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RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)- Page 8

RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)

#175RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 5:14pm

First of all, thanks for taking the time to read my blog, those who did.

@Dame - The reference to "sold out" came from the conversations I had with the PR lady from LA Phil who provided us 2 pairs of tickets to give away at Musical Mondays in LA. Outside of that, I did not check my facts, so I apologize. I did, however, say that there were over 50,000 people there, not that there were over 52,000 people there, which would be the capacity.

As far as the "would Larson have let Mimi live another draft" question. I am of the understanding that this debate has gone back and forth since shortly after Larson's death. There are contradicting statements made on the subject by almost everyone involved in the original production. I have always CHOSEN to believe that Larson would have ultimately made the decision to kill Mimi because, well...I like to think he was smarter than letting us live with that horrificly written ending. But, I will never know...

@ Phyllis Rogerz Stone "whose rent keeps open our shop" has got to be one of the most hilariously horrible lyrics of all time. "Come on guys, chill" has also always made me cringe, but it is at least period appropriate.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#176RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 5:19pm

I know, right? That might be the WORST lyric in the show (and there are some clunkers).

I disagree that he would have had Mimi die. I have no firsthand knowledge or anything, but I would think that he wouldn't have wanted it to be such a downer (unless maybe BOTH Angel and Mimi could come running back in at the end). Who knows, though? I like to believe he would have fixed some of the godawful lyrics.

#177RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 5:26pm

I think there would have definitely been some major changes. I just can't see a production meeting where someone wouldn't say "So, Jon, about that ending? Can't we just kill Mimi?" I mean, Roger has his closure with the song, she apologizes about Benny, and she is REALLY sick. I have always imagined that even when she lives, she would die in the next scene if there was one! It's not like she is suddenly AIDS free!!! LOL. I don't know. I just think he would have seen it for the clunker it is before they opened.

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LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#178RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 5:50pm

Ryan: I agree!

What I thought was interesting about the documentary that came with the Rent cinecast DVD was how people weren't really afraid to say how Jonathan Larson could be so stubborn and difficult to work with (not a lot of that seemed to have been said early on).

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#179RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 5:59pm

My favorite thing about "Today 4 U" is that Angel's basically admitting her music will drive living creatures to suicide.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

US Asians
#180RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 9:51pm

Whether the Bowl was sold out or not, it appears that Neil Patric*K* Harris was successful.

Anybody wondered why the level of the music was not higher, since it transformed into a concert of Rent (being how hard it was to see the actors - even with the Jumbotron - in any fashion equivalent to a theater setting)? Having seen many rock concerts and staged readings, the volume wasn't even close to 120dbs.

One can embrace the negative or positive messages that are contained within Rent, that is one of the reasons why theater (among other creative expressions) are so great. Personally, I prefer to embrace the positive sinc there are many other places where negatively reigns.

Was there anybody who saw more than one performance/review that can bring some observations on how the show improved over time?

With NPH being very talented, he does/did make some interesting decisions in a director role. What do you think Neil saw when he casted Vanessa (his co-star in the film "Beatly," in light of his statements such as "“Vanessa [Hudgens] is awesome. She’s a friend. I asked her to come in and sing to make sure she had the chops for it. And she was very committed and seemed great.” It was interesting that she was out of breath in "Out Tonight" - was it because of stage fright (my hope) since most good singers practice their parts while running to eliminate this situation.

Did anybody see what Variety described as "Vanessa Hudgens gains points for holding nothing back in her high-octane singing and erotic dancing ordinarily not seen outside the confines of a gentlemen's club" ( because I did not see any of this.

I think that 50,000 people were witnesses to Vanessa learning how to be an actor, as noted by NPH's statement "To watch someone like Vanessa open up and allow herself to be so exposed to these people is really great for me as a director to see." (visit for the article).

I am just wondering . . .

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#181RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/10/10 at 10:34pm

My favorite thing about "Today 4 U" is that Angel's basically admitting her music will drive living creatures to suicide

This is going to make me laugh all night.

madame_no Profile Photo
#182RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/11/10 at 12:45am

Ryan: I've always thought that same thing. Yes, it's a cute little ending with her coming back to life, but realistically, she probably died some time soon after that. But hey, no worries. No day but today.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#183RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/11/10 at 9:39am

But she still lives and the homo still dies.

