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Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?- Page 6

Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?

StageFan2 Profile Photo
#125Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 9:55pm

"StageFan2, thank you for coming to my defense, it's greatly appreciated!"

My pleasure Clayford. Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?

Posted: 1/24/08 at 10:01pm

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 10:01 PM

Mick2 Profile Photo
#127Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 11:24pm

I wish EVERYONE could stop being so defensive and paranoid.

As I said, BWW seemed to "assign" the number 2 to my screen name. Maybe it's doing it to all the newbies, or it's another weird little glitch or something.

I just wish more people would come comment about the show. Good or bad, as long as they are being honest and not unduly biased one way or another.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#128Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 11:55pm

It was a simple question. Nothing more than that.

Sheez, who's being defensive and paranoid now?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Marissa2 Profile Photo
#129Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 11:57pm

My "2 explanation": I wanted my name to be "Marissa" when I signed up, but it was already taken, and I'm pretty sure BWW suggested I add the 2 or something in order for it to work.. I don't really remember though, I have no idea when I even registered for BWW.

Mick2 Profile Photo
#130Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 12:08am

TheatreDiva, I wasn't being either, I was just trying to answer the question to the best of my ability.

Can we just try to get along now? I have nothing against anyone, but I dislike all the bickering very much.

Posted: 1/25/08 at 12:10am

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 12:10 AM

Mick2 Profile Photo
#132Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 12:15am

Of course I can't force a discussion on people, how absurd. Just wishing I could read more reviews.

Ah, well, guess I'll mosey on out of here and check back in a few days. Maybe there will be something by then, or maybe this thread will be lost on page 50 by then... : ))

Posted: 1/25/08 at 12:19am

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 12:19 AM

#134Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 3:51am

I guess I'm a bit insulted that my post was considered not a "real review." I wasn't aware that you had to be a long-timer in the club to be "unbiased." I'm an actor in Boston & was visiting NYC for a friend's wedding. The night before my best bud & I decided to check out Clay's performance. I did see the original cast & am a big Python fan. I wasn't expecting what I saw, that's all. I've occassionally posted about shows I've seen on other boards, but I'm not a regular there, either. This thread asked for personal experiences & I gave you one. But I didn't criticize him, so it's not a "real review." OK. Anyone bother to consider that maybe he's actually... I don't know.... good?

Btw, he did mug a bit, but I thought it was appropriate for the show and his interpretation of the character & didn't expect him to mimic David. He's playing it differently as he should & he's honestly quite funny.

"But I don't like SPAM!!!"

Posted: 1/25/08 at 4:04am

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 04:04 AM

Mick2 Profile Photo
#137Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 2:16pm

BroadwayBabe19, I certainly considered your review to be legitimate.

I'm glad I gave it a shot even though I've never been interested in Monty Python because I abhor bathroom humor. For me, if even the potty humor is hilarious, they're doing something right.

Also, even though they do gay jokes, Jewish jokes, Christian jokes, you name it - it's not done in a mean spirited way, it's merely very silly and you can't help but laugh.

I'd really love to buy a DVD with this cast (I've seen video with the original cast and think this one is vastly better, overall) so I could watch and rewatch. I think I could eventually memorize the whole thing, just like I have pretty much memorized the whole 5-hour version of Pride and Prejudice, my favorite movie ever. Now, it doesn't seem as though there could be two more opposite vehicles as Spamalot and P&P, but they both poke fun at life's absurdities and people's foibles "in the most delightful way" [tm Mary Poppins, I think], so it's not that big of a stretch that one could love them both.

But anyway, BB19, I especially appreciate your comments as an actor and am very glad you enjoyed yourself. :<)

Updated On: 1/25/08 at 02:16 PM

Clayford27 Profile Photo
#138Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 3:15pm

BroadwayBaby19, I also definitely didn't mean to ignore your review. Sorry about that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the show and Clay's performance! :)

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#139Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 4:47pm

I'd really love to buy a DVD with this cast (I've seen video with the original cast and think this one is vastly better, overall) so I could watch and rewatch.

