Love it. You have the "HUSSY" seal of approval.
Definitely like it, but one thing I'm noticing:
On the really big threads (like the Smash thread with 53 pages now), if you go to the first page, it lists the page numbers as "1 2 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" instead of something like "1 2 ... 50 51 52 53," which is what it used to do. A few of the first pages, skipping to a few of the last. I found this helpful when catching up on big threads like that, and would love to see it working again.
Oh! Another thing I just noticed: if you click on the "last comment" link instead of the main thread title, it doesn't change the coloring to mark the thread as read. Took me a few to figure out why I kept reading the same last comment over and over again because It thought there was a new post.
I think the redesign looks great. (And now it looks right on my iPad!)
The page number issue has been resolved so it will now show you a snippet of the first/last page numbers.
We've also tweaked the main page to tighten up the spacing a bit, and further speed the load time.
Posting a reply should now pick up the last subject line as well.
And, optional links are now properly spaced again.
More to come and thanks for all the VERY helpful feedback!
Okay, so now for the last few times I've logged in on my iPad, I click on message boards, and I get an error message every time
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
No problems on my iPad, but I also have it set to keep me logged in, so I don't have to sign in every time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
The mobile site still brings you back to main site if you use it long enough.
looks great on my computer but the message board is not working on the mobil app on my iPhone. If I try and go to the message board I get an error page and it brings me to the homepage of the website.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I had that happen too.
This should now be fixed too, though you might have to exit and re-enter the app.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I can finally see the new design, and it looks very nice.
Any chance on doing something about making the search function a little more reliable?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Any chance on doing something about making the search function a little more reliable?
The redesign looks great, but whenever I post an image in the “optional image” bar with no body text, the image shows up in the same box as the thread title. A quick fix is to just link to the image in the body field and it shows up normally under the thread title and grey bar, but there might be a bug or two in the code.
Thanks for the heads up re: optimal image -- all fixed.
Re: Search -- if you can PM me a few things you're searching for that are not coming up, that you think should be coming up, we'll take a look.
Sometimes about halfway down a page in a thread everything becomes italicized. The posts, the poster's names, all of it.
Here is an example:
Starting with Mister Matt's second post
Looks like Mister Matt attempted to italicize something in his post, but didn't close the html tag. Will see if we can code something to limit that from carrying on downwards.
Also on the topic of coding, every BWW TV and Broadway Beat video, when played in full screen using the BWW player, is stretched in disproportionate dimensions…the height is longer than it should past 16:9.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/22/09
I hate what mobile web has done to web design. Every site looks like crap now, not just this one, or doesn't work as well as before.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
This site looked like this before it had a mobile site, though.
The search issues of 'more...' linking to the wrong place should now be fixed as well.
"Posting a reply should now pick up the last subject line as well."
Not in the Adult thread.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator