Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/05
I am so happy to hear what everyone is saying about Nikki James. When I saw Les Miz I thought she was terrible and totally miscast. She does not have the voice or the acting chops. I know she won for BOM, but she does not belong in this show. I loved Ramin, he was excellent. Loved the Bullets number with Nick Cordero, definitely the best part of Bullets. Thought Sting was boring, reminded me of Once, which I disliked. Seeing it once was more than enough. I understand why Rocky decided to show the fight scene, but they should have showed some singing as it is a musical. Andy and Margo doing a number together, or doing one of their solo numbers.They both have two and they are both excellent. It would have shown what great voices they both have..
Hugh's opening: B. Cute, but too obscure of a reference.
After Midnight: B+.
Les Miserables: B-. Nikki was better than I had heard, but Kyle Scatliffe was rough.
Aladdin: B. I heard it's much better in the show, but still fun.
If/Then: A-. Idina's back, y'all.
Rocky: C-. Could have been more well-executed.
Cabaret: B. Nothing special. Surprised Michelle Williams wasn't there.
A Gentleman's Guide: A-. Fun, but probably better in context.
Hedwig: A. Electric.
Violet: A-. Wish they featured Josh Henry, but great!
The Last Ship: D. Put me to sleep.
Wicked: B+. Not necessary, but I liked it. They sounded great. Great exposure for those two.
Beautiful: A-. Great showcase of the show and for Carole to join them!
Bullets Over Broadway: B. Not as exciting as everyone made it sound like it would be.
Finding Neverland: B. Jennifer Hudson sounded great, but SO random.
Quick question for those of you who've stagedoor'd 'Beauatiful', does Jessie Mueller greet her atheist fans?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
I don't get why all the hating on "Aladdin" and the number they performed. It was one of my favorites of the night (but then again, though I'm older now and don't have the time, part of me will always self-identify as a tap dancer). As for it "looking like a cartoon," um...it's a DISNEY production. I'm sure the entire show looks cartoonish. He was directed to perform like that. Heck, in his award speech, he even said "thanks to ____ for imagining the Genie this way." So, not a big surprise at all.
Hedwig was my other favorite. Idina was wonderful, but yeah, as someone said...she's Idina. I am actually surprised no one mentioned catching on to Jonathan Groff's subtle making fun of Travolta when he pushed his voice register up to sound just like Travolta and then totally mimicked his Oscars enunciation, saying "theeee Wicked-leee talented...IDINA MENZEL," as if to make a clear correction on her name. It was, in fact, the intro she should have gotten. Subtle, and clever on Groff's part.
But I digress. Back to Hedwig for a sec. NPH did very clearly say, ostensibly to his children, on camera, "I can't wait til I can come home and read you books at night and put you to sleep, but that's happening soon." Doesn't sound like he wants to renew.
Also loved the "Beautiful" stuff--including Jessie's costume changes! She changed from red carpet, to old Carole, to young Carole, to old Carole, to Tony winner wardrobe, all night long, including one of those within exactly 60 seconds when the "Shirelles" sang their version, in the performance from the show. But I kind of have a feeling that anyone who loves Carole King--and I don't know anyone who doesn't--would love that show. Jessie is very talented. I also think it's cool that while she's not "traditionally" starlet-beautiful like lots of the other young nominees, she's adorably attractive and seems to truly inhabit the characters she plays. Love that. All of that. Congrats to her.
What an extraordinary achievement!
God only knows how many Tonys Julie Harris would have won had she not retired or Dame Angela Lansbury if she didn’t moved to Mane to solve murders for 12 years, but being a 6 time Tony Award-winner at the age of 43 is just phenomenal.
Dame Angela was only 41 when she won her first for Mame, so I won’t be surprised if McDonald will end up with 10 Tony Awards by the end of her career.
Yep! Even though we all knew it was coming, it was still a thrilling moment. It was so wonderful to see (and hear) the love in Radio City for Audra, too. History tonight!
"Quick question for those of you who've stagedoor'd 'Beauatiful', does Jessie Mueller greet her atheist fans? "
What do you mean? Why wouldn't she?
Because someone thought they'd be clever for mocking someone that mentionned their faith. How droll.
