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"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!- Page 45

"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!

legally_popular Profile Photo
#1100re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/6/09 at 6:03pm

Her behavior is out of control. I was aware of this person since Next to Normal played at Second Stage and found out that I was not the only one. Many people witnessed her behavior and are/were uncomfortable around her and saw how inappropriate it was. I've heard MANY stories about what she has done. You can't say that it is merely love for the show and it's cast to justify her actions. It is a sick, unhealthly obsession. Especially at her age, she should know better. holdyourbatboy was the first person to say something about it on this thread and apparently many other people were aware of her as well. I'm honestly glad that this issue is being addressed by the people at the Booth too.

#1101re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/7/09 at 2:21am

Not trying to fuel the fire here, but just out of curiosity, what does said person do that's so awful that would cause several people to take notice of her/get her banned from The Booth?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#1102re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/7/09 at 7:59am

Read the thread, Heo... a lot of it is here.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#1103re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/8/09 at 10:41pm

Saw N2N a great discount from TDF, but was a little disappointed that I couldn't see the top floor of the set from where I was sitting. But whatever...I'll get over it. LOL

I did notice some changes since I last saw it at's gotten much better! And my mom even liked it, which is saying a lot, as she typically prefers the more "traditional" shows.

So yes...a big two thumbs up for N2N from me!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1104re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/8/09 at 11:19pm

I heard from a friend who was at the matinee that there was an unfortunate cell phone incident right before I Am the One (reprise). She said it was very distracting, but Kyle and Bobby pressed on.
Updated On: 8/8/09 at 11:19 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#1105re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/8/09 at 11:32pm

I hate people.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#1106re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 12:19am

Does Jennifer come out the stage door? I've seen the show twice and she hasn't come out. I'm seeing it again tomorrow and would love it if she could sign my poster.


#1107re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 12:28am

Jennifer is the least likely of the cast to come out. I haven't been to the stage door in a while so I don't know if things have changed, but I think most of the time Jennifer doesn't come out.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#1108re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 12:32am

can you drop it off at the stage door before the show and ask whoever is working there to leave a note for her?

#1109re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 3:14pm

The cell phone incident above reminded me of something I read on a N2N forum. Apparently at one performance, somewhere around It's Gonna Be Good, a phone slid out of Alice's hand, and flew below an orchestra seat. Everybody was looking for it but couldn't find it so an audience member threw her cell phone from the front row to Alice. Alice used the phone as a prop and then tossed it back to the owner when she was done with it. The actual prop was found under a seat during intermission and returned.

guymy13 Profile Photo
#1110re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 6:13pm

I, too, was at the matinee yesterday. It was my 3rd time seeing the show. Cell phones (not mine) went off during the silence before I Am the One (reprise) at two of the three performances I saw. It really ruins the moment. Oh well, still a great show :)

#1111re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 10:58pm

Where can I find the Next to Normal message board people have mentioned in this thread? Thanks!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1112re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 11:04pm

Tonight's show was absolutely incredible. Great audience (full house) that was really into it. Cast was excellent, as always. Every time I watch this show, I get more and more annoyed that Bobby lost the Tony to the little ballet boys. There's really no comparison.

Anyway, a little four legged creature made another appearance this evening. Tonight it was during Maybe. He scampered out of stage left behind Alice and then kind of meandered around at the edge of the stage before disappearing. I'm not sure if anyone onstage saw him but it certainly caused a bit of excitement in the first couple of rows.

#1113re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 11:06pm

I still have a single ticket for 9/12 @ 2pm. It is mezzanine row H (aisle). I am selling it for $35. Please pm me if you are interested. Thanks!

#1114re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/9/09 at 11:16pm

"Tonight's show was absolutely incredible. Great audience (full house) that was really into it. Cast was excellent, as always. Every time I watch this show, I get more and more annoyed that Bobby lost the Tony to the little ballet boys. There's really no comparison.

Anyway, a little four legged creature made another appearance this evening. Tonight it was during Maybe. He scampered out of stage left behind Alice and then kind of meandered around at the edge of the stage before disappearing. I'm not sure if anyone onstage saw him but it certainly caused a bit of excitement in the first couple of rows."

There were pretty many empty seats in the orch but none up in the mezz. I had a perfect view as I was in the front left box.

I was enjoying the show that was happening in the front row more than I was the actual show onstage though and it WASN'T the person that people are referring to on here but the people that ClumsyDude was referring to at SD on July 20th.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

Eos Profile Photo
#1115re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 12:08am

"I was enjoying the show that was happening in the front row more than I was the actual show onstage though and it WASN'T the person that people are referring to on here but the people that ClumsyDude was referring to at SD on July 20th."

I want details. Is that wrong?

The Overture is part of the show, people. Please shut your pie hole.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#1116re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 12:30am

There are these girls who are obsessed with the show and one of them is the person whom Alice is addressing in the videos on Youtube.

They go to the show and try and draw attention to themselves and act ridiculous at stage door by asking Alice to pose with various objects and make ridiculous faces. They are more distracting than the person of whom this thread has seen many a post about being distracting and a bother.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#1117re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 12:56am


If you aren't affiliated with the show or the theatre, why are you there so often?

And why did you just manage to re-jack the thread after it semed to get back on track?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#1118re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 1:01am

What exactly has this girl done? I breezed through a bunch of pages and couldn't find anything. Can someone just give me a quick recap?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#1119re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 1:08am

I wasn't there this evening, someone asked for more details on what I said about July 20th and that's why I commented on it.

I didn't mean to continue this whole ordeal, but they asked for details and I answered.

I should have simply PMed them and done it that way, I apologize.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1120re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 1:12am

I was 6 seats away from the ladies in question tonight and didn't notice anything. But, I always find the action onstage to be far more interesting than anything in the audience.

Especially at this show.

Eos Profile Photo
#1121re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 2:45am

Sorry for the detour. I'm seeing the show for the second time at the end of the month, and I just don't want to have to put up with any shenanigans.
Thanks for the details, Clumsy.
Okay, let's commence with the N2N love...

The Overture is part of the show, people. Please shut your pie hole.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#1122re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 4:18am

Your welcome, Eos.


"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#1123re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 8:18am

"There were pretty many empty seats in the orch but none up in the mezz. I had a perfect view as I was in the front left box."

I was there last night too and didn't see one empty seat in the orchestra. I guess it's possible a few people didn't show up, but an usher I talked to at intermission told me it was a full house (or sold out... don't remember the exact words he used).

#1124re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 8/10/09 at 3:42pm

Hello everyone! So my boyfriend and I are planning a trip up to New York to see Next to Normal next Tuesday the 18th, and I had questions about seating. Due to something else, we have $120 we can put towards tickets. I just am having a hard time deciding whether we should take the last 2 $40 tickets and have $40 left towards the hotel (the seats are in Row H all the house Right), or whether I should upgrade to better seats which are in the middle of Row B of the Mezzanine, but we would have to pay $120 more dollars. Does anyone have an opinion of what I should do? I'm considering upgrading the seats without telling him and then paying the $120 myself and calling that our anniversary present (since we decided not to do anything), but I would like some opinions from others who are more familiar with the theatre. Thank you guys so much!
