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Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace- Page 3

Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace

#50Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 8:57pm


So since that response was filled with sarcasm, did you want to purposely cause a scene on this board or something?

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#51Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 8:59pm

Donna Murphy consistently missed performances during WONDERFUL TOWN. I remember she missed most if not all the performances of summer 2004.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#52Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:22pm

How is it ANYONE's business why she isn't there? I don't answer to anyone when I take time off to work. My boss doesn't question it unless it is prolonged. And even then, it is still NO ONE else's business.

As long as the producers don't have a problem with it, there IS no problem.

(And yes, no one is entitled to a refund unless their name is over the title.)

The things you have a beef with should be with the producers "allowing" it not the actress. The producers care about box office sales. Karen's absences don't sseem to be hurting that at all.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#53Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:36pm

'Yet, if she is going to be inconsistent in her appearances then the producers should issue some sort of statement rather than leave the public and the producers even, to guess whether or not she'll be going on.'

'Producers knowingly giving leads time off when other leads are on vacation is unacceptable.'

Okay, I don't understand you. Why she is missing performances - who knows. But truthfully, many people outside of the theater community don't have a clue who Karen Olivo is nor do they care. Most of these people are paying to see this show is because it is a classic. Therefore, in the case of West Side Story, I disagree and do not find it completely unacceptable if producers allow a lead to take a day off if another lead is on vacation.

That said, it doesn't justify Karen Olivo missing performances constantly because she feels like it; however, what she does is her business, and if you happened to catch her on a day when she was absent, oh well. You say you were happy with the understudy's performances, so why don't you just leave it at that? The rumblings on this board were regarding absences because of her sickness after the Tony Awards. Also, I support her if she wants to spend as much time with her husband before he leaves for the West Coast for a few months. How would you feel if your significant other was going away for a while? Perhaps she has spoken to producers about this. You don't know the situation. The producers aren't obligated to issue a statement, unless she was going to be out for an extended period of time or her absence would have an affect on the show's weekly gross/audience (such as when Hugh Jackman was absent from Boy From Oz). They announce it in the Playbill and understudy board the day of the show.

If she is, in fact, missing performances for the heck of it, then in the end she is only hurting her own career and has no bearing on you.

'Also, does anyone know when her husband is actually leaving? Because if it isnt TODAY or MONDAY, why not spend the night out on a Monday when the show is dark?'

Because it is her business. As I mentioned, I support her for trying to spend time with her husband before he leaves.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

blaxx Profile Photo
#54Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:46pm

I do think that, on Broadway, you go to see the show, never the performer.

This might sound silly or unfair, but you pay to see the show, period. Her name is not above the title so, it doesn't matter why she's not on, either for the worst or emergencies or because she was given permission to take the night off to walk around. It's a job.

The end.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

dshnookie Profile Photo
#55Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:49pm


1. I'm not most people, and know who she is and would've liked to see her performance (what's the big deal?)
2. If you find it acceptable for two leads of an arguably three lead show to be out, your opinion.
3. If my significant other was leaving town to put food on the table, I'd be ecstatic. Why should she miss work to be with her husband when there is a dark day, and ample time before shows? I'm sure she hasnt been the only one to be in this situation of having a significant other in another city/moving to another city for work.

I dont know the situation. I dont know her business, but whatever the reason may be - because I wanted to see her performance and didnt get to, I have the right to be disappointed and the right to post such a disappointment.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#56Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:51pm

Oh, for crap's sake.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#57Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:52pm


StageManager2 Profile Photo
#58Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:56pm

Who cares?

People act like it's the end of the world when a certain performer is not present. Then again, I go see a show for the show itself, not for who's in it. Thus, I can't empathize, I guess. But this is ridiculous.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

dshnookie Profile Photo
#59Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 9:57pm

blaxx, you make an excellent point. the show must go on and it did.

blaxx Profile Photo
#60Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:00pm

Yes, love, unless you go to see PATTILuPONEINSHUTTHATFREAKINGTHINGOFFORDIE! then the show goes on.