I'm one of those who also thinks that thanking God for winning an award (or a game) is a bit silly. Think about it: If you win and then thank God, and do not thank God when you lose, you are going on record as believing that God wanted you to win, and that a victory by your opponent(s) would have represented a thwarting of God’s plan. It's a bit self-serving, especially if you also consider that God (if he exists) cares more about your triumph than starving children worldwide, which is becoming a bigger problem as the world population grows and resources dwindle.
BTW: James Monroe Iglehart also thanked God.
For someone who no longer lives in NYC and doesn't visit that often, I thoroughly enjoyed Hugh and the broadcast. I especially liked the way he introduced the women in the leading and featured acting categories. Sutton looked stunning in pink. The Music Man rap made me smile.
This awards show should be celebrating the Broadway season that just ended. I'm sorry the book, score, and design categories are no longer shown. I have been fascinated with sets and costumes since I was a kid. I wish PBS would go back to showing these categories if they're not going to be shown during the telecast.
AtageManager - To be honest, I don't care for it either, and agree wholeheartedly with what you said. I just don't see how being nasty about it is appropriate, either. I thought both mentions were tastefully done, quick and to the point.
I never get why the subject of god being thanked when someone wins an award bothers people soo much. I mean, it's their religion and they have the right to praise God if they want to- what's it to anybody else. I believe that no one should either knock nor make fun of a person's religion or lack there of. ex: i believe in god, but don't knock me for doing so, and i won't knock you for not believing. It should be a two way street of acceptance. End of Rant. LOL
OMG. Or rather, OJM'sG. Come one people. It was a silly joke. I was not mocking the woman's religion. But she did more than simply thank capital-G. It just felt a little like we were being lectured to from the pulpit. And, yes, I know it's highly unlikely that that was her intention and she was likely just speaking about her own personal connection with the big guy. But this is what she said:
"I have to thank God, because without him nothing is possible. And that is true and that will always be true." (Her emphasis, not mine)
Because someone thought they'd be clever for mocking someone that mentionned their faith. How droll.
Not droll, but a lot of us find odd the notion that God intervenes in sporting events, beauty contests and award shows. And how arrogant to assume God roots for Miss Mueller over her competitors. (And where WAS He during CLEAR DAY, anyway?)
Personally, I'm with Kathy Griffin: "Nobody has less to do with me winning this award than Jesus!"
How about something that doesn't imply God chooses one nominee over another?
Something like, "I want to thank God for all the wonderful people with whom I've been privileged to work." Yes, I suppose every job is achieved at the expense of others, but it seems less pointed to me.
And if folks are entitled to express their faith, surely I'm allowed to find them obnoxious.
Updated On: 6/9/14 at 07:40 AM
(And where WAS He during CLEAR DAY, anyway?)
Good point! I forgot she was nominated for that. I guess Judy Kaye prayed harder that year.
(And where WAS He during CLEAR DAY, anyway?)
Good point! I forgot she was nominated for that. I guess Judy Kaye prayed harder that year.
I am not a person of faith, but I have absolutely no problems with people of faith choosing to thank God at times when they feel particularly blessed. I don't think anyone is thanking their God for getting them the win, or for someone else losing. I think they're thanking God for their gifts and their joy.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/19/13
Just a few thoughts--
Totally didn't get the opening Hugh Jackman hopping thing. Only in retrospect, I see it's based on "Small Town Girl" from 1953. A little obscure, huh? I was sitting there thinking, "WTF"?
A lot of broadcast time was wasted on shows not even open (Sting, Neverland) while awards for best score and book were done over commercial.
I was surprised by the selection of some of the numbers, as somebody else has said, "Will they sell tickets?" I had hoped to see more of Jefferson Mays from GG, but the number they did was very good.
And I think that movie people should just be forbidden from presenting. Maggie Gyllenhal was wooden, and Clint, well, a train wreck.
Did love the Carole King/Jessie Mueller duet.
All in all, a strange Tony broadcast.
I thought the broadcast very middle of the road, but with a few high points.
The opening was stupid.
I liked After Midnight, but it needed to have proper introduction. Dule needed to come out give a few lines about coming Uptown to the Cotton Club or something like that.
Even needing a better introduction was Gentleman's Guide. The people at the party I was at who weren't theater people/hadn't seen the show were lost. Maybe Jefferson Mayes just needed say, "In this number the presumptuous climber Monty is meeting with..." The tempo felt a little rushed, but their voices were glorious.
