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RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)- Page 5

RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)

US Asians
#100RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 12:50pm

Links to videos that better show how the performances went would be appreciated. Most of the previous videos were blurry and from a distance.

Did anybody see "Opening Night" and either Saturday or Sunday's performance? It would be fascinating to see/hear what the differences were.

What roles do you think are best for Nicole and Vanessa to pursue to develop their seemingly interest in doing theater (a good thing).
Interview with Telly Leung

#101RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:16pm

This is to all of those who've posted a lot of negativity about the actors, band, venue, the cuts, or whatever..

I just have one thing to say.. It's not you out there, your not singing, acting, dancing in front of a large crowd. It's not your career so why dog the actors and actresses, everything in between the damn point is that Jonathan Larson's message is being put across point blank. I give all involved kudos for even taking the time and effort to put on a production. I'd like to see every one of you get out there in front of thousands and perform.
Updated On: 8/9/10 at 01:16 PM

theaternut Profile Photo
#102RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:23pm

"I just have one thing to say.. It's not you out there, your not singing, acting, dancing in front of a large crowd. It's not your career so why dog the actors and actresses, everything in between the damn point is that Jonathan Larson's message is being put across point blank. I give all involved kudos for even taking the time and effort to put on a production. I'd like to see every one of you get out there in front of thousands and perform."

That is a stupid and ill informed argument. The evening is for the person that paid their money to be there. I am not there as a charity case. I am there to be entertained. The show was yuck. But the evening at the Bowl was wonderful.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#103RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:25pm

I don't think Jonathan Larson's message included making "Over the Moon" a comedic tour de force, so we might want to scale back what we think dead people might have wanted.

brdwaybabe4life, clearly you haven't mastered writing in English, so I don't think you should have the right to post on here. Leave that for people who CAN write.

US Asians
#104RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:34pm

Many wished they had have the opportunity to perform in front of 18,000 people per night / 50,000+ people over three days in their theater debut. These actors had the privileged (and paid GOOD MONEY) to entertain their audience.

Many posters here are Rentheads (why would they be interested in posting) and/or fans of great theater and are disappointed when the message of a great show is not effectively communicated. If a performer is miscast (i.e. Vanessa), major production miscues and/or a performer is not bringing what is needed for the character they are portraying - it would be disrespectful not to bring up these factors in a respectiveful and with the attitude of providing constructive criticisms.

"I'd like to see every one of you get out there in front of thousands and perform." Many here would LOVE to have the privilege of performing in front of thousands of people. Many here think that they can perform just as well, hence their observations and frustrations because the people on stage are supposed to be better.

Read more:

Calvin Jung's Review of RENT (Hollywood Bowl

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#105RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:39pm

I saw it last night and for me the real standouts were Nicole and Aaron. Nicole made Maureen her own. She was very funny and the girl can sing. Aaron has a gorgeous voice and his acting was very good. I am still trying to figure out if he actually played the National Anthem because his back was to us the whole time.

I thought Vanessa was okay. I did not care at all for her Light My Candle which came off as too childish. Her Out Tonight was not good. The only parts I thought she was okay vocally was on Another Day and Goodbye Love.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

#106RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:39pm

I was only there on Sat. night but in response to "US Asians":
I think that Nicole would be great in "Chicago". She has the looks, powerhouse voice and acting chops to pull it off. I also hope they develop roles just for her. She really stole the show. In front of 17,000 people that is no small feat. On the other hand, Vanessa, imho is not really suited for the musical stage. To me she is a mediocre talent and LA Theater deserved better.

She may be suited for "Beauty and The Beast" or some other Disney fare but not serious, adult, legitamate theatre. I really think that if it wasn't for her being in HSM she would never have been cast. It was "stunt" casting to draw in more people. RENT is a Pulitzer Prize winning play and having a mediocre performer play a lead role really diminishes it's importance. Personally I would have loved to have seen Shakira tackle the role of Mimi. (bring it on naysayers) She has a great voice, looks young enough and has that ferocity that so embodies Mimi. Again, imo LA and the Hollywood Bowl deserved better than Vanessa Hudgens. I think Neil made a huge casting faux pas.

pinkyboy Profile Photo
#107RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:44pm

I've only seen clips, but Hudgens should stick to films. No offense to her, but her vocals weren't up to playing Mimi. I liked her in High School Musical, but she can't sing live.
P.s. Don't hate me for liking HSM RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#108RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:47pm

brdwaybabe: OH PLEASE. Rent has long ago ceased to be "a message". Additionally, they are professional actors, criticism is part of the job. EVERY single theater goer has the right to voice their opinion. If they didn't want people discussing their performance, they certainly picked the wrong field.

I have found nearly all the comments to be pretty specific and respectful, which is not always the case.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Broadway Doctor Profile Photo
Broadway Doctor
#109RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 1:55pm

The Broadway Doctor does Hollywood Bowl RENT

RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
What Neil Patrick Harris Did WRONG

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor.

DAME Profile Photo
#110RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 2:04pm

Well.. that review is a little bitchy. But that is your right.


US Asians
#111RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 2:05pm

Appreciate your thougts

I agree that within a theater environment (NOT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL), Nicole would be good in Chicago - maybe even Moulin Rouge. Her "Dancing with the Stars" days should provide the opportunity (just like it does with all the wannabe actors from American Idol). Her days with Pussycat Dolls came in handy in being comfortable in front of a large audience.

