time in her schedule for rehearsing, recording, and filming? And promoting?
On the brighter side, they're filming in the UK, so that would make it easier logistically.
Why is it shooting in London? The original London production sucked ass!
SM2: One reason only ... It's much cheaper than filming it in the U.S.
They have the big sound stages available and any exterior creepy woods locations they might need.
I have a feeling most of this will be done on sound stages, though. The tech unions are cheaper over there, too.
That's why Les Miz was filmed there.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I hope they spend more money on the sets unlike Les Mis. Most of the sets looked way to fake and sound stagy. It was a mess of a film.
I really hope this doesn't look like something from the hobbit or Alice in Wonderland. I hate that over the top gimicky CGI crap.
At least Into the Woods can look a bit fake because it's a fairy tale.
But I agree, the Les Miz sets looked like Diagon Alley. It was weird. Still, that was an artistic choice (although an odd one), but they had the space and budget to create them in the UK.
I also agree, and hope they don't make too much of this a "CGI woods." I hope it doesn't look like a video game.
One of the odd things about "Oz the Great and Powerful." I read that a lot of those Oz locations were actually sets, not CGI. They just looked like CGI, which to me is a big fail. Why build a big fancy set that looks like someone built it in a computer? That's either bad lighting, bad cinematography, bad set design or all three. Anyway, a lot of it was too cartoony for me.
I hope Disney's "woods" don't have a similar look.
Regarding Dockery, after reading your post best12bars, I Wikipedia'd her. I had no clue she was in her thirties-- I would have guessed 26 at most. Maybe a little younger would be better.
I think we should expect a heavily CGI woods, which if they do it right, I will be perfectly happy with.
Although a Michelle Dockery Sally Bowles is something I'd see in a heartbeat.
SM2 - The original London production was fantastic!! Give me McKenzie and Staunton over Peters and Gleeson anyday.
I saw it 3 times, bizarrely from the same seat each time and cried at all 3. It was very different to Broadway, but much more European, which is where the tales all came from. I loved it!
I think they're doing a great job of casting so far.
This is an American interpretation of European fairy tales. That's why I love that the cast is "mixed." (at least as far as nationality, and I still hope they take it one step further with an African-American Red Riding Hood and Granny).
Oh, and I agree ... Dockery would be a great choice for Sally Bowles!
A friend sent me a copy of the script and I was genuinely surprised by how good it was. "No More" is gone, as are "I Guess This Is Goodbye/Maybe They're Really Magic", and "Agony (reprise)", but essentially everything else is intact.
This might end up being pretty terrific. It still has a hard edged feel to it, thankfully.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Nooooooooo! Those are some of my favorite moments
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
"This might end up being pretty terrific. It still has a hard edged feel to it, thankfully"
-How are they going to do the Narrator?
- How will they do the cow?
- Any added scenes?
- is "Our little world" in the show?
I actually knew that "No More" is gone. Yes, I don't like it either, BUT ... I think those same sentiments in the song can be done in dialogue. And much faster. And that late in the story, it does slow the action down.
I love this song, don't get me wrong. But as long as the Baker gets a moment to say "No more" and express those feelings from the song, I don't think he HAS to sing it.
It could actually be very effective in a quiet moment, as long as the acting is there. The song usually brings tears to my eyes. If the scene (without it) doesn't, I will be royally pissed.
So I hope they're up to "my" challenge.
As far as "I guess this is goodbye," it always feels like it's going to slow things down at a very bad point to do that, but the song is only like 30 seconds long. I don't think they have to cut it. They just have to stage it in such a way that the action keeps moving while he sings it. He can't "stop" to say goodbye to his "friend," but he can harness her and get her ready to leave. That can all happen during those 30 seconds, and it would keep the action moving.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I really don't like that "Agony (Reprise)" has been cut. I guess this is why Rapunzel is going to live. It seems that her prince is not going to end up with Snow White. But Cinderella's Prince will probably still end up with Sleeping Beauty.
ETA: This really is exactly what Disney did with Ariel in 'The Little Mermaid'. Rather than having a Princess die and her prince marry someone else they kept her alive and the two lovers ended up together.
Updated On: 6/19/13 at 03:46 PM
Speaking of "I guess this is goodbye", any word on who is up for the role of Jack?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Wait.....HOLD UP....I may be hearing things but did someone just say Rapunzel Lives?
"Hearing"? And this was discussed pages ago, I believe
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I don't read this whole thread i just pop in whenever i have something to say. What is happening with Rapunzel?
Yes, Rapunzel lives.
Also not critical, as long as she still leaves the Witch and the woods behind.
The Witch still "loses" her even if she doesn't die.
But if she hangs around, I'll be pissed. That would lessen (actually ruin) the drama with the Witch's own story and her motivation at the end of it.
They can have her leave without killing her off, though.
I think those same sentiments in the song can be done in dialogue. And much faster. And that late in the story, it does slow the action down.
I agree. I am not a big fan of the song itself, but do think it is integral to the story/character. I think dialogue will do just fine in relaying what needs to be in that moment.
Sad about the reprise of “Agony,” but, since Rapunzel doesn’t die, I guess it wouldn’t make much sense, would it?