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My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!- Page 2

My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#25re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 1:49pm

Is "The Name of the Game" cut from the movie too? I dont remember seeing it last night, but the soundtrack has the song!

Edit: Per FoaNatic post- It was shot but was edited out for the final cut! Thanks.. I am all set! re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!

Updated On: 7/19/08 at 01:49 PM

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#26re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 2:13pm

A note to Universal:

You do not put Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnin, Colin Firth, etc. in a movie, and then give me MAMMA MIA!

I left after forty minutes, right in the middle of "Dancing Queen."

Call me cynical, call me unromantic, call me whatever expletive you wish, but I tried. I really tried. And the movie was still the worst piece of **** I have ever seen in my life - and that's no exaggeration.

NOTE: This is not a review, it has no right being a review considering I didn't see the whole thing.

This is not a review, it is a warning. This film is practically a test of camp levels: if you can stand it, you have a high tolerance for camp, and good for you.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

jaystarr Profile Photo
#27re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 2:19pm

Fyi- The Encores (Mamma Mia,Dancin' Queen & Waterloo) are available only on Amazon (also for download) not on iTunes. Its actually on the 5 Year Anniversary album. Here is it. Special Thank to BrodyFosee for the tip! re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!

I just downloaded it thru Amazon (.99 cents/per song)
Scroll at the bottom for MP3 downloads:
re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!

Now I have the Encore part of the show with live audience!


Updated On: 7/19/08 at 02:19 PM

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#28re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 3:01pm

No it doesn't come to camp levels. It comes to (only for you to decide). Take it or leave it. Some people say it is a fun experience, not a fun movie. Other say its a piece of vocally impaired actors running around on an island.

This movie is only what you want it to be. Critics get paid. Reviews are published. People get money for their opinion. This movie is not for the critics to sabotage. It is a scale of your inner childhood or your inner self .

Herbie: "Honey, Don't you know there's a depression?"
Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
Broadway Schedule
December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#29re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 3:04pm

It is a scale of your inner childhood or your inner self.

Thanks, buddy: I hated the movie because I have an insufficient inner self. THAT'S comfort.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

jewishboy Profile Photo
#30re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 5:22pm

I LOVED the movie. Everyone was having so much fun.

mattnyc2 Profile Photo
#31re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/19/08 at 10:11pm

This movie was campy, silly, ridiculous, and fluff...but I loved every single freaking minute of it!

Left the theater with a huge smile on my face; it's like one big sparkling Zoloft!!!

Did anyone else notice audience members start laughing whenever Pierce Brosnon sang?

#32re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 1:57pm

"Did anyone else notice audience members start laughing whenever Pierce Brosnon sang?"

Yes, people have to laugh otherwise it's just too painful to watch. I cringed and felt so embarrassed and sorry for Pierce Brosnan.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#33re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 2:00pm

I didn't feel sorry for him at all--he knew exactly what he was doing and played it FULLY!

And then--to see him come out in that costume at the end!

My admiration for him grew in leaps and bounds.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#34re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 2:04pm

I absolutely loved the finale at the end, especially with Meryl screaming to the audience "do you want another one?" and the men coming out in the spandex! Perfect way of sending you home with a smile and "Dancing Queen" stuck to your head for the rest of the day.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#35re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 5:44pm

Ugh, the movie was awful. Really. I loved the staged show, but I just kept thinking "why, the story is horrible here." For someone reason I forgave it on stage - maybe the beautiful set pieces, the dancing, or the creative stage pictures, but the movie was just bad. The director could never settle the camera down and let us just watch a dance sequence. I mean, it's a musical, I wanted some dancing!

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#36re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 5:49pm

My audience laughed openly at Pierce "singing"

#37re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 5:53pm

I couldn't hear parts of the movie because my friend and her girlfriend were laughing SO HARD at Brosnan's singing, LOL.

"As we all should probably have learned by now, to be a Stephen Sondheim fan is to have one's heart broken at regular intervals" - Frank Rich

Dearest, how can this be so? You were dead, you know. - Candide

Oh my god, this show has everything! Half naked guys and girl on girl action! - [title of show]

(My avatar? Why, yes! That is Laura Benanti making out with a chick!)

sally1112 Profile Photo
#38re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 5:59pm

My audience was laughing at Pierce too. I felt so bad for him. Why didn't they just dub his songs if that absolutely had to have him in the movie. They used to do that all the time in the old days.

