Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
FrauleinKost, but it's not the exchange as written in the script. It seemed to have been rewritten to allow Regine to get through it having only to say as few words as possible.
Wait, which exchange? There is an exchange between her and Weissman, she says something at some point about "je suis magnifique--as always" he asks her what her secret is; she sort of pulls back her face to imply a facelift and says "magique!" That exchange was definitely in the DC version...
The full exchange is:
SOLANGE: Mita, mon cher, it's me Solange LaFitte. You know what I've been doing since my style went out of style? I sell more perfume than Chanel. "Caveman" by Solange. For men who have an air about them. Vulgar, but my darling, it will change your life. I ask you, is it possible to look like this at sixty-nine?
WEISMAN: It must be magic.
SOLANGE: "Magic" By Solange.
Most of that was cut for Regine. She says "Mita, It's me Solange LaFitte." And Weisman asks how it's possible to look so good at her age. And she says "Magic." That's all that was left for Regine.
Updated On: 6/21/11 at 02:10 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
When I saw it, I went something like this.
SOLANGE: Mitya! (long awkward pause)
WEISMANN: Solange! How do you stay looking so magnificent?
SOLANGE: (long awkward pause, then whispers): magic.
Swing Joined: 5/20/11
The Marquis is the ugliest theater in nyc. It reminds me of a shopping mall in nj from the 70's. Its lack of atmosphere robes every show that plays there.
'She started life hiding from the Nazis in occupied wartime France and later invented the format for the modern-day "discothèque"'
I have no idea why, but the juxtaposition of the Nazis with the discotheque just made me guffaw at my desk.
I think the original exchange is:
SOLANGE: Mitya, it's me, Solange. I'm a big success now. Lanvin, Guerlain, and now - Solange. (fishes out a bottle) Look - "Caveman," by Solange - for men who want an air about them. Vulgar, my darling, but it will change your life. How is it possible to look like this, at 66? It's magic - (fishes out another bottle) - "Magic" by Solange!
As I recall, Fifi D'Orsay made this short speech last about 5 minutes, with strange pronunciation and giggles.
I just copied it from the lovely Roundabout script.
Robbie...leave it to Wikipedia
I have a feeling that there are few true words in Regine's (auto)biography, including "and" and "the." She certainly didn't "invent" the discotheque in any way.
And, ljay, I'm sure your Roundabout copying is right on, but the Roundabout version is a far cry from the original version which is what I was trying to recall.
I wonder if Patty Duke would return to B'Way? She really was a Broadway Baby
Well I am beyond pissed that Regine won't be transferring to Broadway. It would have been wonderful to see her make her Broadway debut.
Kalimba, based on the reports in Washington it really wouldn't have been wonderful to see her, I don't think.
I am very sad about missing this.
Regine was fine...but sometimes it's pleasant to understand what someone's saying in a performance.
Did I miss any news on when this is starting? I heard one date saying performances will begin 7/31 and another saying REHEARSALS won't start up again until 8/7. Anyone?
There is no news about when it's starting yet, just about rehearsals..
The Playbill article has been updated and now indicates that according to Rosalind Elias' agent, she WILL be transferring to Broaway with the show.
Did I miss any news on when this is starting? I heard one
date saying performances will begin 7/31 and another saying REHEARSALS won't start up again until 8/7. Anyone?
Ron Raines erroneously posted that the first preview was to be 7/31. Shortly after, he took the post down and said "nothing is confirmed."
The Playbill article confirms that rehearsals will begin on 8/7.
Rosalind Elias WILL play Broadway
Updated On: 6/21/11 at 05:22 PM
Damn. I was hoping to bring my sister to this the first week in August. Back to the drawing board!
Excellent news. I thought she sounded great in "One More Kiss."
Damn. I was hoping to bring my sister to this the first week in August. Back to the drawing board!
Same here dramamamma! I have an open Wednesday matinee for August 3. I was hoping to catch an early preview of this, but now I have to find something else :/
"The Playbill article confirms that rehearsals will begin on 8/7. "
I swear, I have read the playbill article 5 times and don't see where it says when rehearsals start. To be fair, I have had 2 cocktails so far
I can't either now, actually. But it appears that the article might have been updated with the Elias news so maybe the date was removed then. It's still in the BWW article.
The start of rehearsal (8/7) is still listed on the EPA...
Follies EPA
If rehearsals start on the 7th, approximate when do you guys think previews would start?
Early September is my guess.
An audio of the final DC performance is out there. And wow, the performances have really grown. All four leads sound much more confident. Berndaette's Sally sounds like it has made significant growth. I am very impressed. We are in for a treat on Broadway.