Marni Nixon would be great - but would it be better to get a legitimate opera star in the role?
Maybe one of the Knights who say Ni can play Solange.
Ron Raines' facebook said this morning that they are still negotiating and nothing is final yet. So we'll see...
Theodore Whitman- Must be an excellent partner dancer.
Not in this production.
These could be understudy auditions also, they will need more standbys in NYC than DC.
Too bad if Elias is not transferring, she was a stand-out.
But we have great Opera Singers here too.
I am most interested in a new Hattie.
Marni Nixon has already played Heidi. She replaced Joan Roberts in the Roundabout revival back in 2001.
Lenora Nemetz would be a knockout Hattie.
Lenora Nemetz would be a knockout Hattie.
I am in so much agreement with this statement.
Terrence Currier was (clearly) not a dancer, so I'm sure they're trying to get a good old guy who can dance - or at least keep up with the fabulous Susan Watson.
One would also assume they try to get a star like Lavin for the role, to help bring in more ppl.
Also - I'm assuming they'll re-do their billing with contracts. (ie - so Elaine Paige isn't the only one right under the title.)
Updated On: 6/21/11 at 12:15 PM
Bad news for some of you. According to Playbill, rehearsals won't begin until August 7. I figured previews would start in or closer to September. I have no idea why Raines was spreading around the July 31 date, I knew it didn't seem right.
Updated On: 6/21/11 at 01:03 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Terrence Currier was (clearly) not a dancer, so I'm sure they're trying to get a good old guy who can dance - or at least keep up with the fabulous Susan Watson
Did Susan Watson actually dance in this? I don't remember that.
" I'm sure they're trying to get a good old guy who can dance..."
What's Dick Van Dyke up to these days?
I adore Susan Watson and enjoyed meeting her in DC, but she was never a dancer herself. I can't think of one show in which she did. The staging of RAIN ON THE ROOF was minimal, to say the least.
Too bad Joel Grey is busy.
Poor Regine, I'm glad she invented the discotheque but she just wasn't up to snuff in the show.
Poor Regine, I'm glad she invented the discotheque but she just wasn't up to snuff in the show.
What's Dick Van Dyke up to these days?
I can't see him taking a cameo role with about two lines and a fifty second interlude/song.
Susan Watson most definitely WAS a dancer early in her career - she got her start as one of the dancing Jet girls in the London West Side Story and then became the first Laurey in a major production of OKLAHOMA! to also dance the dream ballet (Lincoln Center revival in the 60s).
That said, unlike the Roundabout script which eliminated Vincent and Vanessa but gave the Whitmans the bolero number, that dance is now completely cut. So if they are going to keep things 'as they were' in DC -- there isn't a need to replace Terrence Currier with a dancer.
That said, I'd love to see Harvey Evans take on the part for New York.
I also imagine Chita is being seriously considered for one of the female roles being recast for Broadway.
I sure hope the NYC producers invest in some more supportive brassieres for those women. Some of us got more of a show in Who's That Woman than we paid for.
I also imagine Chita is being seriously considered for one of the female roles being recast for Broadway.
I've been saying for ages now, just cast Chita as Solange. Her faux french accent and all. Hopefully the "It's magic by Solange" line will return. It was in Encores! but cut at the Kennedy Center.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I kind of got the impression that whole exchange was cut because Regine couldn't get it out.
Me too! It seemed like they wanted to give Regine as little as possible.
I've never seen a mess like Régine in a professional production before. It was entertaining, I suppose, but in a really bad way. Even Betty Buckley's Drood understudy (not Judy Kuhn), who had to be pushed around the stage because she didn't know the choreography, wasn't so amazingly awful.
"I sure hope the NYC producers invest in some more supportive brassieres for those women. Some of us got more of a show in Who's That Woman than we paid for."
Can this apply to everyone except Bernadette? Some of us (ie ME) enjoyed that particular show. kthxbye!
LOL My goodness. I must have missed an awful lot on the right side of the theater because I don't remember any extra show!
Wait, which exchange? There is an exchange between her and Weissman, she says something at some point about "je suis magnifique--as always" he asks her what her secret is; she sort of pulls back her face to imply a facelift and says "magique!" That exchange was definitely in the DC version...
I forgot about Watson's early dancing roots, you are correct. I was just thinking about Birdie and on.
Who knew? Régine Zylberberg was born in Belgium to Polish-Jewish parents. She started life hiding from the Nazis in occupied wartime France and later invented the format for the modern-day "discothèque" (French for Nightclubs). Aside of inventing and managing "discothèques", she taught a former king of England to do the twist, presided over a multi-million dollar international nightclub empire and had a hit single with the French version of Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive." She also played in a few movies.
In June 2011, she appeared as Solange in Follies at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.