You paid to see WSS, you get WSS. It's simple.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

dshnookie Profile Photo
#61Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:04pm

Bravo! thanks for breaking it down so simply. you're absolutely right.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#62Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:09pm


Updated On: 7/27/09 at 10:09 PM

esparza 333
#63Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:10pm

This annoys me that people are making such harsh statements on Olivo when they have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF HER CIRCUMSTANCES. it could be her voice she has had problems with that and that wouldn't affect her physical ability to walk outside. Her upper register could be shot so she can't sing the high notes but can still talk. Let her have her privacy and integrity instead of creating rumors.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#64Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:11pm

That twitter post is sort of pointless, considering it was 5:36 PM, which is between shows.

blaxx Profile Photo
#65Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:12pm

She could be sitting on the steps of the Palace (ha ha, get it?! the steps ...of ...the..anyway), and it wouldn't make a difference.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#66Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:14pm

AdamGreer- It says 7:36pm for me, and my time zone setting is on Central time. So I assumed it was sent at 8:36pm in the city.


adamgreer Profile Photo
#67Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:15pm

why is karen olivo sitting on the steps of in the heights and not performing in wss right now?
5:36 PM Jul 25th from txt

That's what mine says. Sorry if there was confusion. Maybe mine is somehow set to Pacific Time? LOL.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#68Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:15pm

"I'm not most people, and know who she is and would've liked to see her performance (what's the big deal?)"

The big deal is when you come on here blasting a performer for her level of unprofessionalism. You seem to be more than just slightly disappointed in the fact that she was absent for that specific performance.

"If you find it acceptable for two leads of an arguably three lead show to be out, your opinion."

Yes, I do find it not that big of a deal when it is the show's name that sells (ie: Jersey Boys, Wicked), not the specific performer himself or herself.

"If my significant other was leaving town to put food on the table, I'd be ecstatic. Why should she miss work to be with her husband when there is a dark day, and ample time before shows? I'm sure she hasnt been the only one to be in this situation of having a significant other in another city/moving to another city for work."

The fact that he will be gone for quite some time says it all. I am sure she is happy that he will be bringing in money, but no matter what the reason for his absence, kudos to her for wanting to spend as much time with him before he leaves. And not just in between show times.

ETA: And yes, I agree she has a responsibility to her show, so if she is in fact taking time off for no good reason at all, then in the end she is only hurting herself. If she had a voice problem, she is still well enough to go out, but not perform. Had she performed when she wasn't in top shape, people would have complained she should have called in sick today.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 7/26/09 at 10:15 PM

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#69RE: There is a Walgreens across the f*cking street, Olivo.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:18pm

Click on settings at the top of the page and it shows what it's on. If you don't have Twitter, it's likely the default zone is Pacific, as they're an LA-based company. *shrug* Either way, bitch needs some robitussin or something.

Updated On: 7/26/09 at 10:18 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#70RE: There is a Walgreens across the f*cking street, Olivo.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:23pm

Maybe Riedel will put her face on a milk carton, like he did with Bernadette Peters.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#71RE: There is a Walgreens across the f*cking street, Olivo.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:37pm

I do think it's important to note that very few people on this thread have been trashing her...most have been here supporting her.

And I agree: the op did't start this thread JUST to voice dissappointment. The OP had a hissy fit.

I had tix to see a favored performer for both of his final shows before leaving on tour. The PRODUCERS pulled him for a tour rehearsal for his 2nd to last show. 75% of the audience (my guess) was there to see him and say goodbye. Disappointed yes....devastated? Nope. Did they publically explain why? Nope. Did they offer refunds? Of course not. I still saw the show and still enjoyed it.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

withoutlovewithoutU Profile Photo
#72RE: Sh*t happens.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:55pm

To quote Charlie Brown:

Okay, to the OP... Are you trying to tell me that you never need to take personal days from YOUR job? Oh, or that you would try to spend time with your significant other before they leave for a long period of time?
If so, good for you... seriously I wish I was capable of doing that .... but the vast majority of people would have taken the day off for those reasons. I know this is Broadway and that she just got a Tony Award, but everyone has to deal with what is delt to them on a daily basis and make tough choices. We don't even if know for sure if those are the reasons she was out, and you know what, it is not our business. As my boss says "Sh*t happens".

It is ridiculous to make a big fuss over something like this.

"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"

"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofu

dshnookie Profile Photo
#73RE: Sh*t happens.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 10:59pm

millie/dramamama611, disappointed that she wasnt in. more than disappointed that absences arent better handled in the theater community, especially the reporting/announcement of them.

withoutlovewithoutU, if you think it's so ridiculous - dont read the thread much less comment on it, especially so late into it.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#74RE: Sh*t happens.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 11:02pm

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 7/26/09 at 11:02 PM
