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Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace

Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace

dshnookie Profile Photo
#1Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace
Posted: 7/26/09 at 5:37pm

I made the trip from Boston to Manhattan yesterday, and took in both '9 to 5' and 'West Side Story'. Having scored Front Mezz AA center seats (or first row of the mezz) I was excited to finally see what WSS had to offer, and especially to see the performance that garnered KO the only Tony for the show.

I received my Playbill and the first thing I see is a printed sheet of tonight's cast. Josefina was out, which upon inspection of the broadwayunderstudies site she is out from July21-Aug2. Fine. But why was Karen Olivo out??

After seeing many rumblings on this board about her absences, I kind of expected it. Yet with a show that only opened roughly four months ago, a show that arguably only has three major leads that are on stage for both acts (Tony, Maria and Anita), and a show that she won a Tony for - you would think she would exhibit a little bit more professionalism, work ethic, and respect for her cast mates and the opportunity of starring in a Broadway show - especially one that is a 'hit' in the grosses and doesnt seem to be going anywhere soon.

Upon exiting The Palace I ran into a friend who informed me that she had seen KO that very night, walking the streets with a "man" - presumably her husband. It just really baffles me. Obviously, she wasn't ill. Frankly, I'm tired of the 'ill' excuse, it's not as if a Broadway performer has never gone on while being ill. If she had the night off, that's fine but I criticize whoever allowed it since Josefina was out as well on vacation. And I really don't want to hear that performing on Broadway is demanding, because if anyone worked a regular 9 to 5 Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace and missed that many days of work they would be fired. Sure Broadway is a whole different monster, but I believe performing 8 shows a week is not what makes one sick, it's what one does in the hours of not being on stage, it's how one takes care of themselves, one's diet and exercise and frankly, one's technique. Proper technique, vocally and dancing (along with warm-ups) should minimize illness significantly. Yes, there are demanding roles but it's a matter of getting the right people to fill them. Ultimately, it's what you sign up for, you understand the demands of the job, and if you cant live up to those set expectations, you're not a proper fit for the role.

I'm sure she had her "reasons", but what is the point of winning a Tony award if no one can see your performance. If I remember correctly, Patti LuPone missed only three performances of her almost year-long run of Gypsy, YES she was the star, YES she was making big bucks - but regardless of how much money you make, or how prominent your role is - you should still GO TO WORK.

Anyway, KO's understudy Yanira was phenomenal in my opinion. She received hands down the loudest applause of any one, more than Matt and Haley, and I feel that KO lucked out with the role of Anita, as it's perhaps not so much her individual performance that bestowed her a Tony, but rather the strength of the Anita character made it an easier win. I give the show 2.5/5 stars. There are beautiful sequences in the "Dance at the Gym", "America" as well as "Somewhere". "Un Hombre Asi/I Have a Love" really benefits from the Spanish translation and is quite a powerful scene, whereas "Me Siento Hermosa" falls flat. Scenes with Tony and Maria feel dragged out, boring and never ending. And any scene with the Jets, including "Cool", "Gee, Officer Krupee", and "Jet Song" feel like complete throwaways and I didn't feel were shining or even interesting moments in the overall piece. Also WSS requires a bit of suspension of belief, in that it's difficult to believe two strangers would fall madly in love and want to get MARRIED so quickly after meeting one another. Perhaps it's a beautiful message of love at first sight, but 60 years later I think Americans are far more cynical to ever believe any of it.

Go to see 9to5 instead, it's fun, funny, greater production value, stronger performances and overall more bang for your buck - and you have a much greater chance of seeing all the leads than you would across the street at the Palace.

Updated On: 7/26/09 at 05:37 PM

#2re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Palace
Posted: 7/26/09 at 5:47pm

She was there when I saw it last Sunday.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
ljay889 Profile Photo
#3re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:02pm

Did you see the matinee or evening? My friend checked the U/S board after the matinee, and she was in.

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#4re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:05pm

Too bad you missed her performance IMO it was the only reason to see the show re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa

Genius lasts longer than beauty.

alightinthedark23 Profile Photo
#5re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:10pm

Too bad you missed her performance IMO it was the only reason to see the show

BrodwayBound, I totally agree. It's also a shame you missed Josefina because she is certainly the only other thing good about the production.

"It's about the Benjamins, not the Bernsteins."-CapnHook

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#6re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:26pm

Gah! The thread title made me think for a second that the NYPD really had gotten involved. That would have been high drama.

blaxx Profile Photo
#7re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:28pm

It's an awful thread title.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#8re: Karen Olivo: NYPD issues APB for your apprehension and return to the Pa
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:35pm

Sorry to hear that...but if you didn't see her on stage this time you probably won't get to see her for a while...I bet she's headed for LA!

#9Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:43pm

You should see movies. Really, the actors are never out. In fact, take work off tomorrow and go see a movie.

#10Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:48pm

I saw her and didn't think she was anything special. She was out danced by the Shark girls.

The producers of MY FAIR LADY made it clear to Julie Andrews and Rex Harrison that only ONE could be out at a time. When Rex was out for a while, Julie went on very sick and one time lost her voice midway through "I Could of Danced All Night."

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#11Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:49pm

What dshnookie said.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#12Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:56pm

Yanira must have improved since I saw her, because she down right atrocious when myself and DancingThruLife04 saw her. She screamed "America" and the "attack scene" was so flat and emotionless.