These videos are illegal and it is against board rules to discuss them. You need to go reread Clay's blog post.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

MissLesMis Profile Photo
#141Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 8:05pm

BroadwayBaby19, Thanks for your legitimate review of Spamalot. I think mine was legitimate also. After all, we saw it :)

Clayford27 Profile Photo
#142Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 6:56pm

Alright, I just got back from the Saturday matinee of Spamalot. Here's my review:

I loved the entire cast, some of which I have already seen in the show, and honestly, I was so impressed with Clay's performance. I mean, overall the singing, dancing, acting, three different characters/voices/accents were very well done. He was very good. And I thought his accents were fine throughout, so maybe he just had an off performance the other night? Or maybe he's finally completely comfortable in the role? Who knows. I did notice the muggy faces that were talked about earlier in this thread, but honestly, I thought it really worked for the character. Don't get me wrong, I loved David Hyde Pierce's dead-pan comedic acting for Sir Robin, he's just fantastic at it, but I also really loved Clay's. I really thought that it fit for the character, and good for him for making the part his own and trying to find things that worked. It was cool to see the role acted in another way. He also had great comedic timing throughout, I can seriously see what Mike Nichols was talking about when he raved about Clay. So to anyone who's saying "what do you expect him to say?", he wasn't just saying it to publically praise Clay. It was a deserved compliment. I really liked the added parts to some of the songs and higher notes, they really helped show off his voice, so that was cool. I thought the Idol joke in "All For One" was great, and I loved the yodeling. Great falsetto in that.

I was particularly looking forward to Clay's big moment in the show with "You Won't Succeed on Broadway". I'm a huge fan of that song, and the entire thing was just hilarious and fantastic. I loved the higher glory notes. You could tell he was having a lot of fun with it. One of my other favorite moments was when he was playing Guard 1...I was cracking up, as was the rest of the audience. I mean, the writing is obviously classic and fantastic, but Clay and Christopher Sieber played very well off of each other. Great comedic timing, particularly in that scene. I also loved him as Brother Maynard. His accent and comedic timing were spot on.

I met Clay after the show at the stage door. He was very humble and just excited to be there, and very appreciative of the fans. I've met him before, but it was nice to meet him again and tell him, even in the little time I had to do it cuz there were so many people there, how much I loved the show.

So I know that was a rave review, but I truly feel that way, it's not just cuz I'm a fan. Clay deserved that praise, and I think he's just going to get better and better throughout the run. I really hope that he continues on Broadway if any other opportunities come up, I was just so impressed with him. I knew that as a fan of Clay, the show itself, and Monty Python, I'd enjoy it; and I've been excited to see his performance ever since it was first announced, but this is a new thing for him, and I honestly didn't know he would be that great with comedic timing and interpreting the roles. I truly urge everyone to try to see the show, if possible. Even if you think you'll hate him in it, I think you should give him a chance to prove himself. I am a big fan of Clay, but I am also an unbiased theatre lover, and I don't think you'll be disappointed. So seriously, check him out if you can, I don't think you'll regret it. I know I'm definitely going to see it again. :)

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.
Updated On: 1/26/08 at 06:56 PM

#143Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 7:08pm

I saw Spamalot this past Thursday night (1/24). I really liked the show a lot. It was very funny, the music was good, the choreography was good, the set was good, the cast was good etc. etc.
Clay Aiken was really good. I was very impressed. I'm not a fan of his at all, but I searched him up on youtube first to get a "foretaste" of what I should be expecting from him. (I thought he should have won American Idol...). In Spamalot he doesn't have the biggest role but he has many speaking parts and bits of singing parts and a full song. I thought his singing was very very good. He has a wide vocal range and is not afraid to show it. I thought he felt a tad bit insecure but he would get used to doing the show after a while. He was very funny and apparently he can sing/dance/act/and be funny all at the same time. He played a sissy, and I thought it suited him perfectly. I thought it was annoying when the "Claymates" were in the back of the theater with standing room tickets screaming whenever he said something or did something or just came on stage. It sort of ruined the theatrical experience and turned it into a bit more of a concert.
I'd give Clay Aiken **** out of ***** for his overall performence. Nothing amazing, but very very talented.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#144Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 7:11pm

" I have no idea when I even registered for BWW."

Um, did you look under your av where it says "joined" and gives you the date?"


MissLesMis Profile Photo
#145Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 7:51pm

Thanks for the reviews xanafanadu2 and Clayford27. Glad you enjoyed it!:)

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#146Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 11:33pm

Excuse me, orangeskittles, where on earth did I say I wanted to buy a bootleg copy? I guess I was just hoping that something might be available for sale after the run of the show ends. Sheesh, expressing a wish to have something doesn't make me a criminal. Get off your high horse.

