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Mariah Carey "developing" Musical...- Page 2

Mariah Carey "developing" Musical...

Rentheadut Profile Photo
#25re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 3:36pm

As long as the musical involves lots of fans, hair blowing in the wind, tube tops, and an Act 2 finale that drops tons of GLITTER on the stage, I'll be fine with it.

Oh yes, and glasses that break when she hits the high notes.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking everyone...? TONY!

"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw

#26re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 3:41pm

A long, long time ago, I wanted to sing just like Mariah Carey.

Then she became quite insane.

Anyway, I don't care that it's Mariah Carey, I care that it's another jukebox musical, and we don't friggin' need that. If she wants to develop a new musical, with songs actually written for the theater, good for her. She has a tremendous voice, even if it isn't everyone's style. But a musical based on a Christmas album? Gag me.

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#27re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 3:57pm

Her christmas album is one of my favorites. Updated On: 12/7/04 at 03:57 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#28re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 4:14pm


I find it completely insulting that a lot of you are actually looking forward to this. Sure, you are all entitled to you opinion, but seriously..."Mariah Carey's Christmas Album-The Musical"? Have we come to this? And is Broadway really so bad that people on this board actually think this show is a good idea? Opinions are opinions, but I'm sorry-There is something wrong with musical theatre and it's supporters when R&B albums, especially Christmas ones, can easily make it to broadway.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#29re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 4:18pm


I was not one of the people who said I was looking forward to it. Reread my posts, please.

And this was what it took for you to realize there's something wrong with Broadway? Not a very observant fella, are you?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 12/7/04 at 04:18 PM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#30re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 4:31pm

It's going to be the only show with notes so high only dogs will be admitted into the theater...BIG HIT! HUUUUGE!

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#31re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 4:37pm


You were certainly defending people's rights to enjoy this crap and support it, or at least defending Carey's "right" to produce it. No, I realized Broadway was in trouble a long time ago, but just seems to have gone too far...

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#32re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 4:41pm

That's right. I was, and still am.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#33re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 4:52pm

Has there ever been a time when someone DIDN'T think there was "something wrong" with Broadway?? If you don't like the idea of jukebox musials like this and All Shook Up, etc. then don't buy tickets! Maybe Mariah's show is a bad idea, maybe it'll be a big joke,or maybe it'll be fantastic, but do you guys realize we're critiquing shows that haven't even been WRITTEN yet?? Call me an optimist, but I think a show should be written before we announce the Death of Broadway. I'm over it, and to quote A Chorus Line, "I don't wanna hear about how Broadway is dying, because I just got here!"
Thank you for listening.::::steps down off of Soapbox:::

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!
Updated On: 12/7/04 at 04:52 PM

#34re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 6:12pm

When the shows on Broadway are being filled with music that wasn't written for theater, I'd say that's pretty self-destructive, wouldn't you?

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#35re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 6:37pm

First of all, I'm quite sure this is just another lunatic rant from "Mimi" so I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch about it just yet, BUT.... say what you will about Mimi Carey, I'd rather listen to her sing, even now that she's lost half her range, than all the Broadway belters put together that just try to emulate her anyway i.e. Menzel, Espinosa and the most obvious of them all, Bean. Let the flames begin..."Oh Al, you're just bitter and wish you were in the highly reviled BKLYN, or standing by for the Green witch, or a lunatic ex-wife of Sony honcho, Tommy Mattola". Have I spared you all the need to type?

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#36re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 6:45pm

Al Dente, I don't even know you, why are you referring to me as "Mimi"? Just because I love RENT? Anyway, I didn't think my rant was a "lunatic", it's just an opinion! The fact is, a lot of Broadway shows have come from other sources. Ever read "Green Growns the Lilac"? it was turned into Oklahoma! Just to give one example. I'm just not ready to dismiss Broadway in general just because Mariah Carey wants to make a musical. Everyone can have their own opinion.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

#37re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 6:46pm

"At least Celine had the decency not to sully Broadway with ick."

