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Legally Blonde understudies- Page 41

Legally Blonde understudies

Posted: 7/24/08 at 5:49pm

so, who's replacing Gaelen now that she's in 9-5? As I've mentioned before its gonna be a hell of a track to fill (3 key ensemble roles, plus understudying 3 leads)

Cara Massey replaced Gaelen. IMO she looks kinda young to play Paulette. She's very short also so I would like to see her as Vivienne once since Kate Shindle is tall...LOL.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

winter_sky Profile Photo
Posted: 7/24/08 at 6:06pm

I didn't see Josh Franklin yesterday. Rod was on in Nathan's old track so I don't know if Josh usually covers that and Rod is still a swing or if Josh is the swing. I kinda hope Josh is the swing because it's going to be kind of odd if they have to put Rod/Jody on for Paul's track (for the stunt in the first number).

Paul told me he was leaving on Friday and Rusty Mowrey is replacing him. So once Paul leaves, Rusty leaves his "swing" spot and I guess that's where the cast evens out I think.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
Posted: 7/24/08 at 9:55pm

fefyinggravity777- near as i can tell its Cara Massey.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

misto625 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/24/08 at 11:17pm

From what I understand Jody and Rusty are swings and Josh and Rod was ensemble but if Paul leaves and Rusty replaces him then they need a new swing so I don't know if someone else new comes in as the swing or if Josh becomes Swing, u/s Emmett

Dean: Can I tell you something? Lorraine: That depends on what it is. Dean: I think you're really really pretty. Lorraine: (after a pause) Ok, you can tell me that.

Posted: 7/25/08 at 7:24am

HuH? Are you talking to me and if you are I said that it WAS Cara Massey that replaced Gaelen.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
Posted: 7/25/08 at 10:51am

well i'm an idiot and only read your post up to the dotted line. oops

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

Posted: 7/26/08 at 1:23am

Got a last minute ticket to tonight's show (after losing about every lottery that exists). Parital view seat $24, moved to a non-partial seat. Who can complain?

Anyway, I though Baily was fantastic. She slipped into her accent on certain words like "I" and "my" ("ah" and "mah") and she slipped a view tiems (looked like she got caught in the tracks) in "Take it like a man" and " Legally Blonde Remix", but never broke character. She definitely got vocal lessons, and as people have been saying really portrays both sides of Elle beautifully. With time, when she gets more comfortable in the role and starts playing around with line deliveries, she'll be perfect. I actually liked her better than LBB.

Anyway, this post belongs in this thread because...

At this performance:
Warner - Jason Gillman
Vivienne - Tracy Jai Edwards
Serena - Tiffany Engen
Pforzheimer - Jody

Jason was really good. Great voice, a little old to be Warner.
Tracy Jai was great as Vivienne, but didn't hit that note in the Remix. good attitude though.
Tiffany was awesome as Serena, one of the best I've seen.

One side note: the age difference between Bailey and Christian didn;t bother me. Just don't think about it, they're acting!

Lastly, I didn't enjoy Autumn very much. She doesn't seem to fit in with the sorority thing, as Jerry stated in his concerns about her. Her dancing was not sharp either. Hopefully time makes her improve. I REALLY liked Nicolette as Brooke. She was more feminine and for once Brooke looked upset and sad that her husband was killed.

winter_sky Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/08 at 1:27am

Wow, I can't even imagine Jason as Warner with Bailey. I think it would look like Elle kissing her dad.

Tiffany is my favorite Serena so I'm glad she's getting to go on more. I wish I could see Tracy as Vivienne and I'm sure it looked a lot more appropriate to Bailey's Elle.

Posted: 7/26/08 at 1:28am

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 01:28 AM

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 8/6/08 at 12:05am

Tiffany Engen is SERENA in August 13-17

Posted: 8/6/08 at 10:55am

I am posting this on all of the threads with Bailey or LB in the title.
I am from Bailey's home town and I am looking at coming to the matinee on 9/20. I need to know if this is a good section of the theatre to see her clearly.
Orch sect. Row F

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 8/6/08 at 10:59am

That depends on where in Row F it is. Closer to the center is better. The further to the side you are, the worse the view of the stage is.

