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Legally Blonde understudies- Page 37

Legally Blonde understudies

Posted: 6/5/08 at 3:12pm

Oh, Michelle left? I didn't even know that. I was wondering why she wasn't in the program, but on a "Joining the Company" insert

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 6/5/08 at 3:16pm

Yeah, Michelle Kittrell's last day with Blonde was on June 1st... she was on a "Joining the Company" insert? Because they had so many people out they had to call her back to be in the show last night? That's just so many levels of fabulous I can't even deal- love it.

FosterChild Profile Photo
Posted: 6/5/08 at 3:27pm

Yes Rich.Hanson, we know you're the best (and only) Gaelen shill this board has and never miss an opportunity to remind us all how she's the best Paulette there is. Good job you're doing. For what it's worth, Orfeh & Andy were scheduled to be out and had posted about it a long time ago on myspace, etc... Don't know what happened to everyone else.

Posted: 6/5/08 at 3:39pm

Yes, I know it was mentioned a while ago. And I have only posted that she is the best Pulette twice. It is my opinion. I'm sure you've posted one of your opinions at least twice.

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 6/5/08 at 10:33pm

Michelle!Pilar was on the u/s board again tonight, saw it as I was walking by The Palace after work. I love that she's still working @ Blonde days after her last show! Hee.

shh282 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/6/08 at 2:21pm

According to Michelle on FB -

My last show WAS on Sunday....until today! haha. So many people out..I was asked to come back today. So I did.


Posted: 6/8/08 at 9:41pm

so I saw the show for the first time without Michelle Kittrell (she was apparently back on Wednesday and Thursday to understudy Pilar because so many people were out) and I must say that it is entirely a different show without her. Her replacement is...lacking, to say the least. She just doesn't fill that 'Kitty' spot that I was used to.

and the more I see her, the more I do not care for Kate Rockwell. Or Dani Spieler.

I think blonde needs a mutiny.

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 6/8/08 at 9:56pm

Who is Kittrell's replacement?

SirNotAppearing Profile Photo
Posted: 6/8/08 at 9:58pm

On an unrelated note, what do you guys think of Kate Rockwell? Is she any good? Does she make any different character choices? I can't wait to see how she does with Elle. It's a good time to be an Elle understudy, what with Laura Bell's voice dying out like a sick puppy.
Updated On: 6/8/08 at 09:58 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 6/8/08 at 10:26pm

I enjoyed Rockwell's Margot. I look forward to seeing her Elle, which probably won't happen until after Becky Gulsvig departs, on 7/6.

The last Margot, Haven Burton, was an "ehh" Margot for me, but a spectacular Elle.

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 6/12/08 at 4:39pm

LBB's last day has been confirmed as 7/20. The new Elle begins on 7/23 at the 8 PM performance.

Becky departs the cast on 7/6.

So......might the 7/23 matinee be the chance to catch Kate Rockwell as Elle????

shh282 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/12/08 at 4:41pm

I'd say so - is there anyone else that would know it better?

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/12/08 at 5:36pm

Michelle Kittrell was replaced by Emily Pageant.

Half the cast was not out at when you saw the show, Rich. . It appears most of the full cast was there, there are just a lot of people with injuries right now. Richard was back Thursday as was Orfeh.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/08 at 6:06pm

Asmeret!Brooke and Tiffany!Pilar last night!

winter_sky Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:40pm

I'm kind of concerned about whoever is chosen as the new Elle making Richard and Christian look inappropriately old. Some of those girls are 18 years old. Even the older girls look (to me at least) younger than LBB.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:45pm

Normally people say "Oh he/she is to old for the role" well in this case they are to young for the role. How old should Elle be? I think it won't matter the age as long as they play it maturely.

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:47pm


adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:49pm

Elle should be 22-24. She's finished her under graduate studies, and is going to law school. If you figure she was in school when she was 18-22, about 22 seems the right age for Elle.

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:51pm

Depends on if she had a 2 or 4 year degree.

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/08 at 8:53pm

There is a line that refers to her "senior" spring.

Besides, you can't apply, or get in, to Harvard Law without a 4 year bachelors degree.

misto625 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/22/08 at 2:04am

So can anyone confirm Kate Rockwell was on for Elle last night? (or the night before?)

Dean: Can I tell you something? Lorraine: That depends on what it is. Dean: I think you're really really pretty. Lorraine: (after a pause) Ok, you can tell me that.

imnotthatmart Profile Photo
Posted: 6/22/08 at 11:56pm

Just got home from tonights performance.
Heres my mini review.
Laura Bell's worst vocal performance yet. She even made faces on her sour notes and rolled her eyes. Especially on "American Flag." Cracking all over. On a random note she didn't speak with her normal voice at all the entire performance. She was doing impressions the entire night. My personal favorite was her doing "Penelope" from SNL.
Christian Borle walked through the performance tonight. BUT on a positive note his hair looked cute. Slicked up in the front.
Orfeh was fierce. Had some problems staying with the orchestra a couple of times but nothing major that she didnt fix right away.
Michael Rupert was the best i have ever seen. LOVE that man.
Nicolette was great. She is so much fun to watch.
Kate Rockwell is growing very nicely into her role of Margot. She seemed much more relaxed tonight than the previous times I have seen, but still confused on the choreography to Legally Blonde REMIX. I would kill to see her Elle, she has such a pretty voice.
Gaelen was on a Enid. Just not good at all. Her voice was nice but the character just wasnt there. She had a nice riff on "way" during LBR.
Tiffany was on as Mom and Whitney. I absolutely adore her. In the program now it lists her as an understudy for all of the PMS girls. It also lists Dani Spieler as Gabby and Stenographer. She had on a heinous wig tonight. Just awful, but i love her in this show.
Asmeret uses this show like its a joke. Always laughing and not hitting her marks like she used too. Just an overall messy performance.
Michelle Kitrells replacement, Emily Padgett is banging! She also understudies Pilar and Brooke and i would love to see her as both! She sort of rushed through her lines as the District Attorney but that girl can dance her ass off.
Jody Reynard was on as Pforzheimer and i just need to say . . . what were they thinking casting him in this show? I'm just so confused. BRING BACK ROD!
Tracy J has a hot new head shot you should all try to check out too!
Overall a good solid performance with a couple of weak links.
Standouts: Nicolette, Manuel (surprisingly), Emily, and Kate.

Dont know about Kate as Elle though, sorry! =)

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:19am

Rod left the show?

Updated On: 6/23/08 at 12:19 AM

imnotthatmart Profile Photo
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:21am

NATALIE (my favorite from the TV show) was there tonight! She saw teh show and went backstage after

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/23/08 at 12:32am

Yeah, I'm going to echo the whole "Rod left the show??" sentiment. I adore Rod - getting to see him go on as Carlos as much as I have has been one of the highlights of seeing this show a bunch of times...he's fantastic!
