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Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time. - Page 3

Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.

best12bars Profile Photo
#50Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/25/12 at 6:29pm

SM2 --- LOL!

My caps key didn't take. That should be a dollar sign, not a five. I will fix it.

EDIT: Actually, it's pretty safe to say the movie will take in somewhere between forty dollars and five hundred and sixty million dollars. I should have just left it. Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 12/25/12 at 06:29 PM

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#51Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/25/12 at 7:54pm

"Latin people (at least in FL, including myself) also tend to go to the movies on Christmas Day, not necessarily as a family though. We celebrate Christmas Eve, Christmas Day for us--like I said, in the FL context)--is usually more about hangovers and moviegoing."

Same here. The family all met at bro's yesterday. There was much Spanglish and champurrado to go around.

So today is for staying at home in your undies reading BWW for this Latino. No hangovers sadly. The family is no fun; they get drunk on coolers.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

The Scorpion
#52Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/25/12 at 9:05pm

I'm not sure what the world record is, but in Britain, Mamma Mia holds the record I think for highest-grossing movie musical and, because of the material, I think Les Mis wouldn't have an easy time outdoing it in terms of box office numbers, despite its popularity.

However, I would relish to see this film do well. I haven't yet seen it, so can't comment on what it's like, but if it's as good as the British reviewers have been saying (the critical response in the US has been far more mixed by comparison), I hope Andrew Lloyd Webber absolutely seethes with rage and bitterness as he watches the film of the show he detested back in 1985 and called Cameron Mackintosh a "catastrophic idiot" for pursuing trounce the p*ss-poor effort of his and Joel Schumacher's 8 years ago in both critical and box-office terms.

There's no other show in terms of popularity, longevity, financial success, style and genre that is as similar to Miz as Phantom is, yet they really did royally screw up back in 2004 with the film version of the latter. Although ALW in his usual revisionism has recently begun making comments to the effect that he wasn't happy with that film (despite at the time saying he couldn't see how it could be any better), it'd be nice to hear more of the same from him in light of the Les Mis film doing well. Who knows, maybe it'll persuade someone out there to do a remake with an A-list cast who can act and sing and a director who can actually direct this time.

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#53Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/25/12 at 9:09pm

"Who knows, maybe it'll persuade someone out there to do a remake with an A-list cast who can act and sing and a director who can actually direct this time."

From your lips (or rather, fingers) to God's ears!

JP2 Profile Photo
#54Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 1:03am

According to Deadline it received an A cinemascore. Word of mouth should be excellent.

#55Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 1:07am

It seems to me that the flaws of the film echo the flaws of the musical, which have hardly stopped the latter from being a huge hit. I have my doubts about whether Les Mis will make Mamma Mia! money, but I think it'll do quite well for itself.

#56Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 2:26am

Update from Nikki Finke ( Deadline Hollywood) --

>>HO HO HUGE! #1 ‘Les Misérables’ Opens To $18M And #2 ‘Django Unchained’ $14M On Xmas

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Tuesday December 25, 2012 @ 10:15pm PSTTags: Box Office, Django Unchained, Les Miserables, Parental Guidance

TUESDAY 10:15 PM, 3RD UPDATE: It may be Christmas Day quiet in the malls but it’s busy, busy, busy in the multiplexes around the U.S. and Canada. My sources say this turned into a supersized Christmas Day for domestic moviegoing. That’s a great year-end gift for Hollywood. Audiences repaid the favr by gving all three new wide-release movies no less than ‘A-’ scores to help their word of mouth. Leading the pack is Working Title/Universal’s Les Misérables debuting #1 in 2,808 theaters and receiving a coveted ‘A’ CinemaScore from audiences. The musical lived up to both Fandango’s and MovieTickets’ reports of huge advance online sales. (It was the #1 advance ticket-seller among all Christmas Day releases, surpassing previous record-holder Sherlock Holmes in 2009.) The studio was hoping Tom Hooper’s adaptation of the world-reknown musical would open to $10+M. Well, my insiders say today’s grosses looked like a big $15M to $20M — now more like $18M — for the PG13 film that runs 2 hours and 37 minutes and stars Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, and Russell Crowe. (Speaking of the latter, may I never again have to hear Crowe sing like a cat being strangled. I hope he lip-syncs in that rock band of his…) Of course, Christmas Day tends to have higher mix of presales, especially for the openers, so these numbers could change a lot by Wednesday and Thursday. But as one studio exec analyzes, “Christmas Day has very unique play patterns by genre, region of the country, ethnicity, and target demo. You won’t really know where films are headed until Friday. But that’s a fantastic number for Les Miz.”<<<

Big Opening Day numbers ( $ 18 million for Christmas Day alone) and a Cinemascore of "A" !!

Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#57Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 2:31am

Plum, I would agree with that, except that I do think this kinda material holds more appeal live than on film--at least with a more mainstream, less hardcore audience. But we'll see.

Scorpion, I had no idea ALW spoke out publicly against Miz, but I do agree with your take on the Phantom film--while Miz probably gets more love from critics on stage than Phantom ever has, anyway, I think people all knew not to take the movie too seriously when the director and pre-production was announced. However, while I do think the two shows are comparable as prob the top two examples of the UK based 1980s megamusical, I don't know if I find them all that comparable in terms of style and theme. Les Miz seems to come out more (its French roots notwithstanding) from the Nicholas Nickelby style of play, and isn't such an unabashed homage to operetta as Phantom.

The Scorpion
#58Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 6:58am

Scorpion, I had no idea ALW spoke out publicly against Miz, but I do agree with your take on the Phantom film--while Miz probably gets more love from critics on stage than Phantom ever has, anyway, I think people all knew not to take the movie too seriously when the director and pre-production was announced

Phantom was reviewed far more favourably in Britain when it premiered and got a healthy amount of positive notices (despite ALW recently trying to dismiss the savaging by the British critics of Paint Never Dries, claiming Phantom had the same reaction, which is patently untrue). As is well known, Les Mis was widely panned by the vast majority of British critics. Frank Rich and his ALW vendetta, though, meant the New York Times had the reverse opinion. I really do think Phantom in the right hands could have been a very fine motion picture. But alas, it was given to a hack best known for derailing the Batman franchise with a cast from hell. It helps enormously that Cameron seems to care an awful lot about Les Mis, whereas ALW couldn't give two hoots about his biggest success and has demonstrated repeatedly that he has no clue as to why it's so popular.

As for ALW on Les Mis, he didn't go public but the words he used leaked out eventually and were documented.

Updated On: 12/26/12 at 06:58 AM

metropolis10111 Profile Photo
#59Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 8:34am

With an 18mil opening it just needs to do another $170,755,690 more dollars to be the highest grossing musical here in the US....

Or another $593,135,400 if you adjust for inflation

Updated On: 12/26/12 at 08:34 AM

best12bars Profile Photo
#60Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 10:23am

LOL Yeah, no. It won't do that.

When all is said and done, I predict it will make somewhere between $100-$125 million total in the U.S. Roughly on a par with Dreamgirls, but probably not as much as Hairspray.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#61Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 10:32am

And I'm sure according to the studios, that isn't enough to warrant making more musicals. Unlike the $7-8 million dollars an action movie that cost $200 million to make can take in and yet more of those are given the green light immediately.
But a mere $125 million? Not enough.

best12bars Profile Photo
#62Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 11:17am

I think because of the global awareness for Les Miz, it will do better than most recent American musical films internationally. That will help with the overall grosses.

Mamma Mia! did incredibly well abroad for the same reason. (And neither were American stage musicals originally.)

Dreamgirls, a modest box office hit in the U.S., didn't do very well at all overseas. It depends on the awareness and the subject. Les Miz has that going for it.

But I would look for a "record breaking" opening week for Les Miz, then a big drop-off during the next 2-3 weeks. And a slow crawl to the finish line. Awards will help this one, but even a win for Best Supporting Actress isn't going to generate additional tens of millions.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

metropolis10111 Profile Photo
#63Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 11:22am

Considering the film is costing $61 million without the massive ad campaign cost or distribution cost is which brings the costs up allot it needs to bring in a bit more. These was an old formula that a movie needed to bring in 3 times its production costs to be considered a success. (this was used back I the day when I worked for a video company) that covers the costs of the different premiers world wide that stars get flown to, the ad campain and the costs of shipping prints of the film around the world as well as cover the percentage that the movie theaters take. That would mean that the movie would have to make $183mil world wide right now for it to be considered successful at the studio level. . I know that DVD sales will help as well those too have costs involved in them.