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#184RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/11/10 at 10:57am

What I thought was interesting about the documentary that came with the Rent cinecast DVD was how people weren't really afraid to say how Jonathan Larson could be so stubborn and difficult to work with (not a lot of that seemed to have been said early on).

They go into a bit in what the fans call the Rent Bible. In fact, I found it remarkably detailed and surprising that a lot of people had so many negative things to say about his collaborative abilities so soon after his death. My main concern is whether or not they're going to address Jonathan's rampant plagiarism now, or if they're going to wait till the main family passes on so that it's a generation removed and no one gets deeply offended. (I am close friends with people who knew the guy; there is no question that much more than La Boheme went into that show, and that not all of it was Jonathan alone.)

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#185RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/11/10 at 11:41am

I had to bring up the reviled Sarah Schulman, but I've always thought she made some good point. And I'm a fan of ReNt, but I've always kind of felt like the experience of seeing it transcended the material and it's not till late when you're mulling things over how bizarre and off a lot of it seems.

But the larger issue has to do with the representation of AIDS, gay people, and urban gentrification. These three areas have been massively misrepresented in mainstream entertainment and media, and Rent is the epitome of that misrepresentation.

It's true not only with Rent, but with all the iconic works about AIDS. The political movement of AIDS activism—which is an integral, organic part of the history of the crisis—has been removed from most of the mainstream storytelling around AIDS. [In these pieces,] gay people are always alone and self-oppressed, and have no community, and are dependent on some kind of other—a benevolent straight person, a homophobic lawyer, or even, in some cases, a woman—to take care of them, because they're so self-hating that they cannot take care of themselves.

That's the official story. The real story of the AIDS crisis is the story of a group of despised people who had no rights, who came together, saved each other's lives, and changed the world. And that is not the story you find in any of these mainstream depictions. Updated On: 8/11/10 at 11:41 AM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#186RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/11/10 at 10:47pm

Phyllis, are you actually offended by the fact that Angel dies and Mimi lives, or are you just trying to be funny?

In response to the Sarah Schulman quote...first of all, I'd say, where do you see that in RENT? Where does Angel NOT have a community? Where is he self-hating? I just don't get how any of it relates to RENT.

Secondly I'd add that RENT isn't and never HAS been about AIDS. To me, that's like saying The Wild Party is about a bunch of coke heads because some people snort during the show. At the risk of offending some hardcore RENT fans, AIDS is the disease Larson chose for these people because it was the plague in this area of the city that he knew so well at the time. He chose it because it was personal to his surroundings and happened to be a hot topic while he was writing it. Angel could have muscular dystrophy and Mimi cancer for all I care. Rent is not about AIDS, but about people living bravely in spite of knowing they could be dead next week. AIDS is the vehicle. We're not talking The Normal Heart here.

To be honest, when people who don't know much about the show ask me if RENT is about AIDS, I usually say "No."

Updated On: 8/11/10 at 10:47 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#187RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/11/10 at 11:37pm

First of all, I don't have to try to be funny. I am funny. Secondly, I'm just kidding.

And I don't give 100% weight to Sarah Schulman, but part of ReNt's mythology is tied up in all the people making claims to it, and think enough credible evidence has been provided that Larson had a lot of help in shaping it. And I don't say that to besmirch the memory of Jonathon Larson. He couldn't have seen his death coming? Who knows what might have happened or who might have been credited or compensated or whatever.

I just want to go on record as saying that as much as I needle it, this show will always mean something to me. It was the big ticket in town when I moved to NYC when I was (very very) young and I'd already been a fan of the cast recording. The first time I saw that show, Marcy Harriell was Mimi and has been my favorite Mimi ever since, although Renee Elise Goldsberry did come very close to supplanting her. The first time I saw her do "Out Tonight," I cried because it made me so happy. I was totally gay for ReNt for years and honestly, it doesn't take much to get me totally gay for it again. But even then my friends and I would laugh about its flaws.

