Phantom4ever said: "So Phantom had four performances post-closing notice last week, and it looks like it shows in the grosses. For this week, Monday night and tomorrow night look sold out/close to selling out too. The amount of premium seats has gone way up for remaining performances too.."
I really felt "Feb 18" as the closing date was to start this type of movement. Free-est advertising ever. Was covered everywhere here in the NY area as well as international. I'm figuring they make it through the season and close around the Tony's - give them next Summer to renovate the Majestic
Swing Joined: 10/3/21
After Phantom closes, the grandfathered minimum at the Majestic is reduced to the new minimum. I don’t remember exactly what it is, maybe 16 or 18, but far fewer than now.
Edited to say that I just looked at the agreement and it’s 18. Blgh.
"To all our #PhantomBroadway fans around the world: We are overwhelmed by the amount of love and memories you have shared over the past week. After 13,925 performances, The Phantom of the Opera will be closing on February 18, 2023.
Thank you to every single person who has been part of theater history and experienced the music of the night for almost 35 years in New York City.
We know everyone is eager to spend the final weeks with Phantom, and more information on the final block of tickets will be announced soon. In the meantime, we would love to read more of your personal stories and experiences with the show—please share them in the replies below."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
I already have anxiety over getting tickets for the closing performance.
Update: my husband agreed to go, so I just booked our flight, hotel, and tickets to see the show in January. This is such a pick-me-up after my pregnancy loss a few months ago, so I’m actually happy about something for the first time in a while. I’m grateful Phantom is giving us one last blessing before it goes!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Elfuhbuh said: "Update: my husband agreed to go, so I just booked our flight, hotel, and tickets to see the show in January. This is such a pick-me-up after my pregnancy loss a few months ago, so I’m actually happy about something for the first time in a while. I’m grateful Phantom is giving us one last blessing before it goes!"
<3 I’m so glad you get to see it
Phantom4ever said: "I packed up all of my Phantom merch in a big box on Saturday and I keep finding more to still put away. Today it was the souvenir cups and coffee cups. Ugh."
Hey, look! The babbling orange ball of stench has tried to blame Phantom closing on Biden. Ugh.
Matt Rogers said: "Hey, look! The babbling orange ball of stench has tried to blame Phantom closing on Biden. Ugh."
I wish he would just go away.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Lot666 said: "Phantom4ever said: "I packed up all of my Phantom merch in a big box on Saturday and I keep finding more to still put away. Today it was the souvenir cups and coffee cups. Ugh."
I had about 6 framed Phantom posters around my apartment, along with a bunch of other displayed souvenirs etc like the Monkeybox and things like that. I don't want to keep looking at all of it, and I especially don't want guests to come by and say "Didn't that show close?"
That's just how I feel now. It may change. I didn't throw anything out, I just put it into storage.
I already completely changed course about seeing it. When the announcement first came, I said I would NEVER see the show again so as not to give any more money to Mackintosh, but now I feel like I want to see as often as I can before it closes. I am at 82 performances now, and I can't imagine I could get to 100 before Feb. 18, but I bet I could get to 90.
Watching a video of the London overture made me realize again what an incredible loss this is. The curtains on the stage are so thin and ugly as opposed to the sumptuous gorgeous Bjornson curtains at the Majestic. And even the way they go up during the overture, with the translucent blue one flying up fast, and the multicolored red one downstage going up slowly.....all of that is lost in Seth's "improved" production.
And why hasn't ALW said anything yet!
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
I know what you mean, Phantom4ever. I was trying to declutter in any case and put some of my Phantom stuff away recently, but whereas before I used to get excited by seeing posters for what was my favourite show in London, it now just fills me with sadness seeing the posters for the 'new' production...particularly since in London, because of the way it is handled, they are still carrying on with the pretence that there is nothing different and the show came back as it was pre-COVID. They're even using a press quotation from 2018 to promote it - despite the fact that's for the original production, not this one! At least on Broadway people will know it's a revival (hopefully) when Cameron comes to impose his cut-down version.
Please can those who are interested email RUG & Cam Mac to request a pro-shot? I know it's doubtful but this is the last shot, really. The Albert Hall thing does nothing for me, and obviously the movie does not either. This is the last chance to capture a masterful original staging by Hal Prince, complete with the full-scale designs and full orchestra. It saddens me to think future generations will look back and think the world went crazy over the Albert Hall production, when that is not what lasted on Broadway all this time.
Phantom4ever said: "I don't want to keep looking at all of it"
Okay, I can understand that.
Phantom4ever said: "and I especially don't want guests to come by and say "Didn't that show close?"
This I don't understand. What difference does it make if the show is closed? I have memorabilia from a lot of shows that are closed. Don't let others dictate what you enjoy in your own home.
Phantom4ever said: "I already completely changed course about seeing it. When the announcement first came, I said I would NEVER see the show again so as not to give any more money to Mackintosh, but now I feel like I want to see as often as I can before it closes. I am at 82 performances now, and I can't imagine I could get to 100 before Feb. 18, but I bet I could get to 90."
I would have to go count all of my tickets/playbills, but I think you and I might be very close here.
Phantom4ever said: "And why hasn't ALW said anything yet!"
Indeed. I just don't get it.
The Scorpion said: "Please can those who are interested email RUG & Cam Mac to request a pro-shot? I know it's doubtful but this is the last shot, really."
I wish I thought this might possibly help, but I honestly don't. I feel quite confident that what's happening right now is based 100% on profit for Mackintosh, and if he's planning to mount a "revival" that duplicates the cheap London production, then he's not going to want ticket sales to compete with the option of simply owning "The Brilliant Original" on home video.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
Lot666 said: "The Scorpion said: "Please can those who are interested email RUG & Cam Mac to request a pro-shot? I know it's doubtful but this is the last shot, really."
I wish I thought this might possibly help, but I honestly don't. I feel quite confident that what's happening right now is based 100% on profit for Mackintosh, and if he's planning to mount a "revival" that duplicates the cheap London production, then he's not going to want ticket sales to compete with the option of simply owning "The Brilliant Original" on home video.
While I agree this is entirely the t**t-ish move Mackintosh might make, I still want to know that people tried to have this made. When London changed I wrote to ALW to get the Broadway one filmed, trying to tug on his Hal Prince heartstrings. I got a response from his secretary saying 'we're looking into it', and while I think that was a polite dismissal, I want to hold them to 'looking into it' one more time before it's too late.
The Scorpion said: "When London changed I wrote to ALW to get the Broadway one filmed, trying to tug on his Hal Prince heartstrings. I got a response from his secretary saying 'we're looking into it', and while I think that was a polite dismissal, I want to hold them to 'looking into it' one more time before it's too late."
Via what medium did you contact him?
The Scorpion said: "Lot666 said: "The Scorpion said: "Please can those who are interested email RUG & Cam Mac to request a pro-shot? I know it's doubtful but this is the last shot, really."
I wish I thought this might possibly help, but I honestly don't. I feel quite confident that what's happening right now is based 100% on profit for Mackintosh, and if he's planning to mount a "revival" that duplicates the cheap London production, then he's not going to want ticket sales to compete with the option of simply owning "The Brilliant Original" on home video.
While I agree this is entirely the t**t-ish move Mackintosh might make, I still want to know that people tried to have this made. When London changed I wrote to ALW to get the Broadway one filmed, trying to tug on his Hal Prince heartstrings. I got a response from his secretary saying 'we're looking into it', and while I think that was a polite dismissal, I want to hold them to 'looking into it' one more time before it's too late."
I've also blown up ALW's FB/Insta about releasing the OG BWay cast video. It exists in the NYC Public Library under restricted access (new cast members?). They really need to give this to us!!!
Featured Actor Joined: 12/6/05
I adore Phantom (see my profile name) and am very sad about this news. I would much rather it play for many more years but when it closes... I wonder if it might be an opportunity for the Yeston version to fill the void in NYC. It's never played Broadway. I prefer Lloyd Webber's version but in my opinion Yeston's version has its moments. I would love to see it play the Majestic and keep the seat warm until Lloyd Webber's version returns. I know it's never gonna happen, but that would be so cool.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
mozgrrl said: "The Scorpion said: "Lot666 said: "The Scorpion said: "Please can those who are interested email RUG & Cam Mac to request a pro-shot? I know it's doubtful but this is the last shot, really."
I wish I thought this might possibly help, but I honestly don't. I feel quite confident that what's happening right now is based 100% on profit for Mackintosh, and if he's planning to mount a "revival" that duplicates the cheap London production, then he's not going to want ticket sales to compete with the option of simply owning "The Brilliant Original" on home video.
While I agree this is entirely the t**t-ish move Mackintosh might make, I still want to know that people tried to have this made. When London changed I wrote to ALW to get the Broadway one filmed, trying to tug on his Hal Prince heartstrings. I got a response from his secretary saying 'we're looking into it', and while I think that was a polite dismissal, I want to hold them to 'looking into it' one more time before it's too late."
I've also blown up ALW's FB/Insta about releasing the OG BWay cast video. It exists in the NYC Public Library under restricted access (new cast members?). They really need to give this to us!!!"
They don't *NEED* to do anything. They did the 25th? anniversary? at Royal Albert Hall. In my opinion, that was a fantastic production. I love that they did that. But saying they *need* to do something speaks about how entitled you are.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
Lot666 said: "The Scorpion said: "When London changed I wrote to ALW to get the Broadway one filmed, trying to tug on his Hal Prince heartstrings. I got a response from his secretary saying 'we're looking into it', and while I think that was a polite dismissal, I want to hold them to 'looking into it' one more time before it's too late."
Via what medium did you contact him?"
Good old fashioned snail mail.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
I've also blown up ALW's FB/Insta about releasing the OG BWay cast video. It exists in the NYC Public Library under restricted access (new cast members?). They really need to give this to us!!!"
They don't *NEED* to do anything. They did the 25th? anniversary? at Royal Albert Hall. In my opinion, that was a fantastic production. I love that they did that. But saying they *need* to do something speaks about how entitled you are."
