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Legally Blonde understudies- Page 39

Legally Blonde understudies

Posted: 7/13/08 at 11:29pm

Was she wearing turquoise shorts at the show on Friday night? ... Tracy's little sister shot RIGHT up at the curtain call when the PMS girls came out to bow, it was really cute! I think their nose is the give-away that they're related. And the hair. And the way they act together *laughs at her own little joke*

yea she was! that was definitely her! funny joke too, i loled. When they stand together and they're sideways they have such a similar profile! Tracy Jai is so pretty, I barely even want to stand next to her in pictures at stage door! I can't imagine how her sister feels every day! She did have very pretty hair though!

I think LBB and most of the cast will come out next Sunday, it'll probably be like Nikki Snelson's last show only crazier. Which kind of scares me...

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 7/13/08 at 11:34pm

Are any of the other principles leaving next week? Weren't they all supposed to be leaving in July?

I guess not, or we would have heard about replacements by now.

deltanununu Profile Photo
Posted: 7/13/08 at 11:41pm

well when I was standing at the end of the line waiting for Kate Shindle, I overheard her say to Tracy's sister that except for LBB, they are all pretty much staying until at least August. The only person scheduled to leave soon besides LBB, NJJ and Andy is Paul and I think I heard one of the male ensemble tell Tracy's sister that he is leaving on July 25th or somewhere around there. Apparently listening to cast members conversations with the younger sister is the way to find out the info lol

Posted: 7/13/08 at 11:54pm

I think Christian and Michael Rupert are definitely leaving in August, but there's no news about any of the other principles. Maybe I'll ask Tracy's sister at LBB's last next week and see if she knows anything we don't! *still making self laugh*

On another note, how come they gave Dani Spieler the most horrible wig for while she's covering Becky's track?

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:48am

Richard Blake re-signed.
I think Orfeh is sticking around too...but I don't know for sure or for how long. Same with Kate Shindle.

Christian Borle is leaving to do Brigadoon.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 7:08am

That's right...I remember hearing about Brigadoon.

Good to know that a lot of the originals are sticking around. Orfeh can stay as long as she wants, in my book. Ditto for Kate Shindle, as long she keeps hitting that note in Legally Blonde remix!

FosterChild Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 9:06am

Just wondering how long this whole "Tracy Jai's little sister" craziness is going to go on before someone makes it stop. I'll do the honors. That's not her "little sister" and those who go to the show often know exactly who it is (won't name her on this board) but she is in no way related to anyone in the cast. I can't believe this thread is now going on and on about people being related to people in the show they're NOT related too. Note to Tracy's "little sister", if it's come down to this, you might want to cut back a little on repeat visits after LBB leaves. There are actually a handful of "relatives" who should probably follow that advice too.

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 10:17am

Awww Foster- the "Tracy Jai's little sister" talk was the funniest thing I've read in *weeks*- I was fine to let it keep going! :)

Ok so the 'listening to her talk at stage door' parts were slightly creepy, especially since I was there on Friday for Asmeret!Brooke and so I was talking to "Tracy Jai's little sister" too, and I'm fascinated that *two* people (or one split personality) joined yesterday *just* to talk about her, but... "Tracy Jai's little sister," I'm sorry- that was comedy right there.

I am still confused about Rod coming back into the this permanent?

The insert in the Playbill on Friday said "Legally Blonde welcomes back to the company Rod Harrelson...", so it looked kinda permanent. But who knows.

I dislike the reality contestants as much as anyone, but let's remember...LBB is a lot more familiar with the role of Elle Woods than those girls are. She's played it almost two years at this point. I would expect her to be better able to come up with an ad-lib than them.

True. But...we've all seen the San Fran tryout video, right? What happens when you lose a shoe- you kick the other one off, keep singing, and do the So Much Better jump barefoot. Contrast that with "ZOMG Nikki Snelson dropped a line during the audition, that was SO UNFAIR," and I don't feel that any of these girls will come on in owning Elle, with the experience/skills to be the lead in a show, and abilities to take charge and cover when things go wrong...*shrug* Hopefully I'm proven wrong.

Posted: 7/14/08 at 10:34am

When i saw the show the begining of June, (when Michelle Kitrell came back to the show after she left to cover Pilar) she was on a joining the company insert too.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 11:08am

"Just wondering how long this whole "Tracy Jai's little sister" craziness is going to go on before someone makes it stop. I'll do the honors. That's not her "little sister" and those who go to the show often know exactly who it is (won't name her on this board) but she is in no way related to anyone in the cast. I can't believe this thread is now going on and on about people being related to people in the show they're NOT related too. Note to Tracy's "little sister", if it's come down to this, you might want to cut back a little on repeat visits after LBB leaves. There are actually a handful of "relatives" who should probably follow that advice too."

Word. And, if we're talking about who I think we're talking about, she has the same hair and nose as Tracy? Really? ...Um, okay.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:50pm

Wow, I totally had no idea this Tracy Jai's little sister thing was made up.

Now I feel creeped out by that person, whomever it is.

Posted: 7/14/08 at 3:08pm

So the girl is not Tracy Jai's little sister? Aw man. I thought you were all on to something. Maybe she's her older sister? Then we would be able to see that good looks clearly run in the family cause if I'm thinking of the girl that you are all talking about, she is really pretty too. If not sisters, her and Tracy have to be very good friends at the least if Tracy meets her after the show, as a few of you have said you've seen.

