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Katie Clarke

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#25re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 12:13pm

If there is any justice, the producers would have brought back Kelli for the telecast. A truly amazing performance.

But I guess not. See what happens when you cast people from Sam Houston University (what the hell is that? Yosemite Sam's school?)

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#26re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 12:31pm

andyf, while you were probably too focused on her vocal restraints, you missed out on the incredibly beautiful aspects of her performance. Katie does many small, astonishing things with the character and for those of you who are too overly critical, you're missing out on the beauty of her work.

Let's break down a few incredible moments in her performance:

- "The Beauty Is" = she recreates the gesture of the angel in the painting with her hand. Throughout the rest of the musical, whenever she is indeed REACHING for something or struggling to find the words to say, she brings back this gesture.

- "The Light in the Piazza" = if you watch Katie's hands, she does some beautiful things with them. You can almost see her thinking through them, each gesture she makes is clear and precise and is so fitting to this character. The frustration in not being able to get herself across because of the hindering retardation is astonishingly beautiful.

- Her youth is so evident here, whereas in Kelli's performance, it was not. We see the child in her and by the end of the two and a half hour journey we take through Italy, we are able to see the now semi-adult state she is in. Every second of Clara's journey is carefully and precisely plotted out and not a second of this performance is phoned in. She is so in the zone and mind and body of this character and it is a heartbreaking, incredible thing to watch.

Upon talking with Patti the last time I saw the show, we spoke for a while about Katie's performance. Patti said that working with her is an incredible feeling and that their chemistry is undeniable. And watching them, you have to agree.

At such a young age, the performance Katie gives is incredible. While vocally she is not where Kelli is, her acting ability is astonishing. One can only wonder what she'll do next.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Horton Profile Photo
#27re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 12:36pm

Thank you iluvtheatertrash, I completely agree, my problem with Kelli was that she was mentally handicap until she had to sing, then she was an adult then she was mentally handicap again. Kind of like Shoshana in Wicked, who would build up the moment, and then when she sang it was like “Shoshana R&B at Joes Pub”

(edited for spelling) Updated On: 6/4/06 at 12:36 PM

#28re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 12:38pm

You're very right, Horton.

Katie carries every nuance of her performance through every second. The first time I saw her, I was sobbing so hard it was a little difficult to tell her how much her performance meant at the stage door. Then I saw it again with a critical eye and found myself again moved to unending tears and astonished with her performance.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#29re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 12:46pm

Absolutely brilliant analysis of Katie's performance.

One of the things about all great shows is that the actors can bring their own little touches and intepretations to their characters without violating in any way the intent of the creators or the integrity of the piece.

All of the actors in Piazza do EXACTLY this...and after you've seen the show dozens of times from all vantage points you notice all these little touches which make the performances so subtle, touching, and effective - and always fresh & new... (and there are also the little bits of stage business in the background which are so delightful - example : the priest sneaking a glass of wine behind the table floral arrangement during the madness after Franca kisses Fabrizio and everyone else's attentions are elsewhere...there are lots of little things like this that are going on constantly in this show ...and are delightful to watch even if they aren't center-stage).

And each actor will bring different nuances to every individual performance if they are truly in the moment and not just walking through the role. Even with her incredible focus and consistency, I don't think I have ever seen Victoria do the role EXACTLY the same way twice...there are always almost unnoticeable differences from performance to performance. It keeps the performance alive.

And Katie is particularly talented in getting these little things into her portrayal - making Clara a vibrant, complex, and appealing character (not that Celia, Kelli, Jennifer, and Laura also don't each do the same in their own unique ways - but they aren't Katie's it should be).

It was an interesting week in which you could see David Burnham playing opposite 3 Claras - Katie, Jennifer, and Laura - all within the span of one week. Aaron has done so as well, and has commented on the challenges and rewards of finding different Claras on different nights - all during the same week.

#30re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 12:52pm

Whole lotta kissin' goin' on
Which gal?
Which guy?
Which mom?

Katie Clarke is doing a great job as Clara. She hasn't had the additional years to develop and mature her voice that Kelli has, give her time. A singer develops.

Damn I want to see it again to catch that priest sneaking the glass of wine and see Patti be Mom.

folkyboy Profile Photo
#31re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 1:06pm

i love how people are saying Katie Clark "emboddied the part" of a retarded girl. that just cracks me up...

.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#32re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 1:13pm

oh folky, you're my hero.

#33re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 2:38pm

For those who want to see for themselves, Katie returns Tuesday night, and Aaron Lazar returned last night (Saturday) after his week of illness and is playing the Sunday matinee today with Jennifer Hughes.

ShuQ Profile Photo
#34re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 2:39pm

Ahhh THANK YOU...I'm so glad they're back.

treyisthekiller Profile Photo
#35re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 3:20pm

Mr. Tuttle obviously doesn't know what he/she is talking about. A) Sam Houston State University is one of the leading musical theatre school in the country. and B) Katie Clark is one of the most talented/hardworking people ive ever met, and she deserves everything she receives.