Um, I was offering advice, because you'd only been around a few days and probably weren't aware of the rules. You have a warped mindset if you think someone being politely informative is worthy of a hysterical reaction like that.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#156Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/27/08 at 2:37pm

Tom Deckman is such a sweetie. I saw a matinee of Spamalot, got his signature, and mentioned how I'd seen him in the tour a year previous. That night I went back because I forgot to give a present to Martin Moran, but I stayed away from the barricade so I wouldn't bother the actors. After Tom left the barricade, he went to talk to a friend, and then walked over to me and struck up a conversation. I was all giddy and teenybopper-fangirly for the rest of the night (but I will deny that if anyone asks).

Mick2 Profile Photo
#157Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/27/08 at 2:42pm

Mythus, how lucky were you!! He does sound like an absolute sweetheart!

There is a really cute picture floating around from the stage door last night, of Clay leading the Spamalot fans in a Happy Birthday tribute to Tom, and him hiding his face. It's adorable! Hard to believe he is 29, the same age as Clay.

What I wouldn't give to be that light on my feet again! I used to work out 2 hours a day most days, before I became an internet junkie.

MissLesMis Profile Photo
#158Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/27/08 at 8:53pm

Here's a review I found.

Color Me Surprised: Clay Aiken Is Fantastic in Spamalot

If I'm being totally honest, I didn't go into today's matinee performance of Spamalot with the highest of expectations. Since it had been announced that Clay Aiken was joining the Broadway cast in the role of Sir Robin I've been dubious as to how good of a fit the American Idol runner-up and the Monty Python show would be.

Well color me very pleasantly surprised -- Clay was great!

His voice was, of course, fantastic, but it was his comic timing and his dancing that shocked me the most. From the moment he appeared on stage, he was totally, and delightfully, in character, and he maintained that commitment throughout the entire show. He delivered his lines like an old pro, and completely embraced his character's often quirky movement, footwork, and comic bits, even when they required him to make fun of himself.

Best of all -- he appeared to be having the time of his life. The often irreverent humor of the show seemed to fit him like a glove, and he imbued each of his scenes with what appeared to be a genuine sense of joy.

I was a big Clay supporter back in Season 2 of Idol, but his attitude the past several years has turned me off a bit to him. However, seeing him sing, dance, act, and laugh, I remembered the charming, dorky fella' who shocked us all with his pipes back on Idol. I half-expected him to be stiff and awkward -- instead, he was loose and relaxed, creating real chemistry with his co-stars.
Speaking of his co-stars, the cast is more solid and the show tighter than it's been since it first opened. As Sir Lancelot, Rick Holmes was a hoot and a half, and a more accomplished song-and-dance man than Hank Azaria, who created the role. Chris Seiber has returned to the show, and although he appears to have put on about 30lbs, he was funny as ever playing Sir Galahad. Tom Deckman played the roles originated by Christian Borle with a delightfully deadpan gaze plastered across his face, and Hannah Waddingham, imported from the British version of Spamalot, was perfection as the Lady of the Lake.

All in all, Clay and the cast have managed to make Spamalot a must-see once again.

DeadParrot2 Profile Photo
#150Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/28/08 at 2:41am

Nice write up from New York Magazine:

"In a Broadway musical, Aiken is perfect—he can throw that cheesy, octave-spanning man-voice of his around all he wants and hit all those honky gospel notes. It sounds great! He can slowly, slowly raise his arms in the air as he holds a note for 45 minutes. He can make his corny, cartoony facial expressions, and onstage, they’re utterly appropriate. Also, musical theater takes place in a land only slightly more erotically charged than Smurf Village, so here Aiken’s suppressed, indeterminate sexuality seems logical, usual, male. And he doesn’t seem hick. Partly because the twang is replaced by an equally theatrical Cockney and partly because he’s in a funny show. (The theme of his big number is “You won’t succeed on Broadway if you don’t have any Jews.”) Every joke gets a roar. “When I’m up here onstage, I’ll be the idol of my age,” he sings, and the women go crazy. You can almost feel them sucked toward him by some unholy mix of maternal yearning and abject horniness."

Kaz2 Profile Photo
#151Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
Posted: 1/28/08 at 3:31am

Living in Australia, I've unfortunately got no hope of seeing Clay in Spamalot. I'm a big fan of his voice though, first learning of him through discussions about American Idol on an Australian discussion board. It sounds on the whole as though he has done pretty well in this foray into musical theatre, good on him.