Reguardless of whether she is Tracy's sister or not or related to her in any way, clearly the cast likes her because they make it a point to go out of their way to go up to her and talk to her whenever she is there, as the previous posters have pointed out. They don't have to do that, but they do it her going repeats amount of times doesn't seem to phase any of them, then again, might not even be the same girl I'm talking about. Who knows?

Kelly2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 3:25pm

"So the girl is not Tracy Jai's little sister? Aw man. I thought you were all on to something. Maybe she's her older sister? Then we would be able to see that good looks clearly run in the family cause if I'm thinking of the girl that you are all talking about, she is really pretty too. If not sisters, her and Tracy have to be very good friends at the least if Tracy meets her after the show, as a few of you have said you've seen."

No, the girl in question is not Tracy Jai's sister, or relative, or friend. She's a big fan of the show.

"Reguardless of whether she is Tracy's sister or not or related to her in any way, clearly the cast likes her because they make it a point to go out of their way to go up to her and talk to her whenever she is there, as the previous posters have pointed out. They don't have to do that, but they do it her going repeats amount of times doesn't seem to phase any of them, then again, might not even be the same girl I'm talking about. Who knows?"

There are plenty of reasons to be kind to someone at the stagedoor. I'm not going to assign motives to any of the cast members specifically, but there are many reasons to be kind to those kind of "fanatics", and very few of them have anything to do with an actual friendship.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Posted: 7/14/08 at 4:48pm

"There are plenty of reasons to be kind to someone at the stagedoor. I'm not going to assign motives to any of the cast members specifically, but there are many reasons to be kind to those kind of "fanatics", and very few of them have anything to do with an actual friendship"

you mean like them being nice to you because you throw gifts at them and then write threatening letters? we've all heard all about you Kelly2, so i don't think it's nice to point fingers.

all i ever said was that i saw her and i thought she was Tracy Jai's little sister. if she's not, then she's not and i'm sorry i said something if i was wrong.

i'm getting bored of this and would much rather hear about LBB's inability to hit the last note in so much better or how the new replacements are doing so like everything else that relates to this show, get over it and move onto something more exciting to talk about.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 4:51pm

"you mean like them being nice to you because you throw gifts at them and then write threatening letters? we've all heard all about you Kelly2, so i don't think it's nice to point fingers. "

No, I was referring more to hissing at someone from the front row because they wouldn't be your bestest friend ever because you've seen the show a thousand times and then creating insulting nicknames and broadcasting them all over facebook and to the other actors. Do you THINK you're impressing anyone?

I, of course, can only speak for myself, but I haven't seen Legally Blonde in two or three months, so...the flinging of accusations in my direction is just funny. Are you still upset about the 2004 election too?

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 7/14/08 at 04:51 PM

Posted: 7/14/08 at 5:08pm

I know I'm gonna sound like a complete newbie. I have a lot of knowledge on the show and I do follow the reality show closely, however I don't really know anything about the actors, what's up in their lives, nor really care. I've only seen the MTV taping up till last night. I saw it for the first time in NYC last night. Me and my group of friends rushed ticketed yesterday. We saw the 7pm performance. So, I was sitting in line and I'm listening to the girls talking about all the actors in the show. Lot's of talk about their facebook pictures, why they think certain people in the cast are bitches, casting stuff we read about on this board. Are these the kind of people who go and see the show frequently? What is the general reactions from the actors? I don't know what's going on. Please don't attack. I just don't understand the back and forth stuff between some of you in this thread.

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 5:48pm

Alison88, it sounds like the fan girls are bickering again about who the biggest fan of the show is. Just ignore them and move on. This too shall pass.
Updated On: 7/14/08 at 05:48 PM

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 9:05pm

Honestly, this thread is entitled "Legally Blonde Understudies."

That's what this thread is for.

So, really, no one should be analyzing anything about the relatives of any of the LB cast members because it's kind of creepy and it's not necessary. Maybe it was her sister, maybe it was a friend, maybe it was her long lost brother, Albert....WHO CARES.

There is no need for anyone to be attacked at all. And everyone can continue to bring up past actions for me (which people love to do) or Kelly2 or the mysterious stranger in the turquoise shorts, but it accomplishes nothing and gives no one the benefit of the doubt because people grow up and change.

So, let's discuss the understudies of LB and move on with our lives because the rest, while interesting to some, is insignificant and mean-spirited. :)

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 10:28pm

does anyone have a picture of andy karl as callahan? I was wondering if they put him in a wig or greyed his hair a bit.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

Kelly2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 10:29pm

No picture, but no, they didn't wig him or grey his hair, they just slicked his back very similarly to Richard's "Warner" hairstyle.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/14/08 at 10:53pm

Find a picture of the hottest law professor alive...times that by ten and that is what Andy as Callahan looks like :-P

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
Posted: 7/15/08 at 3:20pm

Who's rushing this Sunday and what time are you getting there?

winter_sky Profile Photo
Posted: 7/15/08 at 3:26pm

It's clearly going to be an overnight rush. People will probably get there at around 11? Sucks that they will wait all night and probably get obstructed or vertigo inducing tickets but what can you do?

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 7/15/08 at 3:28pm

If people had to wait overnight to see Haven Burton as Elle and Nikki Snelson's last, Laura's last performance is clearly going to be an overnight affair.

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
Posted: 7/15/08 at 3:35pm

Is anyone from this board gonna go?
