Broadway Star Joined: 7/7/07
The "Smash" number follows directly on from Zanuck's solo number I think (the one that Tom sang in rehearsal a few episodes ago, "Don't Say Yes" or whatever it's called - we see Marc Kudisch sing it in one of the other preview clips NBC have put up). They're definitely not supposed to both be Marilyn there - they just take the lead on the song.
I actually thought it was quite a good number. It's a bit Big Spender, but as usual Megan Hilty is great and Katharine McPhee is (surprisingly?) good.
For some reason I feel that she is Marilyn there, but I a most likely wrong.
Well if she is not supposed to BE Marilyn, Hilty has no business on that stage. What person n their right mind would put a MM look alike in a MM musical as a secondary character? Especially when Rebecca/Uma looks NOTHING LIKE MM. Just more sublime idiocy.
And while we are on a rant, if Rebecca is supposed to be a huge movie star and the big draw for BOMBshell, why is her name so small on the poster?
It should be REBECCA DUVAL in Bombshell.
I like blue MM's
Updated On: 5/4/12 at 01:32 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
BLUE M&M's?? In the GOLDEN AGE, M&M's were light brown, dark brown, red, green or yellow! BLUE?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/11
Since when are there mountains in Dallas?!?!
Perhaps that's the same range that has popped up in South Florida.
When I was a kid in Fort Lauderdale, we literally had to drive all day to see a hill.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
It should be REBECCA DUVAL in Bombshell
It should be REBECCA DUVAL IS Bombshell.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
>>So these characters are SO stupid they don't even notice the huge cameras filming their every move? HOW CAN THEY NOT NOTICE THEY ARE ON A TV SHOW!?
(Well, whether or not the 'characters know they're being filmed by cameras' was not exactly, or ever, the point, so...)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I maintain that this IS the point, that SMASH is more like "Lost" than "Glee". In fact, not only have I previously detailed how Karen McPhee's character became conscious of her existence as a character in a TV show during her Bollywood break-down, it was during the Tech episode that Ivy did as well. While gazing at the photo of her mother, the realization sunk in that her mother is Bernadette Peters. The clue is the fact that the "Follies" photo was used.
It's all very obvious once you know you should be looking for it. Every episode will feature one character subtly reaching this level of consciousness. Next up: Eileen slowly realizes she is a Huston while singing "September Song."
E Davis weren't some of the Smash producers, producers of 9to5 on Broadway?
"Well...this is a fun little game a lot of New Yorkers like to play when watching shows set and filmed in NY. The number I've times I've watched someone walk down the street on E74th street, turn the corner and end up in front of Magnolia Bakery in the West Village (just as an example) is remarkable. When shows get the geography of the City right, we consider it a small triumph. It's not just SMASH. "
Try having lived in Montreal or Vancouver now and all of the places you spot being your city that are meant to be New York, etc. I find that far more distracting. More Tales of the City having famous Montreal locations masquerade as San Francisco? Umm right. The street I lived on in Montreal was closed for a week (we were paid for it so I didn't mind) to masquerade as New York for some cable TV movie about Rudy Giuliani, etc, etc
And Julia will realize that she is Debra Messing when it becomes impossible for her character to befriend a straight man (Julia & Tom, Will & Grace)
My head hurts. Can we take a 10, Linda?
No. We're in tech.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I've been reading the Shakespeare scholar Marjorie Garber, and she discusses the rhetorical device of chiasmus, "the crossing of worlds." This is why SMASH is destined to greatness on a far deeper level than a mere soap opera.
As Garber writes in Shakespeare and Modern Culture: “The structure of thinking exemplified by chiasmus works both structurally and symbolically: the productive confusion between art and life, inside and outside, container and contained was essential to both the stability and the destabilization of Shakespearean theater."
Stability and destabilization? Is that not the essence of where we live now? Can we even think of anything more emblematic of this than Karen McPhee and Ivy Hilty jamming out while drunk in Times Square? Former enemies/drunken frenemies. Not far from where a failed terrorist tried to set off an SUV bomb?
I am arguing that SMASH is aiming to be an intellectual cultural document of our time.
Greenblat was heading 9 to 5 right, so clearly he has love for Hilty and probably why Kudisch was brought in. Funny thing is Kudisch is playing himself as dod NLB when he appeared in Heaven on Earth.
Can we even think of anything more emblematic of this than Karen McPhee and Ivy Hilty jamming out while drunk in Times Square?
But it was the angel costume that provided the symbolic punch. Without that, it was just another night in Times Square. I mean, who hasn't done that? Right?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It was a wink to Tony Kushner, as Ivy was on "the threshold of revelation."
Yeah Greenblatt is the commonb denominator and the only person who's been with Smash since the start--I believe 9to5 as a musical was partly his idea as well, and his first major stage production.
Yes you are correct. I just hope SMASH has a long run and it finds a big audience for season two.
Should we start an "It Gets Better" campaign for season two?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Try being in the Midwest and having where you supposedly live filmed in California. And to make matters worse they make it look like you live in some kind of backwoods hicksville.
Or the beautiful mountain range in Overland Park, KS on United States of Tara?
What do we think Karen will not be able to do because she is IN PREVIEWS?
I don't care...I just hope Leo hops the wrong bus to Southie and gets his ass kicked.
Seriously, that kid always looks like he is working a pebble turd out of his colon while smelling massive amounts of burnt hair. Did Telsey cast this?