Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Fans of the novel will appreciate this set piece behind Rebecca Caine!
having not read the novel, what is the significance of the elephant? thx
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
There are tons of photos all over twitter of the set being decorated in Greenwich at the Old Royal Naval College for filming (I think next week) of presumably some of the battle stuff. I haven't read the novel, but I've read that Gavroche hides in the elephant (or something like that). Those who have read it would know more, but it's in the novel.
The elephant really existed:
>>The Elephant of the Bastille was a monument in Paris between 1813 and 1846. Originally conceived in 1808 by Napoleon, the statue was intended to be created out of bronze and placed in Place de la Bastille, but only a plaster full-scale model was built. At 24 m (78 ft) in height the model itself became a very recognisable construction and was to be immortalised by Victor Hugo in his novel Les Misérables in which it is used as a shelter by Gavroche. It was built at the site of the Bastille and although part of the original construction remains the elephant itself was replaced by the July Column.<<
Elephant of the Bastille
Very cool about the elephant!
I've visited the Royal Naval College in Greenwich, and I know that park area. You can stand on the Prime Meridian there (one foot in the eastern hemisphere and one foot in the west).
Leading Actor Joined: 5/20/11
I wonder how they'll incorporate the elephant into the film, since Gavroche's adventure isn't in the musical. Maybe it'll just be in the background as a nice nod to the novel?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
When the movie timeline moves to 1832...
This is what Gavroche will be singing ( maybe while he sings from somewhere in the elephant which he uses as home)--
'ow do you do? My name's Gavroche
These are my people. Here's my patch
Not much to look at. Nothing posh
Nothing that you'd call up to scratch.
C'est possible???
Broadway Star Joined: 2/13/06
If they are using the elephant has more than a prop or set piece, it also could be where Gavoche is hiding, listening to Javert sing "Stars."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Another filming clue re Gavroche:
Anthea Rogers @AntheaRogers
@Littlefoxcomms - small world!Last 22 yrs have gone v fast. Off to Greenwich 2morrow,my son is in #Les Mis film as 1 of Gavroche's urchins!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
Gavroche has urchins in the film. Well, that's similar to the novel in which he mentors two little boys. (They're his brothers, too, right?)
I wonder if they will have Gavroche sing "Little People."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Today they are filming "Do You Hear the People Sing" in Greenwich - here are some tweets, some have photos attached (love what she says about Aaron):
Ben Gould @benanial
The French army getting a talk from a producer #LesMis
Ben Gould @benanial
Lots of horses, and as you can imagine the smell of horse *beep* is quite prominent!
Ben Gould @benanial
Now they are singing "Do you hear the people sing" and its really loud!
sometimes I'm Hayley @OHMYDAYSitsHayz
From the looks of it they're filming "do you hear the people sing" cause they're is a lot of people in army looking uniforms
sometimes I'm Hayley @OHMYDAYSitsHayz
"On a tomb of Larmarque shall a barricade rise!"
sometimes I'm Hayley @OHMYDAYSitsHayz
@XstevieX do you hear the people sing it looks like they're moving through paris
sometimes I'm Hayley @OHMYDAYSitsHayz
Aaron Tveit is gonna be a ****ing amazing Enjolras okay he sounds beautiful
My uni is at the Old Royal Naval College (Trinity). Was great to see some of the filming yesterday and today! It looks quite epic. The whole place however smells of horse crap. Watched them film the beginning of "Look Down" yesterday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Oh nice!!! Any little tidbits would be appreciated - singing? Costumes? Anything....
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
I can't believe how many photos are on Twitter - so many! The set looks great! Supposedly filming in this location all week, Aaron Tveit, Eddie Redmayne and some West End actors as students have been spotted. Someone commented on how gorgeous Aaron sounded singing "Do You Hear the People Sing?"
Leading Actor Joined: 5/20/11
That is quite the elaborate casket. Does anyone know if that's time-period accurate, or if it's just cool-looking for the sake of looking cool? Just wondering.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/6/12
Wow! I am soo excited right now! I can't believe this is finally happening!
I expected nothing less than flawless vocals from Aaron Tveit anyways. Can't wait to hear him sing "Do You Hear The People Sing"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
I think people are going to be shocked at the singing in this movie. I think some are expecting Pierce Brosnan LOL.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I'm getting more and more curious about whether they are doing the musical completely sung-through with recitatives, or they've converted it to a more traditional speak-then-sing format that incorporates more of the novel... especially considering the level of detail they're going to with Gavroche that doesn't appear in the stage version.
@Wildcard: Yes, that does look like Samantha Barks in costume. Does anyone know who that guy is with his arm around her? It doesn't look like Eddie Redmayne (Marius).
Updated On: 4/11/12 at 05:46 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Everything seems to be suggesting that this is going to be an epic movie!
The production designs, the costumes, the color palette, the large assemblage of people!
Have you noticed the strong color palette against the usual black, grey, and beige of Les Miserables - the French tricolor seems to have been deftly recreated in the color of the uniform of the soldiers and in the carriages, while black is used dramatically ( the hearse, the street banners). The students ( including Eponine in her boy-costume) are in the familiar drab beige and shades of brown - while the townfolks reflect the apparel of the day.
Oh to be there for a free concert of LOOK DOWN ( first day) and DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING afterwards!!
Lots of photos of the funeral procession filming, and a very short video: