Joined: 12/31/69
Leading Actor Joined: 1/22/07
bright lights big city
high fidelity
the dead
After the Fair or Night of the Hunter.
I was forced to listen to the cast recording of After the Fair on a long car ride, I fell asleep in the middle of it and woke up like 45 minutes later to what I thought was the exact same song playing, but no. It all just sounds the same and is absolutely horrible.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
By Jeeves
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
The Dead doesn't count because that wasn't a musical, but a play with music.
Anyone see far pavillions? It was bad as a bbook, but worses as a musical
four words for the WORST musical ever. phantom of the opera
Featured Actor Joined: 12/16/06
I have a tie - Two dreadful musicals from the 1970's:
Understudy Joined: 4/12/04
High Fidelity ROCKES!!! Anyone who says it is one of the worst musicals is on crack!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/25/05
STARMITES. No question.
Stand-by Joined: 3/12/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
Have you ever seen Yours, Anne? It is really quite beautiful. And the song that rhymed Jew and Zoo is I AM NOT A JEW.
Lil' Abner was really bad.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
The Life had some redeeming qualities. Great performances by Pamela Isaacs and Lillias White. Some good songs: "He's No Good" and "My Friend".
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Sample lyrics from "I'm Not A Jew" sung by Peter Van Daam while hiding from the Nazis.
I'm going home, I've had enough
It isn't fair, they play too rough
It makes a wound that leaves a scar
An ugly, yellow Jewish star
So they can come and hunt for you
And put you in the children's zoo
I'm not a Jew who prays all week
I don't have horns, I'm not a freak
I'm not a rotten, lousy, stupid, dirty Jew
I'm not a Jew
Not quite on par with "Fiddler on the Roof"
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
Well it is no Fiddler, but it is really beautiful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"but it is really beautiful"
"And put you in the children's zoo"
Does Peter really think he's going to be put in a children's zoo?
"I'm not a rotten, lousy, stupid, dirty Jew"
Lyricist couldn't write poetic lyrics.
"I'm not a Jew"
Of course you are Peter. That's why you are in hiding.
The song should have been about how Peter wished he were somewhere else, not about denying something the audience can plainly see.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
"I'm not a Jew"
The song is about him denying Judaism...
And it looks like technically "Jew" didn't rhyme with "zoo" in the scheme, but it was rhyming with "you".
But I admit that sounds like an awful song.
And how could we have forgotten STARMITES!!!! So ridiculous!
I can't believe THIS is my 1,000 post...
hmm, you see i like the life's songs, but i didn't see it.
the one major one i hated was Woman in White - even maria friedman couldn't keep me interested.
but i agree that i'm sure all of these are pure bliss compared to the thousands of off-broadway/workshop things - god knows i've been involved in some stinkers.
i suppose there are some statistics of the shortest runs, most complaints etc that can help us out - where's margo?
one new one that's apparently popular, but i think is one of the worst musicals i've seen is Guttenberg! The Musical. I left at the ill timed intermission.