Listened to this with my noise cancelling headphones on a flight earlier and it is stunning. Perfect amount of dialogue and the instrumentals I couldn't wait to hear again.
binau said: "The quality is much higher than the demo tracks they had recorded!"
I was thinking this, too! The performances, as well — Helen J Shen's vocal performance has only become fuller and more layered.
"The Way It Has To Be" might be my favorite song of the season so far. Taps at the existential dread in our air with both matter-of-factness and heartache. A woman addressing with her mortality and making it a call to action to go out and see the world before she can't. It's a sneaky I Want Song.
Stand-by Joined: 8/13/08
I echo the appreciation of the completeness of the recording. It sounds so beautiful.
I also love the inclusion of the emotional punch of the finale “Do you think it’ll be okay?” with Oliver’s response “I hope so.” That left me gutted in the theatre.
If there is to be a split at the Tonys this year, I say give MHE score and Mincemeat or Outlaw book.
Really loving the recording. I am also very happy they included a bit of the instrumental music.
I would have been crushed if the Memory Sequence instrumental wasn't included. It's just a beautiful 2 minutes of music. :)
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "If there is to be a split at the Tonys this year, I say give MHE score and Mincemeat or Outlaw book."
Loved Outlaw's score. If DO gets their score out soon, Dead Outlaw takes book and score. Mincemeat could take book too - MHE's is too thin/rom-com. Enjoyed Mincemeat's music in the last half of the show a lot. It took a minute to get into - but then enjoyed it a lot. The audience was singing it in the bathroom and on the way out last night. Good sign.