Karen is fabulous, and I've seen her three out of the four times I've seen the show, while I've missed Josefina more times than I've missed Karen.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#13Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:58pm

Just re-read this.

" I feel that KO lucked out with the role of Anita, as it's perhaps not so much her individual performance that bestowed her a Tony, but rather the strength of the Anita character made it an easier win. "

But how would you know this if you haven't see her? And you may want to check the history of Broadway Anitas and the Tony. It's not what you may expect.
Updated On: 7/26/09 at 06:58 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#14Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 6:59pm

Her husband is leaving for the West Coast for a few months. I think it's ok if she took a night off to spend with him.

Again...the nerve of her taking a personal day. Doesn't she realize that her showing up at the palace theater is life or death for the audience members? What a selfish human being she is.

(I doubt she's going with him....we'd have heard by now.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#15Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:03pm

What is Matt doing on the West Coast? Anyone know?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#16Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:04pm

He's going to be in American Idiot.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#17Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:07pm

Good for him!

#18Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:17pm

" Obviously, she wasn't ill. Frankly, I'm tired of the 'ill' excuse, it's not as if a Broadway performer has never gone on while being ill.

It could be a vocal problem, which wouldn't preclude her from having dinner out with a "man". I'm tired of people bashing performers and stating as "fact" things that they could not possibly know as fact. A performer who performs ill is making a mistake. They make themselves worse and possibly infect others.

In any case, it's a little tough to take seriously someone whose name is "nookie" and who bolds arbitrarily. Blaxx is right - it's an awful thread title, and Joekv is right. Maybe you should stick to movies. You already said you kind of expected her to be out - why the outrage, then? Did you go just so you could complain?

For the record, I don't even like Karen Olivo. Never have. As in, dislike her performances in everything I have ever seen her in. I just think it's wrong to accuse someone of unprofessionalism when you have no basis in fact for saying so.

Sauja Profile Photo
#19Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:19pm

I know there's a tendency to attack performers who miss a lot of performances and often it ends up that there was something else at play--Donna Murphy and Laura Benanti come to mind as people who got a ton of flack and in the end had very legitimate reasons. I also saw WSS last night and missed Karen, who I have seen in the role. I 've heard a lot of bad buzz about Yanira, but I actually thought she was quite strong. Her only really questionable scene was Un Hombre Asi. Josefina, who I've also seen, I didn't miss at all. I found her incredibly flat when I saw it. I actually felt the same about Haley. Both totally solid but (to me) uninspired.

Regardless, I guess I'm just saying that there could be very good reasons that Karen and Josefina have both missed so very many peformances. Olivo's track record in other shows has always been quite good, no?

Though, dramamama, I will disagree with one point you made. I think etiquette and professionalism call for performers to do their very best to attend every performance. Obviously, there are very legitimate reasons to miss. But "personal days," if they are unplanned, don't fly for me. I'm old school on this: you're sick, you're on vacation, or you're on stage. It's the approach I take to my job and the approach I expect other professionals to take.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#20Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:22pm

ljay889, I saw the evening performance.

ghostlight2, my basis is the consistency of her absences as reported by others. I bolded for those who didnt want to read the entire thread. Attacking my name/thread title is petty, get a better argument than that. I dont expect you to agree or like everything I said, but posting to merely state that fact - is pointless.

sauja, I agree completely. I'm not against legitimate absences, and if she is sick so be it. Yet, if she is going to be inconsistent in her appearances then the producers should issue some sort of statement rather than leave the public and the producers even, to guess whether or not she'll be going on. I'd rather have a performer miss a few weeks to fully recuperate as opposed to missing every other week, day or performance. Get better, and come back when you can commit yourself to the role. Updated On: 7/26/09 at 07:22 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#21Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:33pm

How do you know it wasn't planned? She probably had the blessing of the producers to take the night off. If they weren't allowed to take the time off, they wouldn't be given the option!

If she "called in sick" at the last you think she'd be foolish enough to be out on the town?

If my husband was going to be away for a few months I'd like to think my job would understand that I took a day off to spend some time with him.

They are people; not trained seals.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#22Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:43pm

As I stated in my initial post, if it was planned so be it. It would've been nice to know, since I would think they would need to put in such a request with some sort of notice - and I would criticize the producers for allowing it with Josefina already out for two weeks. Also, does anyone know when her husband is actually leaving? Because if it isnt TODAY or MONDAY, why not spend the night out on a Monday when the show is dark?

Having said that, I dont know how foolish Karen is. Certainly missing ample performances is sort of foolish to me, although I'm not sure if she's foolish enough to call in sick and then have a night on the town.

Again, Karen was out. Yanira was great. Some actors are more professional and dedicated than others - that's ultimately my point.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#23Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:44pm

These days, winning a Tony means nothing. And it's not like Olivo had STRONG competition, though all of the nominated performances I saw were good, none blew me away. And Olivo's mediocre performance in this bland production makes it seem better than it is.

So just because she won a Tony doesn't mean she should be professional. She should be professional regardless. A Tony has nothing to do with it.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

ljay889 Profile Photo
#24Oh brother.
Posted: 7/26/09 at 7:46pm

Um. Best Featured Actress in a Musical was one of the toughest categories to predict. Predictions were all over the place. Karen had most of the critics' support, including Brantley and Isherwood. Haydn Gwynne won the Outer Critics Circle and Drama Desk awards. And Martha Plimpton fans thought she could still win it.

There was certainly stiff competition between those three.
Updated On: 7/26/09 at 07:46 PM