So, to your questions, it's not so much that ONE fact that Angel dies and Mimi doesn't, Broadwaygirl, but for me, Angel (and to a somewhat lesser degree Collins) has always been one of the biggest problems of the show for me. In a show that's rife with problems. Of the three main couples (hell, throw Mark and Benny in, too) I have always found Angel to have the least depth. Others will disagree with me, I'm sure, but I always found that role so oddly played. Angel was unlike any drag queen I ever met. Angel was unlike any drag queen ever. She was so .... nauseatingly wholesome, and I know that's due to the way she's played to some degree, but clearly that's how the ReNt powers that be. When Shaun Earl first did it on Broadway I thought he was doing something different with the role. He actually allowed some camp in, I guess. I dunno how to really describe it. It was just ... different. In a good way.

Years later I saw him do it on the tour and he was back to the same squeaky clean Angel they ALWAYS make them play. I shook my head and said, "Sh*t, they got to him!"

Her name is ANGEL, for chrissake's. It's all just too much. The lesbians are always crabbing at each other and Mimi and Roger are a total disaster, and yes, isn't it NICE to that the two gays are so stable, but again, there's just no depth there. Even Angel's getting paid to kill the dog doesn't ever seem cruel. I could over - and have - over analyzed the character to death, but you get the gist.

But as I've said many times and many ways, if it's a good production, none of the flaws really matter. Even though I'm even older than Daphne Rubin Vega was when the show opened, it can still find it to be transcendent.

#188RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/12/10 at 12:36am

A lot of critics complained about Angel when the movie came out.

And I'm glad you enjoyed my comment, Phyllis. You make me laugh a lot so it's nice to return the favor. RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#189RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/12/10 at 2:07am

Don't worry Phyllis, I found it funny. Just wanted to make sure I was laughing with you, not at you.

I agree with you about Angel almost completely. I think the angelic (ha) characteristics of the character are a little heavy-handed and the pure perfection that is supposedly portrayed seems thin and contrived. That being said, Angel was never the piece in RENT that I connected with, and I suppose--in the spirit of what you said--the power of the piece for me when performed well allows me to overlook such flaws (which, as you said, are copious). I think I've kind of come to accept that Larson wanted Angel and Collins to be wonderful, and believe it as I watch it.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#190RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/12/10 at 9:48am

Ugh, and then they share that totally queer (heh) quasi-kiss at the end of "I'll Cover You"!

My friends and I always used to joke that you could figure Mimi got HIV from drug use, as did Roger (or got it from April), but Angel doesn't seem like she had a drug addiction and seems too holy and perfect to have had unprotected sex, so she must have have been administrating to the poor or something and got stuck with a dirty needle.

I know people say that Angel and Collins balance out the tension found in the other two main couples, and I suppose that's true to some degree, but I think they are pretty much the two most boring characters in the show.

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#191RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/12/10 at 10:11am

Phyllis (and others),
RENT was my gateway into the theatre world. I saw it about 14 times between tours, and Broadway. I can honestly say that I have never though of Angel in that way before Phyllis, its very interesting. I guess I always saw Angel as the one who was just so completely ok with who she was, much more so than the other characters. (And let me preface this by saying Angel is in no way my favorite character). She was happy with herself and grew to accept her life for what it is. Never having been terminally/seriously ill (thank god), I can only assume that after you've been sick for a while--you realize whats important in life. Which is obviously being loved and giving love. You make peace with your disease (to some degree) and realize the little things don't matter.

I figured that Angel had reached this point before we even meet her. She helped Collins reach this point. And Mimi and Roger are far away from this revelation. Sure, Angel is a little too good to be true. But I think we needed that in this cast of characters. The rest of them were so conflict ridden and (for lack of a better word) messed up, we needed someone to be stable for us. To help and guide the rest of the characters through their "journey" in the show. While the whole show does have flaws, I think that very little would be changed about Angel had Larson survived.

I hope this made sense as much as it did in my head. I'm only 1/3 of the way through my mornign coffee.

I'm actually going to see a production of RENT tomorrow night, albeit a school edition production, I'll have to be paying extra close attention to Angel now.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#192RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/12/10 at 10:23am

My friend Kristen and I used to sing "Hush your mouth, I'm perfect" instead of "Hush your mouth, it's Christmas."
