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SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...- Page 3


NYadgal Profile Photo
#50re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:21pm

jewishboy, I have to agree. And I adore her. But I don't think his description is entirely accurate.

His love letter to the show is beautiful, and I'm thrilled with it. But, I worry that it's a bit TOO complimentary and future audiences will find disappointment after raised expectations.

But, tonight is for good news. And the production deserves it!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#51re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:22pm

Brantley hit it right on. I couldn't be happier for this production.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#52re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:25pm

If they dare to nominate GREASE in the revival category with the other three, there will be blood.

GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
#53re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:25pm

>I hope they take out a double-truck ad for this a week from Sunday in the NYT. It's been a while since a two-pager has been there, and this deserves it.<

There's one for Gypsy in this Sunday's Arts and Leisure. It's quite striking.

Great News!

Steve2 Profile Photo
#54re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:26pm

USA Today is a RAVE:

Much has been written recently, and rightfully, about how artists influenced by contemporary pop culture have reinvigorated musical theater. But let's pause for a moment to recognize the pre-modern giants: the composers, lyricists and librettists who gave us shows in which guys and dolls fall in love and break into glorious song and dance — not to be ironic or sensational, but simply because that's where their stories and emotions carry them.
Those stories can pack more complexity and resonance than they get credit for, as we're reminded by Lincoln Center Theater's gorgeous revival of South Pacific (* * * * out of four), which opened Thursday at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre.
In this new production — amazingly, the first on Broadway since the 1949 original — director Bartlett Sher and a gifted, great-looking cast fully engage both the challenges faced by these and other characters and the romantic sweep of Rodgers and Hammerstein's ravishing score.
Such spine-tingling moments ensure that this South Pacific doesn't just float; it soars.

Enchanted performances lift Broadway's 'South Pacific' Updated On: 4/3/08 at 10:26 PM

NYadgal Profile Photo
#55re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:29pm

"I doubt there has ever been a nobler or sexier Emile than Szot's. In addition to having the superior vocal power and presence necessary for Some Enchanted Evening and the heartrending This Nearly Was Mine, Szot brings the perfect balance of virility and decency to the role."

Oh, that is so lovely!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

aliciag Profile Photo
#56re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:43pm

"and two of the most adorable child actors you're likely to ever see, Luka Kain and Laurissa Romain as Emile's little ones."

I just felt the need to say how much I loved them too! It's great to see so many members of the ensemble garnering praise in these reviews. Well deserved!!!!

A Director
#57re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:46pm

But, I worry that it's a bit TOO complimentary and future audiences will find disappointment after raised expectations.

NYadgal - Boy, you sure know how to be catty. The same could be said about future audience who see GYPSY.

A Director
#58re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 10:50pm

This is my favorite line from the USA Today review. "Nellie provides another showcase for the luster of O'Hara's lower-to-middle register and the focused intensity and discretion of her singing, which in a better world would be required listening for all American Idol contestants (and for a few Broadway belters)." In a better world, someone would show this to Patti and Seth R.

#59re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:04pm

"This is my favorite line from the USA Today review. "Nellie provides another showcase for the luster of O'Hara's lower-to-middle register and the focused intensity and discretion of her singing, which in a better world would be required listening for all American Idol contestants (and for a few Broadway belters)." In a better world, someone would show this to Patti and Seth R."

I have to say, hearing Kelli's rendition of the score was a lot of why I went to see it. Her lower register is just as beautiful as her upper. Her voice is just gorgeous and nearly technically perfect without you ever really realizing it. It's much better than listening to somebody scream for two-and-a-half hours.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#60re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:06pm

Brantly is finally starting to fill the footsteps of some of the great critics who have walked the NYTimes path before him, not in criticisms I necessarily agree with, but in very insightful and creative writing. It's one thing to say a show is crap, it's quite another to thing to tell the readers why they SHOULD go to see a show, in a way that will actually put asses in the seats. This review will do just that; it review whets the whistle AND provides great pull quotes. The publicists of "South Pacific" must be ecstatic.

GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
#61re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:10pm

It's strange. All these reviews seem to be of a higher quality. They're more focused and earnest than usual.

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#62re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:12pm

I'm so happy to see the much deserved praise for this wonderful production. Yup - this year's Tonys are gonna be very exciting. I can't wait re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#63re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:15pm

"NYadgal - Boy, you sure know how to be catty. The same could be said about future audience who see GYPSY."