#39re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 6:56pm

To all the people who saw "Mamma Mia" the movie and consider it the worst thing they ever saw in their life. It's my guess you have either had very short lives or have been incredibly lucky.

There are those rare moments in life when one views a film or work for the stage that is so catastrophically conceived and executed, people remember everything about the experience like people recall where they were when they heard President Kennedy had been shot. One recalls the color of the hair the person they sat next to had or some otherwise trivial moment like a snippet of conversation entering the theater.

("Yes! We were talking about your cousin Bernie's gallstones... .")

"Mamma Mia" does not come close to such a moment.

For those who would dare, watch Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman in "Ishtar"--keeping in mind it was a
SERIOUS attempt to be classically comical in the tradition of the Hope/ Crosby movies.

"Mamma Mia" looks like "Citizen Kane" by comparison.

Clearly, however, no one who ever saw "The Moose Murders" would
declare "Mamma Mia", the worst thing they ever saw.

In a way I feel a bit sad for those for whom "Mamma Mia" has
established a lifetime cinematic low: there are going to be some
genuinely unforgettable moments down the road for you that will
make you sleep with the lights on.

I can only wish for you that you will in no way be connected to them

Updated On: 7/21/08 at 06:56 PM

#40re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 6:59pm

Some girls in my audience pulled up and hugged their knees up on their seats, covered their eyes with their hands while laughing loudly. Usually, that's girls' reaction to a bad horror movie.
Updated On: 7/21/08 at 06:59 PM

#41re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/21/08 at 9:36pm

Eagleman, who are you so defensive? Happens occasionally on the Xanadu board as well, as if saying a bad word about something bad someone else adores is going to bring on the Four Horsemen of the Apolocalypse.

I'm a big fan of the stage show--have seen it four times--but I thought the movie was kind of sloppy. It's hardly the worst movie I've seen--in fact they're were several individual scenes that either had me grinning like the village idiot or close to tears. I personally thought the comedy was strained and that the more dramatic scenes worked better....and onstage, I pretty much liked the whole thing, lightweight as the whole show has always been.

Everyone has the right to their opinion without getting verbally berated about it. It's happening a little too often on the board as a whole.

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#42re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/22/08 at 12:11am

Yankee was across the aisle from me. Our audience was hysterical at Pierce and any time the ensemble appeared, especially out of the water. Since Friday, my mother and cousin with whom I went have been sending each other pcture texts of us in poses from hte movie or Photoshopping our heads onto pics. Great fun!!!!!!!

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

lesmis Profile Photo
#43re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/22/08 at 2:08pm

First off, I love the stage version, so I was really looking forward to seeing the movie.The first time I saw it I thought it was ok, but I was a little disappointed. But I went to see it again last night and I really liked it alot. One difference was the theater audience -the first time I saw it they were so quiet but last nights everybody was into it. I definitely want to see it again!

#44re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/22/08 at 2:37pm

I'll probably see it again as well, mostly because the sound at the little six-theatre crackerbox I first saw the movie in was so horrible...any ideas on which movie theatres in NYC have the best sound systems?

JRybka Profile Photo
#45re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/22/08 at 2:58pm

It amazes me how some people can be so critical of this movie. If you are going to the theater to see Angels in America you better saty home. This is 100% fluff and each and every actor on that screen knows it. It is not supposed to be bind blowing, it is a movie musical based around ABBA music. Sure, Pierce Brosnan is not Raul Esparza but you don't have to be a rocket science to sing this music.
Take the show for what it is worth. I went and LOVED it but I also knew that it was ABBA and so I did not expect it to change my life... just two hours of sheer fun and laughter.

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

#46re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/22/08 at 4:13pm

I still wonder how good the movie could have been had they cast people with the sufficient chops to play the roles: i.e. Broadway trained actors. The name alone is going to sell the movie, not the actors.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#47re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/22/08 at 5:17pm

The name alone is going to sell the movie, not the actors.

That's what they said with "Rent."

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#48re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/25/08 at 9:48am

I enjoyed the movie.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Adjie Profile Photo
#49re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
Posted: 7/25/08 at 12:03pm

I really enjoyed the movie too, I'm glad the director stuck closely to the show. Meryl is fantastic. I thought Pierce was just fine, nobody was laughing when I saw it. I still think he's incredibly handsome too!!
