For me it has to be Les Miserables. Someone really should've taken the blue pencil out and cut at least 25 minutes from it. That's for starters. Why people hold it up with such reverence I don't understand, perhaps these people just believe the hype?
Definitely CATS. It's an acquired taste, and I ain't got the right tastebuds for that mess. Ugh. And Sweeney Todd scares me. A musical that involves human meat pies? Ew.
"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
Sweeney Todd. I find the music to be extremely boring and repetitive, and though the story is intriguing and fantastic, I just think it's a mess. A big, bloody mess.
"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions"
"Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu"
from "Can't Stop The Music"
"When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth"
"Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.
---> Again, I don't really get the point of these threads. It's all subjective. So, I don't get why people try to dispute other people's posts? It's sorta pointless.
I will go with Mama Mia...I waited YEARS to see it, just saw it with friends that are in from out of was cute, but I didn't understand the hype. There must be a lot of ABBA fans out there! HA!
Jack: For your information, most people who meet me do not know that I am gay.
Will: Jack, blind and deaf people know you're gay. Dead people know you're gay.
Jack: Grace, when you first met me, did you know I was gay?
Grace: My dog knew.
Avenue Q Rent Alter Boyz The History Boys Hairspray
I dont think Wicked is overrated at all, it is a wonderful show and If I had the money I would go see it every night, well not every night but maybe every week.
Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."