Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
DAME said: "Incestous is the wrong word.. what word am I looking for?
Girl, I don't know. More clues, please.
I've hit a wall. maybe because now I am just so afraid of expressing myself. I don't want to be accused of being snarky, or a bully, or anything like that. I just want to have fun and be a little catty. But I feel it is being taken away from me.. AND I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG! Am I part of the problem?
Patti and Scott Alan would like our profiles linked to our facebooks to prevent us from hiding behind anonymous usernames!
What if I am not on Facebook?
@PRS .. I would hate that Grotesque turns me on. Something a little lighter..
Off-topic I guess, but I've been a longtime lurker of these boards and I just finally had to come on here to tell you all that you're all hilarious and it's been really enjoyable reading all of your comments on this thread
@ PRS and @Namo.. maybe you can help me to come up with a disclaimer to put below my threads... I am all for being catty but I don't want to come off as snarky or a bully,, Is being catty just a gay thing? I always thought it was just a a me thing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
DAME, and i say this in complete sincerity, I don't think anyone would ever say you come across as a bully.
PRS, the same couldn't be said about you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Ima take that #LightSnark and make a #LightSnack!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
My snark is lightly breaded, delicately fried and served with a white whine vinegar reduction a la murin.
Would posting this be considered bullying & mean?
This was the song they presented from Nerds at BroadwayCon. I actually did like it and wanted to hear the rest of the score. Now that will not happen.
That show looks good. It should come to broadway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Why are the performers insisting that people only read cherry-picked propaganda and not the original sources with context? I've lost respect for many of them now. Brainless. Attacking one of only two major fan boards for Broadway is shortsighted beyond belief.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Ha! But not a Tony!
BTW, I lasted 30 seconds of that nerds number. Haven't we moved on from this type of thing? I mean, far far beyond?
Also, why attack BWW when there's Datalounge?
Oh, God. Don't point that poor girl towards datalounge!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
I'm sure she's never heard of it. It's clear many of these people are inexperienced with the internet and the entire concept of "fan communities."
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
God bless them on their crusade to fundamentally change internet culture. They're the first to think of it. They're "brave" to talk about it. I'm thinking patti doesn't know much about the world if she thinks anything about this "fantastic quote" says anything that hasn't been said a million times before and better:
@PattiMurin people seem to forget that just Bc someone is a public figure doesn't make them public property
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
Patti- You have chosen a ****ty business to be in. It is catty, nasty, vitriolic, not only from strangers but people IN the biz ....the song "Welcome To The Theater" from "Applause says it all Life was much simpler and happier before the advent of social media. People use it for all the wrong reasons..There are many opportunities for people to rant and take out their anger on people they don't even know. People have committed SUICIDE because of what people say about them on FB!. And they diss shows because -well maybe they are jealous, .it could be 100 reasons. Get off of Twitter if you have an account. I understand it is a way of promoting yourself.....but if it is going to upset you, it really worth it? When Liza Minelli was in rehab, she was upset at what mean things people were saying about her. She called Elizabeth Taylor for sympathy and Liz asked her....are you reading them?...Liza said "yes".. And Liz said "Well....don't read them"....Sending you love and tranquility. You were fab in "Lady Be Good"...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
You have the offending word RIGHT IN YOUR SCREEN NAME!!
Let's just tell Patti & Co "Vintage" means "light." Not to be "mean" but nobody in the Donnells's echo chamber seems particularly worldly or what you might call book smart.
This was just my little attempt to share a bit of what we've been saying from a modestly diplomatic standpoint. I tend to feel her intentions are good and this has all gotten a bit out of hand. But, we have our equally valid side of the story too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Patti Murin @PattiMurin 59m59 minutes ago
@PattyBallBundy I absolutely agree. That's why I want it to be everyone respecting each other, not just 80%.
I appreciate what you've done but her response to you has pushed her from my "people who mildly annoy me" column right to "I hate this person."
And here's why: People have to grow up and realize they DON'T run the world, they CAN'T control other people, they AREN'T inside other people's heads, and even if people did everything we think we want them to do, our disordered personalities will be sure to give us something else we can complain about and delusionally think the world would be better if they would just change that one thing.
Grow up, Patti. Grow the eff up. At best I will henceforth respect you 15%. And I am just me. I am one person. Communities are made up of all sorts of people. And you and I both know that this friggin myth of the "supportive theater community" is filled with way more talking behind people's back, which they'll happily stab as they step over you to get a part in whatever crap project you're doing now. So, can it with the dreamworld, wouldjya?