Updated On: 12/26/12 at 11:22 AM

best12bars Profile Photo
#64Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 11:33am

I think it will hit that number word-wide. (Not just domestically, but all markets.)

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

metropolis10111 Profile Photo
#65Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 11:36am

Totally agree it should make back it's cost but as for being the highest grossing movie musical it might be a very tough road to get too

#66Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 12:08pm

But that's $18million on opening day, not the opening weekend. That's pretty darn good for a 3 hour musical, right?

#67Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 12:13pm

So let's see...according to box office estimates, the musical took in $17.5 million at the box office. For a movie musical I guess that is good...but I feel that a strong opening should be anywhere from 30-40 million on the first day or even weekend (let's see how the rest of the week and weekend pans out). Also, what I noticed, everyone is saying that most of the shows are all "Sold Out", and that is because there are not that many showings of this film. I have ten movie theaters near my home and only 3 theater houses were showing Les Mis and very few times as movie theater had only one showing at 10pm. The nearest theater to see the film was 4 miles away from me. I would have thought ALL theaters would be showing this film and with many showings through out the day; I guess not. I also live in a very big and one of the most popular cities in the US, where you would think it would be playing at every theater.

So, I think a lot of people are getting their hopes up to be the HIGHEST GROSSING MUSICAL OF ALL TIME...hopefully in the end it will be...but it's totally not being a MAMMA MIA that's for sure.

Updated On: 12/26/12 at 12:13 PM

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#68Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 12:25pm

For some much needed perspective:

$18 million would be the second best opening day gross and fourth best gross on Christmas, so that is pretty damn good.

best12bars Profile Photo
#69Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 12:37pm

I expect it might break box office records for a musical its opening week (as I mentioned. And they should definitely promote that heavily.

I also expect it to drop off significantly the following 2-3 weeks.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

DAME Profile Photo
#70Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 2:07pm

"I also expect it to drop off significantly the following 2-3 weeks.

As most films do. Will be interesting to see. I bet everyone at universal is having a very merry holiday.


#71Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 2:26pm

I can see Les Mis doing very well but I can't see it beating Mamma Mia! in markets where it just was a monster like the UK although I think it'll still a hit in the UK but it'll probably do around £30-35m at best which would be excellent.

I imagine the money it'll make will encourage Cameron Mackintosh to greenlight more musicals into development, not only Miss Saigon but also the rumoured remake of My Fair Lady which was being developed by Columbia Pictures, CBS Films and Mackintosh,

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#72Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 2:29pm

Also, what I noticed, everyone is saying that most of the shows are all "Sold Out", and that is because there are not that many showings of this film. I have ten movie theaters near my home and only 3 theater houses were showing Les Mis and very few times as movie theater had only one showing at 10pm.

That's a good point. My theater only had one showing Christmas Day (7:30pm). Therefore it was rather packed though there were several walkouts. I think these were novices who were intrigued by the trailer and/or hoopla surrounding the film and wanted to check it out for themselves, but in the end it was just not for them.

I also expect it to drop off significantly the following 2-3 weeks.

I predict this, too. The musical has a built-in fan base, so everyone who wanted to see it rushed to see it Christmas day, but I don't see it having a lot of repeat business.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia
Updated On: 12/26/12 at 02:29 PM

jpbran Profile Photo
#73Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 3:32pm

Here in Nashville, there were showtimes from noon+ all day. And one theater in a nearby suburb added an additional screen for a total of four -- all sold out, all day. The three other theaters I looked at in the area on Fandango were sold out almost all day too.

JP2 Profile Photo
#74Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
Posted: 12/26/12 at 3:35pm

My 11:45 showing this morning was packed, and when I got out, the next showing (and hour later) was already sold out.

And for some "perspective" the film is playing in 2,808. Just a little over 200 theaters less than Django.

The film is opening huge. No one is getting ahead of themselves. Now weather it keeps steady or drops hard next week is another story.
