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Pacific Overtures

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#125Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/3/15 at 10:19pm

Luckily, After Eight, Sondheim has written an entire show comprised of only Waltzes.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#126Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/3/15 at 10:40pm

Fantod: Pretty Lady is SO gorgeous. I love the progressive layering of the different voices and it's a great demonstration of how Sondheim knows exactly how long to hold a section of music. The song never really quite changes but it moves from variation to variation in such a satisfying rhythm so that it's both constantly beguiling and fresh to the ear.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#127Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/3/15 at 11:12pm

And it's also kinda horrifying, given its context.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#128Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/3/15 at 11:15pm

"Good to know that you take pleasure in others pain, EricMonreal."

When it's a self inflicted pain that has gone on for forty+ years now, I'm not really sure how else to react to it. But really, let's not pretend that A8 doesn't actually loves being able to complain about these works and how he speaks for the majority and not some stuck up elite.

Updated On: 2/4/15 at 11:15 PM

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#129Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/3/15 at 11:23pm

Oh, god, yeah, the context is harsh. I love the bit in the original production where the body's just lying on the dimly-lit stage for like ten seconds while someone bangs a wooden block. For a moment it almost feels too real.

undercoveractor Profile Photo
#130Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:22am


'You mean "Bravo, Maestro" not "Brava, Maestro." '

Thanks PalJoey! I didn't mean to imply feminine, it was just a careless mistake.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#131Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 7:48am

Wow. Just when I was hoping to be able to give Fantod the benefit of the doubt.

But it looks like he's contented himself to indulge in the same convenient, willful blindness as his BWW mentor. What a shame.


Kad Profile Photo
#132Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 8:26am

But do you take pleasure in the pain of AfterEight, Growl? Like noted sadist EricMontreal?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#133Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 8:30am



tazber Profile Photo
#134Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 8:34am

Good to know that you take pleasure in others pain, EricMonreal.

Honestly, that is the most obnoxious post in the entire thread.

Eric is one of the few posters who never argues, puts down, belittles, or humiliates another person. His posts are ALWAYS well thought out and enhance every thread he posts in.

Fantod, your comment was stupid and childish.

On the other hand, Fantod beats A8 in the insult game!

And A8 is no doubt beaming with pride.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 2/4/15 at 08:34 AM

Fantod Profile Photo
#135Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:43am

"I delight in the hought of you sitting in a theatre, after paying $100, with a scowl planted firmly on your face before the orchestra has even played a note."

what else do you call that?

And I absolutely refuse to play this ridiculous game that the posters on this Board want me to play. The simple fact of the matter is: it doesn't MATTER what I think of After Eight. Nobody cares. He is a poster on a message board, not the president or a famous actor. But if you care oh so much, I am not a fan of bullying in any context whatsoever, as you should know. That's it. I don't even hate some of the posters on here who are extremely unkind to me (way more than After Eight ever was to any of you), I hate their actions, which seek to put down other posters for no obvious benefit. I hate it when After Eight does it, and I hate it even when PalJoey (who is one of the most thoughtful posters here) does it. It's just plain wrong to put down other people.

Kad Profile Photo
#136Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:50am

If anyone here takes pleasure in someone's "pain," it's AfterEight in his own. After all, it makes up most of what he posts here- his disapproval and dislike (or "pain") of shows he sees by composers he already dislikes.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

tazber Profile Photo
#137Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 11:51am

Stop whining.

You insulted someone who had never even interacted with you, and is one of the nicest posters on the forum.

Your constant paranoia that there is some kind of game people are forcing you into is a ridiculous idea. No one forced you to be an ass to Eric.

You're a little bitch now. Embrace it.

And welcome to the club.

....but the world goes 'round

Fantod Profile Photo
#138Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:04pm

I wasn't "an ass" to Eric, I commented on something that he himself posted that was way nastier than anything I said to him.

And I'm nobody's little bitch.

tazber Profile Photo
#139Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:14pm

A) In your rush to defend A8 you made a nasty comment directed squarely at Eric.
Spin it however you wish, but it is what it is.

B) I never called you anyone's little bitch. I said you were a little bitch.
You don't have to belong to someone to lob insults.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 2/4/15 at 12:14 PM

Fantod Profile Photo
#140Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:32pm

I have absolutely no interest in defending After Eight in this thread. He is being quite rude. However, about a hundred thousand people rushed at the chance to tell him so.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#141Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:36pm

Oh, I'm just interested in how it seems you're pretty quick to debate almost everyone who disagrees with you or says something you disagree with -- except for After Eight. I'm curious about why he's gotten repeated passes from you. That's what I'm curious about. If anyone's playing a game here, it's you.


Fantod Profile Photo
#142Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:44pm

Like I said, about a hundred thousand people are rushing at the chance to criticize him, but not a single person cares that some people in this thread are not just rude, but actively nasty to him. I think if I were to criticize him, my voice would be unnecessary, but nobody else seems to want to tell others that it shouldn't be okay to be actively cruel to another person.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#143Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 12:50pm

People are nasty to him because he’s been here being nasty to everyone for 6 years.

And I’m not talking about you criticizing him in this thread or even for his nasty behavior. I’m talking about how, since you’ve been here, you’ve actively engaged with all manner of posters when you differ in opinion with them. And you’ve proven, for the most part, to be reasonable and interested in civil discourse. But you won’t engage with After Eight in the same way -- because you know that if you do, you’ll have to confront being on the receiving end of his verbal abuse.


Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#144Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 2:47pm

After Eight is a terrible poster with a horrible cruel streak who invades every single Sondheim thread ever made with the explicit intent of dumping on him, his works, his fans, and everyone in the thread with anything positive to say. That's pretty much all he ever does besides bemoan the state of modern theater, which he very explicitly claims was done in by a shadowy cabal of "bad guys" who hate fun and joy and audiences. He brings nothing to threads but bunch of pissy insults, and he's been doing this since the beginning of time, so yeah, maybe we're a little short with him.

tazber Profile Photo
#145Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 3:03pm

I mean, looked what happened to your thread, Fantod.

....but the world goes 'round

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#146Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 4:35pm

NOBODY is being very nice frankly. Can't we just talk about this remarkable piece of theater without devolving into petty nam-calling??

Anyhoo, did anyone see the Lincoln Center performances of the Tokyo production in Japanese? I've heard audio clips and it's fascinating to hear sung in the language of the country at its center, though obviously doesn't flow quite as well.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#147Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 4:51pm

Can't we just talk about this remarkable piece of theater without devolving into petty nam-calling??

Not when After Eight enters a thread. Come on now.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#148Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 5:20pm

Just watched the first 30 minutes, does it get better?


icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#149Pacific Overtures
Posted: 2/4/15 at 5:24pm

I blocked After Eight. I'm so happy I don't have to witness his toxic opinions on absolutely EVERYTHING.

On the other hand, Pacific Overtures is far from my favorite Sondheim, but the score is marvelous. I kind of think it would work more if it were more sung through. The book is the problem and it drags severely.