Ok I can't believe I of all people have to be the one to say this on the Phantom's Closing thread of all places, but let's all relax geez. the Royal Albert Hall production is NOT what's at the Majestic by a longshot. Granted it was nice to see for free during the pandemic, but when this production closes, it will never ever come back again for many reasons.
And above all, a Broadway fan on a Broadway message board saying that somebody "needs" to give their fans something is a figure of speech at worst and an earnest fan request at best. So calm down, hearthemsing. Maybe you should go hear them sing because it might relax you a bit--no snark just hoping you'll be able to take it easy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Lot666 said: "Phantom4ever said: "I don't want to keep looking at all of it"
Okay, I can understand that.
Phantom4ever said:"and I especially don't want guests to come by and say "Didn't that show close?"
This I don't understand. What difference does it make if the show is closed? I have memorabilia from a lot of shows that are closed. Don't let others dictate what you enjoy in your own home.
Phantom4ever said:"I already completely changed course about seeing it. When the announcement first came, I said I would NEVER see the show again so as not to give any more money to Mackintosh, but now I feel like I want to see as often as I can before it closes. I am at 82 performances now, and I can't imagine I could get to 100 before Feb. 18, but I bet I could get to 90."
I would have to go count all of my tickets/playbills, but I think you and I might be very close here.
Phantom4ever said:"And why hasn't ALW said anything yet!"
Indeed. I just don't get it."
Lot666, you are officially my BWW therapist. Thank you for reaching out with kindness yet again. Thanks to you I was able to pull my Phantom stuff back out of storage and enjoy it again.
I keep a lot of spreadsheets, etc for Broadway shows and a special one for Phantom with all kinds of data on it so it's easy for me to remember how many times I've seen. And how many times I've seen it on a Wednesday. Or how many times I saw in 2004. Or in April. Or in the right front mezz. lol.
Phantom4ever said: "
I've also blown up ALW's FB/Insta about releasing the OG BWay cast video. It exists in the NYC Public Library under restricted access (new cast members?). They really need to give this to us!!!"
They don't *NEED* to do anything. They did the 25th? anniversary? at Royal Albert Hall. In my opinion, that was a fantastic production. I love that they did that. But saying they *need* to do something speaks about how entitled you are."
Ok I can't believe I of all people have to be the one to say this on the Phantom's Closing thread of all places, but let's all relax geez. the Royal Albert Hall production is NOT what's at the Majestic by a longshot. Granted it was nice to see for free during the pandemic, but when this production closes, it will never ever come back again for many reasons.
And above all, a Broadway fan on a Broadway message board saying that somebody "needs" to give their fans something is a figure of speech at worst and an earnest fan request at best. So calm down, hearthemsing. Maybe you should go hear them sing because it might relax you a bit--no snark just hoping you'll be able to take it easy.
Thank you for those words Phantom4ever. I wasn't trying to be "entitled" by saying that.
Phantom4ever said: "Lot666, you are officially my BWW therapist. Thank you for reaching out with kindness yet again. Thanks to you I was able to pull my Phantom stuff back out of storage and enjoy it again.
I keep a lot of spreadsheets, etc for Broadway shows and a special one for Phantom with all kinds of data on it so it's easy for me to remember how many times I've seen. And how many times I've seen it on a Wednesday. Or how many times I saw in 2004. Or in April. Or in the right front mezz. lol."
I see you also suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We are indeed kindred spirits.
chernjam said: "Phantom4ever said: "So Phantom had four performances post-closing notice last week, and it looks like it shows in the grosses. For this week, Monday night and tomorrow night look sold out/close to selling out too. The amount of premium seats has gone way up for remaining performances too.."
I really felt "Feb 18" as the closing date was to start this type of movement. Free-est advertising ever. Was covered everywhere here in the NY area as well as international. I'm figuring they make it through the season and close around the Tony's - give them next Summer to renovate the Majestic"
Anyone care to speculate how likely it is that they’ll extend past February? I haven’t seen Phantom in 34 years but would love to catch it when we’re back in NYC at the end of March.
There was a time in my life when I was so deeply enthralled by this show that’s it’s almost difficult to ruminate on it. I’m not sure seeing it again with this much distance will be enjoyable but I need to do it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Piparoo I know you feel. When I was in grammar school and started learning piano, the first thing I asked for was Phantom of the Opera sheet music.For my very first trip to New York, I wanted Phantom to be my first Broadway show. When I flew out to New York for my graduate school interview, I made sure to get Phantom tickets for that night. For the ten years I lived there, I took everyone who visited me to see Phantom.
Watching the videos of the Dear Evan Hansen load out on Tiktok has been painful because I cannot imagine the thought of watching the Phantom set getting loaded out of the Majestic. To think that it is all still there where Maria Bjornson left it in 1987 and soon it will all be cut into pieces and hauled off somewhere....
Anyway, I finally got tickets! I will be see Phantom of the Opera three times during my trip between Christmas and New Year's. I got tickets all over the theater too. Front row, Row K in the middle of the orchestra, and in the Right Front Mezz, which I haven't sat in since 2008 and I've only seen the show twice from the Right Front Mezz so I'm excited about that. That will make 85 times I've seen the show, which is a number I can live with, but I do hope to get there again in January and maybe even for the final performance.