This makes me think that you believe Mariah's appearance on Broadway would be the first thing to 'sully Broadway with ick'. Look at what's been running, what is running, what's coming. I'm sure you'll find more ick.

As I don't know anything about the show or what would be in it, I can't really say much. But I do give her credit for developing something based on her own material instead of being Mariah Carey as Maureen, or whatever Pop Star as "act of desperation" example you can think of. Updated On: 12/7/04 at 06:46 PM

#38re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 6:55pm

EverythingisRENT, your comparisons make no sense. Green Grow the Lilacs was indeed the play that Rodgers and Hammerstein adapted to make Oklahoma!. That's a completely different proposition then taking a Christmas album and using it as the score to a musical. Rodgers and Hammerstein took a pre-existing story and wrote songs for it. Carey evidently intends to take pre-existing songs and stick a story around them, which I find a whole lot less acceptable since- oh, yeah- Oklahoma! came around.

Like I said, she's welcome to perform on Broadway if she wants to. I just wish she'd think of a better premise. Oy.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#39re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 7:04pm

You have a point, Plum. I guess I just think there's room for EVERYTHING on Broadway; fun fluffy pop music, dramatic scores, original works, revivals, straight plays...I don't see the point in getting worked up over something like this when it's not even written or anything.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

#40re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 7:07pm

I don't mind different genres. I do mind theater that is built around material not intended for theater, because like I said, it's destructive to the medium.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#41re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 8:07pm

Exactly, Plum.

#42re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 8:24pm

Waitaminute...back to the original post. She intends to have this musical ready in time for next December? Really?

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#43re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/7/04 at 8:38pm

MimiImfurst, to clarify, "Mimi" is the name Mariah Carey is calling herself these days and is also part of the title of her new album, "The Emancipation of Mimi". The "lunatic ranting" I was referring to was of Carey's on HER message board. Can people on this board step outside of their narrow realms of the entertainment business, especially when they are (gratefully) talking about something, anything other than Wicked, or the next Elpie?! There is life outside of the great white boring way.

#44re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/8/04 at 12:47am

Except Carey and her ilk know nothing whatsoever about singing. This kind of caterwauling isn't about making music or communicating or expressiveness. It's merely about showboating their empty, soulless technique.
As far as Carey's Broadway show "concepts" are concerned, the less said the better. Except that you don't expect an infant to run a marathon before it's learned to crawl.

paradox_error Profile Photo
#45re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/8/04 at 1:32am

BobbyBubby...let me just say that I agree with you. This idea...pains say the least.
What next? The Britney Spears Musical? A Jessica Simpson Juke Box?

Oh god.

What happened to original scores? Updated On: 12/8/04 at 01:32 AM

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#46re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 12/8/04 at 3:08am

There are tons of original scores, written by very talented composers - however (and we've been through this) Broadway producers don't want to spend money on things in which they can't make a profit or at least break even. It's a damn shame I know. But I could stand indulging myself for a 2 month run of a Mariah Carey Christmas Spectacular or whatever the hell she plans to do (if at all) over some of the other dreck out there.
MusicMan - can't sing huh? no soul? you are out of your mind.

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

#47re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 1/21/05 at 8:34am

Watch 4 months latter.. jlo will have one.. wait wasnt she in a touring company when she was younger.. I thinks o... Id go see one with her in it...... maybe she will be a nanny!

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#48re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 1/21/05 at 9:06am


GYPSY1527 Profile Photo
#49re: Mariah Carey
Posted: 1/21/05 at 9:46am

If I can add my two cents, the musical that Mariah will be putting on is more of a concert than a musical. Its going to be similar to what Vanessa Williams did at the Palace. Was anyone complaining about that? Anyways, besides that, Mariah is a very talented singer and who doesn't want to hear a few Christmas songs such as "All I want for CHristmas" during the holidays?

Happy...Everything! Kaye Thompson