Hugh did that Music Man rap in his one man show on Broadway two seasons ago. It was much funnier in the context of his show than on the Tonys last night.
Rocky was pretty terrible, and the one truly thrilling sequence of the show was spoiled and came off as decidedly unimpressive.
I did LOVE the Violet performance and thought Sutton won the evening. It made me want to see the show again. (She also looked stunning in her pink dress.)
Idina did a good job with If/Then. Certainly sounded great and will sell a ticket or two.
Sting was really terrible. That song was boring and it made me considerably less excited to see The Last Ship this fall.
Neverland was just unnecessary. I couldn't understand the words Jennifer Hudson was singing.
Aladdin and Bullets fell into "OK" territory for me, and both those numbers lost much of the magic they had in the theater.
Les Mis was oy vey.
Understudy Joined: 4/16/14
[I don't get why all the hating on "Aladdin" and the number they performed. It was one of my favorites of the night (but then again, though I'm older now and don't have the time, part of me will always self-identify as a tap dancer). As for it "looking like a cartoon," um...it's a DISNEY production. I'm sure the entire show looks cartoonish. He was directed to perform like that. Heck, in his award speech, he even said "thanks to ____ for imagining the Genie this way." So, not a big surprise at all.]
The entire show does look cartoonish, gloriously, unashamedly cartoonish. : ) With a few moments of poignancy. I heard it was more serious in Toronto and it wasn't as good. There's so much energy in this one-- you can feel everyone in the cast is committed to being wonderfully ridiculous and over-the-top, bigger than life.
I know Aladdin is 'safe' when it comes to morally objectionable content. But it's bold in one way, and that way is the most important for me--it's not afraid to make all of its characters, hero, sidekicks, villains, foolish to some extent. A parade of fools, a celebration of clowns, this joyful irreverence is what I've been waiting to see on stage and Aladdin fulfills that wish.
@ GavestonPS - Just as i think that people who have a problem with other people's religion are obnoxious.
I enjoyed Rocky the Musical but they did not showcase it well tonight at all. I see what they tried to do by showing a but of the boxing match but that is a thrilling technical marvel in the theatre that is 15 mins long, a minute just seems odd. They should have just done Eye of the Tiger and ended with him running up the steps, that would have been far better.
ROCKY bit off more than they could chew, but a dear friend who loves the movie and was cautiously mortified about the prospects of the stage show told me she was very impressed at the ingenuity of the individual moments they showcased. If anything, doing essentially a montage rather than a medley was an effective table-setter and now she wants to see the show. So, that worked.
I thought the shows came off the best were GENT'S GUIDE and ALADDIN (simply picked the best songs in the show and did them) as well as VIOLET and BEAUTIFUL (very appropriate medleys.)
AFTER MIDNIGHT needed more context, but it's also hard to pick a single number from a show packed with showstoppers, and they were right at the top of the show so it got even more lost in the shuffle because it was still kind of maybe part of the opening number sort of? At least they fared better than IF/THEN, showed to me again that Idina Menzel can belt but I have no idea what she's singing about. That show is like the emotional sledgehammer of LES MIS without the rapturous melodies or archetypal story to support the emotions. So much bombast but nothing underneath, so it just looks foolish in the end.
Speaking of LES MIS, I honestly don't care how well or poorly this revival does, it just cemented in my mind that it needs to retire for ten years at least, come back in another generation. "One Day More" - a number that should be chilling and gorgeous and for all intents and purposes still was - came across in the middle of the broadcast like "yup, this is LES MIS, cool beans" and didn't feel special at all. And that's the time you disappear for a bit and make us want to remember you fondly. Same w/CABARET, but at least now I've seen Alan Cumming's Emcee costume in HD so... yay? (Actually, yeah, probably yay.)
I haven't read all the posts, but an early one really caught my attention.
AHLiebross, you complained about the use of the terms actor and actress being sexist. You seem to say that both are actors. So your suggestion is that we have "Best actor in a musical" and Best actor in a musical" without giving regard to sex and getting everyone totally confused? Or are you suggesting they say "best Male actor" and "best Female actor"? If you prefer the latter, why do you feel that is any less sexist than simply calling them actor and actress?