Who the heck do you think you are and why is that catty? Addy loves the show and seems to be a fan of O'Hara, but thinks that Brantley may have been a wee bit over-enthusiastic about her performance. When a show gets reviews like the ones Gypsy and South Pacific have received, the audience is bound to have high expectations and Addy is pointing out that the reviews for O'Hara may be hard for her to live up to and may dampen a future audiences opinions of what sounds like a radiant production. You're the one who's out of line here. Buzz off and go congratulate your daughter on her love letter from the Times.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"
Updated On: 4/3/08 at 11:15 PM

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#64re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:29pm

It's strange. All these reviews seem to be of a higher quality. They're more focused and earnest than usual.

And how.

Ecstatic about these reviews. I think we can safely assume there will be more interest in this Best Revival race than in the LA CAGE AUX FOLLES/SWEET CHARITY one.

To celebrate, I'm listening to my Brian Stokes Mitchell recording, and I still can't wait for the new one.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

#65re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:29pm

"In a better world, someone would show this to Patti and Seth R."

This from a person calling someone ELSE 'catty'?!?!?


Congrats to the cast and crew of SOUTH PACIFIC - I really wish I could see it. I wonder if there's any chance it will be taped, like PIAZZA was?

#66re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:30pm

"It's strange. All these reviews seem to be of a higher quality. They're more focused and earnest than usual."

Well when you're reviewing the likes of IN THE HEIGHTS and PASSING STRANGE as those compared with a classic like SOUTH PACIFIC, you're speaking two different languages entirely.

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#67re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:35pm

The Associated Press is a Rave:

Has there ever been a more opulent "South Pacific"?

And we are not just talking scenically although the alluring beach that designer Michael Yeargan spreads across the back of the vast Vivian Beaumont Theater stage makes one long to rush off for a South Seas sojourn.

What makes this Lincoln Center Theater revival of the Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II classic enormously satisfying is the extraordinary care given to the score of what is the most hit-filled show in the R&H canon. And that's going some since the competition also includes "Carousel," "The King and I" and "Oklahoma!"...

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#68re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/3/08 at 11:50pm

I am SO happy for the cast and crew!

Those of you who have seen the you think children would like it? I know it's quite long, and I know the show itself, of course, but I'd really like to take my kids to see it. I'd appreciate your insights.

BTW, A Director, there was nothing "catty" in NYAdgal's post. She was being objective and expressing her concerns about future audiences. She ADORES Ms. O'Hara--as you can see from her years of posting about Kelli. And even if you didn't know that, how you could interpret her comments as "catty" is beyond me.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

H.Higgins Profile Photo
#69re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:15am

*Thank you for saying that, Princeton. Someone had to.

The actual "catty" remarks are coming from 'A Director' in thread after thread and I'm sick of it.

*As for the subject at hand, I'm thrilled for these glowing reviews. I can't wait to see it for myself! And personally, I couldn't care less who wins the Tony for Best Revival of a Musical; I'm just so grateful that we have 3 such extraordinary contenders.

Brantley has given a rave to "Sunday", "Gypsy", and now "South Pacific." I've got to say that his response to each has felt very genuine and heartfelt. I got emotional reading each of his reviews for the above shows I mentioned.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm moved by the great circumstances here.

A Director
#70re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:50am

H. - I bet you'll care when Patti doesn't win the Tony. That could happen because she doesn't bring anything new to the role.

#71re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:52am

So happy for these kindest words! Being there tonight was just a simple delight.

Gorgeous. Glorious.

A Director
#72re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/4/08 at 2:04am

do you think children would like it? I know it's quite long, and I know the show itself, of course, but I'd really like to take my kids to see it. I'd appreciate your insights.

miss pennywise, how old are your children? What other musicals have they seen? South Pacific is not a big flashy show in the sense it doesn't set out to wow you. There is some comedy in the show, but there is also a serious side to the show. On the other hand, this production will be talked about for years to come.

#73re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/4/08 at 2:05am

Congrats to everyone on stage tonight. The show was glorious. And congratulations on the open run! (Which is confirmed by several of the folks at the after party). Amazing work!!! Looks like we've got ourselves a battle, this year, folks.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#74re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
Posted: 4/4/08 at 2:46am

Well when you're reviewing the likes of IN THE HEIGHTS and PASSING STRANGE as those compared with a classic like SOUTH PACIFIC, you're speaking two different languages entirely.

Brantley didn't review IN THE HEIGHTS and PASSING STRANGE, so you're insulting comments toward those two glorious shows of a different breed are invalid.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
