^ I am pleased to hear you say so. I really look forward to seeing it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Wildcard, it is highly unlikely that the trailer will come with Jersey Boys. The films are from competing companies. Usually companies attach trailers for their own films to movies currently in theaters.
Wait wait wait. Wildcard's seen the film already?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
There is usually 1 trailer attached to any film from the same film company. It is the one that plays right before the movie starts. Any other trailer that plays before that trailer is open to other studios. (For example, Oz the Great and Powerful played before the Dark Knight Rises)
HorseTears, yes, there was a screening in the LA area
Swing Joined: 11/12/06
No it's not in 3D, it was filmed in 2D and as far as I know it's not being converted in post production. It's also a film that does not require 3D in my opinion so I am glad it's not.
Swing Joined: 11/12/06
Duplicate post, sorry. Updated On: 5/29/14 at 02:52 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"There is usually 1 trailer attached to any film from the same film company."
This is true, but typically an awards contender will be attached to one of the companies films. If the trailer debuts with a film before Jersey Boys comes out, then it is possible movie theaters will play Into the Woods before other non-Disney films. It will almost assuredly be attached to a Disney film first.
Just got back from seeing Maleficent and out of all the trailers, only two were Disney... Big Hero 6 and Cinderella.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Yeah, the two attached to the film were the for Big Hero Six (which looked cute and the lame glass slipper teaser. No Woods. What else does Disney have coming out within the next couple months that would be appropriate to attach it to?
On a side note, I was disappointed with Maleficent, but that is neither here nor there.
Alexander and the Terrible [...] Very Bad Day
Big Hero 6
... but again we can see trailers attached to other non-Disney films, too.
What is Big Hero 6? Did I miss the first 5?
Shame that there's no Woods trailer yet.
Wildcard, tell us more! Was this a finished cut you saw or a work in progress? What can you tell us?? (Or have you already left those comments buried somewhere in this massive thread?)
"Yeah, the two attached to the film were the for Big Hero Six (which looked cute and the lame glass slipper teaser. No Woods. What else does Disney have coming out within the next couple months that would be appropriate to attach it to?"
So instead of showing the Into The Woods trailer (which is highly anticipated), they showed that stupid glass slipper teaser (a movie that doesn't even come out until next year)? What the hell is wrong with Disney? This would have been the perfect time to advertise Into The Woods, since the Les Miserables movie trailer came out on May 30th.
You're so angry, you should write Disney a strongly-worded letter telling them how angry you are.
Oh what? Is it not highly anticipated? Or are you just mad that Anna Kendrick plays Cinderella, and not Amanda Seyfried?
I'm sure Disney knows more about advertising their films than we do since they have decades of experience. I get the excitement over seeing a trailer, but declaring that Disney is hurting the film or withholding it from people because it's so bad is just a tad overdramatic.
I specifically attend a theater where I can lock in a reserved seat in advance so that I can miss most of the trailers. I wish they had a fixed amount of time for them, so I could skip them entirely. Teaser trailers are fine, but too many of them give away important story points.
Maybe you're not considering that Into the Woods ain't exactly a piece of cake to market?
Interview with Emily Blunt about ITW: http://www.hitfix.com/the-fien-print/emily-blunt-says-into-the-woods-looks-absolutely-beautiful
I love her! I think her portrayal of the Baker's Wife is what I am most excited to see. I have a feeling she will nail it.
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
While the studio creates and releases the trailer, it's at each theater's discretion to decide where and when the trailer will be played, which is why sometimes two people seeing the same movie at different theaters will see different trailers.
Anyway, it's highly unlikely, but now that Maleficent was a no-go, I'm praying that the ITW trailer will play in front of Edge of Tomorrow, since Emily Blunt is a lead in both films. Not the same genre or demographic, but what the heck, they have to play in front of something, right? lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
While the studio creates and releases the trailer, it's at each theater's discretion to decide where and when the trailer will be played, which is why sometimes two people seeing the same movie at different theaters will see different trailers.
This is not always the case. The studio will attach a trailer or teaser to the main feature. This means that that trailer or teaser will be shown with that film in every movie theater. Other trailers shown before the film are not attached and are at the discretion of the theater. This is slightly illustrated on wikipedia here: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince's teaser trailer was released surprisingly late, but when it was pushed back from November 21, 2008 to July 17, 2009, the trailer was surprisingly early. Some teasers have appeared over a year (or longer) prior to the movie's release date. For example, a teaser for The Incredibles was attached to the May 2003 film Finding Nemo, a full 18 months before The Incredibles was released."
Disney will likely attach the first trailer or teaser to another film.
Generally the studio that produces the film will get two slots for their own previews. The theater execs work with the studios to decide what the other (4) "trailers" might be. This is done with something called the "quadrant system" and it's done in a way that is equal for each studio. There is a reason you see action film trailers with action movies.
I don't know how/why Disney wouldn't at least have a teaser ready for Jersey Boys. Seems like a missed opportunity for Disney.