Posted: 8/6/08 at 11:03am

Thanks! I'm in seats 114-116. Does that sound ok?

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 8/6/08 at 11:04am

Yes. That's in the center section. You should be fine. Enjoy!

Posted: 8/6/08 at 11:20am

Again, I thank you, Adamgreer. I know we will enjoy it.

It's a little hard to hear all the criticism about Bailey. We know that she is inexperienced as far as Broadway goes. She really is a talented girl. We just hope that this will be a great learning experience for her.
She was asked in our church youth group right after her H.S. graduation what she wanted to do when she grew up. She responded, "Hopefully, one day, I will make it to Broadway. That's my dream." Well, even if she never gets to be in another show, she has accomplished her life's dream at the age of 20.
I know that the criticism comes naturally. From what I've been told by her family she is handling it just fine. It doesn't bother her. I guess it only bothers us. Oh well, such is life.

Anyway...I just thought I would ramble a little about how wonderful we all think of Bailey. She is a special young lady and we wish her the best of luck.

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 8/6/08 at 11:36am

Well, most of the criticism seems to be coming from people who haven't seen her in the show. From what I've read, she's gotten generally favorable reviews from those who've seen her.

I'll weigh in after tomorrow night, when I see her.

Posted: 8/6/08 at 2:23pm

Hey! Saw the show on Sunday evening and here were the understudies.

Tiffany Engen was on for Serena
Jody Reynard was doing Matt Risch's track
Rusty Mowery was Padamaman while Nick Kenkel covered Nikos
Also Lindsay Nicole Chambers was on in Emily Padgett's track.

Tiffany is hands down the best Serena I've ever seen!

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/10/08 at 2:46am

I really want to catch tiffany.

As a heads up, I know Richard Blake has been out this week and isn't sure when he will return. He's very sick.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

Posted: 8/10/08 at 2:50am

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 02:50 AM

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 8/10/08 at 10:25am

Anyone else think it's odd that there is now only one cover (Kevin Pariseau) for Callahan? The only other person from the current cast I can think of that MIGHT look believable as Callahan is Jason Gillman. I mean, he does cover "Dad" when Kevin goes on as Callahan.

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
Posted: 8/10/08 at 10:40am

I just have to note that in terms of understudies, Blonde was a hot mess last night.

Prof. Callahan - Kevin Pariseau
Warner - Jason Gillman
Courtney/Mom/Whitney/Stenographer - Tiffany Engen
Dad/Winthrop/Reporter - Jody Reynard
Pforzenheimer - Rusty Mowery
Vivienne - Cara Massey

I also noticed Eric Hatch on in Paul Canan's old track (and I can't keep track of who took over for that one).

There were so many people out that tracks were cut and people seemed a little confused. The best part of that was the end of So Much Better when they have the girls spelling out "Elle Woods" with their sweat shirts, the person with the "S" was a guy in drag.

Whatever happened to class?

Posted: 8/10/08 at 10:45am

How was Cara Massey? I hope she was great!

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
Posted: 8/10/08 at 10:49am

She was perfectly fine. Not a huge standout and does not have quite as impressive a voice as Kate Shindel but very good and serviceable in the part.

Whatever happened to class?

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 8/10/08 at 11:05am

Thursday night it was...

Callahan- Kevin Pariseau
Warner- Matthew Risch
Courtney/Mom/Whitney- Tiffany Engen
Lowell/Carlos- Jody Reynard
Winthrop/Reporter- Rusty Mowery
Dad- Jason Gillman

Eric Hatch was also on in Rusty's regular track (which is Paul Canaan's old track).

FWIW, I thought Matthew Risch was a better Warner than Richard.
Updated On: 8/10/08 at 11:05 AM

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
Posted: 8/10/08 at 12:00pm

How did Tiffany play both Mom and Stenographer when they are both in the remix? How's that work?