It's not Vanessa fault that she wanted (kudos to her) to tried different things. The problem lies with Neil Patric Harris and the Hollywood Bowl management's decision to have audiences suffer through her learning process. If she was brought in to bring some Hollywood "fire power" - mission failed. If the goal was to bring a "larger than life" personality that would compensate for her current acting chops - mission failed.

It is one thing to get over stage fright, tackling harder and more emotional roles while learning how to project in a theater environment in a small theater (i.e. equity waiver 99 seat theaters to 900-1,500 seat venues) and completely another thing to subject 50,000+ people to her learning process over one weekend.

I agree that having her performed in Disney and/or Disney-influenced productions such as Beauty and The Beast (Maybe even Bye Bye Birdie, though she would be compared to Ann-Margaret, if they only saw the film version or Sweet Charity) would probably be best for her career at this time.
Interview with Telly Leung

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#112RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 2:19pm

I can't really take Broadway Doctor seriously due to his liberal use of Comic Sans anyway, but wasn't the chair more of an homage to La Boheme than anything else (besides visibility at such a huge venue)? Doesn't Mimi traditionally die in a chair?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#113RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 2:28pm

In re: to LizzyCurry: All I can say is that from where I was sitting on Sat. nite there was clapping and people laughing when Vanessa/Mimi was on her death bed.... i mean deathCHAIR. LOL

US Asians
#114RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 2:47pm

The "Broadway Doctor" review was more "New York-style" than most people on the West Coast were used to, though most of the observations contained a great deal of truth.

It will be interesting to see how this Hollywood Bowl production will be remembered or even if this production will be remembered.

As the reviewer stated, it did fill 16,000+ seats per night and bringing 48,000+ people is the Hollywood Bowl's "Bottom Line" - right?
Telly Leung Interview

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#115RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 3:00pm

The "Broadway Doctor" review was more "New York-style" than most people on the West Coast were used to

They don't read poorly written blogs on the West Coast?

I will say that adding Maureen to Tango Maureen is superfluous (not to mention a direct rip from the movie), but I'd hardly say Maureen's entrance is one of the reasons the show won a Pulitzer.

Updated On: 8/9/10 at 03:00 PM

US Asians
#116RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 3:10pm

Nah, the point was that the review was intended to be more blunt and opinionated, as oppose to catering/nurturing relationships with the principals of any production. This is seen more on the East Coast, generally - though the Internet is constantly blurring the differences.

A good question that one might ask if why was Rent performed/produced at the Hollywood Bowl?

** Attract people to the Bowl (money)

** Bring a different Rent for audiences

** Recreate and/or acknowledge the original production

** Bring memories of the filmed version

** Star vehicles for the Hollywood representatives

** ?????

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#117RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 3:11pm

I dunno. Why did they do Guys and Dolls?

US Asians
#118RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 3:17pm

I saw the staged readings of King and I, along with South Pacific, because they had stars that brought their respective star power and talent to perform in front of the L.A. Phil to bring a not-oft seen type of presentation of these plays.

It also allowed actors to perform in roles that they have always wanted, while letting fans of these stars witness their joy. Plus hearing the L.A. Phil play these scores brought up the music presentation many notches.

With Rent, even the music (if one sat from the back of the first promenade to the back of the Bowl) was lackluster on Opening Night
Telly Leung Review

#119RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 3:20pm

First of all....haters...BACK OFF! Let's focus on what NPH and the so very talented cast did RIGHT! I went to last night's show and it was phenomenal!!! By Sunday night, whatever "kinks" y'all are talking about were gone. Congrats to each and every one of this talented cast. So much has been said about some of the AMAZING standouts, and I agree, so I will take this moment to validate.

Vanessa couldn't have been more perfect, and if you couldn't see her as weren't looking. When she first took the stage, you kinda could feel a snicker from the crowd who had been listening to the blather surrounding her "lackluster" performance Friday. With the courage of a true performer she went on to be one of my favorite parts of the show. She was young, scared, sexy, and STRONG! Clearly she grew, much like ALL theatre shows and casts do, and she did it in three days in front of 54,000 people. I applaud you and this amazing show! WORK!!!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#120RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 3:20pm

If only I could read an interview with Telly Leung!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#121RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 4:24pm

Let's focus on what NPH and the so very talented cast did RIGHT!

Why? It's within the audience's right to discuss what they did and didn't like. I'm not advocating disrespectful commentary, but not all criticism falls into that just because it's negative. Then again, you think Vanessa, who clearly, clearly cannot sing that role live was "perfect," so this is a lost cause. Do you know the definition of "perfect"? Off-key does not fit in there. Regardless of the fact that I totally disagree with your concept of what this character should be, I don't know how you're writing off the simple fact that she sings poorly and off-pitch. I think she is cute and applaud her for taking the risk, but that's only half the battle.

And I'm not a hater. I love this show more than you could know. So I want it to be performed with the talent and the integrity that it deserves.

.... oh, and Maureen's entrance contributing to the Pulitzer? Hahahah. For what it's worth, I know what you were trying to say, but hyperbole much? Wow.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/9/10 at 04:24 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#122RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 4:31pm

So, since they ironed out the kinks by the LAST performance, then it's good enough? Even if that was so, that would mean that 2/3 of the performances were substandard....and I guarantee that the patrons payed exactly the same amount of money.

AND AGAIN: just because people are critical does not make then haters. NEARLY every person here has had both positive and negative things to say.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

US Asians
#124RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/9/10 at 4:42pm

If the loft Mark and Roger was living in was so cold - given that they had to use posters and screenplays to provide warmth - why was Mark all bundled up, scarf and all, while Roger was wearing a sleeveless muscle tee? Was the AZT keeping him warm? Just wondering RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