'Acting provides the fulfillment of never being fulfilled. You're never as good as you'd like to be. So there's always something to hope for.' -- Washington Irving

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#36re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 3:40pm

I would never say that Katie is not hardworking or not talented. I saw her in the show and she couldn't hit the notes required in the songs, and being used to Kelli O'Hara it was a big difference.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#37re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 5:17pm

I'm attempting to stay out of this as I'm obviously biased, but I'd just like to thank Issame and iluvtheatertrash for your thoughts. Katie is a brilliant actress.

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#38re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/4/06 at 7:14pm

Sam Houston one of the leading musical theater schools?

Please inform me in what country you are speaking of cause in America it ain't'.

I'll make sure to let NYU and CCM know they have a new buddy.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

hope2 Profile Photo
#39re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/10/06 at 2:46am

Seeing as how Miss Ohara didn't attend one of those institutions either, I fail to see the relevance in your blanketed and easily assumed point. Nonetheless, I respect yours and everyone's opinion. Back to the true subject, Katie. There was clearly something there the day they cast her, something genuine and beautifully astonishing, or else they wouldn't give that chance. I believe she's great! "The Beauty Is" that regardless of where we go to school, what notes we miss from time to time, what critics didn't like our acting choices, we get to see in performers like Katie how unique we all are. It's her up there showing us that gift we each posess. Congratulations Katie! I believe in you (and in all of us out there)!

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#40re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/10/06 at 4:16am

Well Hope..perhaps you missed the sarcasm of my reply. The previous poster made the ludicrous assumption that Sam Houston University was one of the leading musical theater schools in nation... to which I replied that NYU and CCM (leaders in MT education) will have to "make room" for this new "leader".

The humor of this comes from the fact that one thinks Sam Houston is a leading institution. Considering most people have never heard of it, this is where the humor lies.

And yes..everyone knows that Kelli O'Hara attended Oklahoma City University..which IS one of the nationally respected leaders in MT education and the only school in the south worth mentioning.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#41re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/10/06 at 7:52pm

I would think many people from the southern institutions that "aren't worth mentioning" would consider you a pretentious prick, Mr. Tuttle. Way to belittle a lot of hard working performers, some without the means, finacial or otherwise, to attend the schools whose tips you are riding.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#42re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 12:00am

I have to agree that Sam Houston State University is not one of the leading MT schools in the country. Frankly, I had never even heard of the place.

However, I'm sure that we all agree that Mr. Tuttle is an a**hole.

BillFinn Profile Photo
#43re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 2:38am

Katie Clarke is extremely lovely. Her vocals are charming. I have no doubt in my mind she will become a leading lady, next to Kate Reindeers, Kristin Chenoweth, Sherie Scott, and Rachel York. However, she can't hit some of the notes. She strains a lot. For example, in "Tirade", she's out of breath for most of it. You could say this is a character choice, since she's... throwing a tirade. Or you could say she's not controlling her breath. I would rather see Clara belt at Franca full force. Her talents are apparent. They just need to be somewhere. (I picture her as Glinda or Christine Colgate myself. Hehe...)

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

astonishing1985 Profile Photo
#44re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 10:00am

I don't think you should say that they shouldn't have hired someone from Sam Houston University. It is not the university, ok people are not gonna like me. But it really doesn't matter where you go to school as long as you're working on improving your talent in school. Be it Sam Houston University, CCM or Michigan. Sam Houston has a MT department and Katie is from Texas so why not take advantage of that? Maybe she wasn't ready to move somewhere else when she was 18. You have no idea how much you mature in those 4 years of college.

I saw Katie in April and I thought she was terrific. It is so nice to see someone from an unknown school in Texas being a lead on Broadway. I liked her acting and singing and I talked about her for days afterwards to anyone who'd listen.

And please be nice, she might be reading this and she's still young and she is still learning. So please think about what you're writing before you post it.

Hartt School class of 2010 ;-)

#45re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 10:27am

Ah, the age old question of great singer with diminished acting skills, or a brilliant actor who's straining for the notes.

Depends on the show, and I think, here you need someone who can sing the score. There's nothing more painful to me than praying someone through a song, and it will always lower my opinion of the actor, performance, show. It's just the way I am.

It's a Guettel score, the show is gorgeousness embodied; strained singing doesn't really fit in.

It wouldn't stop me from noticing her acting abilities, but I don't like to make excuses after shows, saying, "Well, I guess it's ok that she couldn't necessarily sing the score, because she's a great actress." Not in this show, at least. Tonya Pinkins was straining the hell out of Caroline, and I still thought it was one of the best performances I've ever seen live.

I haven't seen Katie yet, but I guess I'll see on the 15th, and I'll be able to comment, and maybe I'll be wrong!

Personally, I think I have too much bloom.

neomystyk29 Profile Photo
#46re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 10:35am

LostLeander you hit the nail on the head. Couldn't have said it better.

#47re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 3:44pm

Can't wait to see the telecast this week.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#48re: Katie Clarke
Posted: 6/11/06 at 4:03pm

I haven't seen Katie so I can't judge her, but Kelli O'Hara gave one of the greatest performances I'd ever seen when I saw the show. Simply incredible.
