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Scarlett Johansson Stage Door- Page 3

Scarlett Johansson Stage Door

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#50Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/26/13 at 9:12am

^^Sent you a PM

#51Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/26/13 at 9:22am

When does the BCEFA fundraiser end? Are other shows also participating?

#52Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/26/13 at 11:01pm

Did they have the posters tonight or any other BCEFA stuff? Wondering if I should try to go tomorrow to pick one up in the event I can't get mine signed. :~(

Did Scarlett come out tonight or did anyone ask one of the guys at the stage door if she might be coming out to sign (for real) after one of the final few performances?

#53Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/13 at 5:07am


Wondering if she signed last night or if she is waiting for the weekend or the final show to make one last appearance - if she chooses to do so.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#54Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 12:08am

Waited over an hour again tonight and she didn't come out. In fact, we were told that they couldn't tell us if she left until everyone else in the cast had left which is when they've said it the other dozen times I've tried since I saw the show.

I have to say that this is the most horribly run stage door on Broadway. Why would you consistently make people wait an hour for someone you know won't be coming out? From what I've heard it's what Scarlett wanted and that makes my opinion of her go right down the crapper. As I've always said, nobody is ever under any obligation to sign at the stage door, but making your fans wait until well after you're gone before they can be told they're S.O.L. Is a really bitchy thing to do.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#55Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 7:43am

Supersam1026 - The best way to get someone to sign something blank (like blank index card) is to ask them to personalize it. For example, "To Yankeefan7 - All The Best" and then signature. Collectors don't want anything like this and can't sell it for big money because of the personalization. I know this from experience by getting a baseball autographed.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#56Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 7:49am

Jordan - Like many people have said, the performers don't have to sign things if they don't want to and it is her right to decline to do it. She also does not have to put up with people being rude to her when she was trying to be nice. Let's be realistic, she is a beautiful woman and that has the potential to bring out some "crazy" people. As for photographers yelling stuff at her, sure she does not even really hear them because there are quit e a few yelling things.

#57Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 7:58am

More than likely, they told you she was coming out of the stage door, so that she could make her exit from another door. Are there multiple exits at that theatre? I would have begin looking for her car at another exit and standing near there. They kept the crowd at the stage door, so you wouldn't relocate yourself somewhere else. I guess its too late now.

Updated On: 3/31/13 at 07:58 AM

Tink2 Profile Photo
#58Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 8:19am

^^ I'm sure that is exactly why they do it. Apparently she is taking a long time to leave the theater. I was thinking she might come out for the last show.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#59Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 9:19am

"Jordan - Like many people have said, the performers don't have to sign things if they don't want to and it is her right to decline to do it"

Oh, you mean like what I said in my posts? You didn't bother to read a word I wrote, did you?

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#60Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 10:20am

Jordan - Yes I have read your posts. You have stated that you waited for her to sign at stage door but she did not come out except for a rare time. You have also written that she will not accept/sign anything that is left for her back stage. You posted that the stage door is run horribly. If you read some of my posts, I replied to you saying the stage door person should not keep telling people she will come out when they know darn well she is going to exit thru another door every night. Finally, I made the comment "Like many people have said, the performers don't have to sign things if they don't want to and it is her right to decline to do it" because I did not understand why people keep trying when it is obvious (at least to me) that after that altercation she was not going to do it so why continue to pursue it.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#61Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 10:22am

The "altercation" that probably didn't even happen, you mean?

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#62Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 12:14pm

Jordan - I am just going by what was posted by "pianoconductor" about "altercation" and assumming it was true. The post said a couple of people mentioned the "altercation" and they described the person who supposedly upset her. Why do you think it did not happen ?

#63Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 12:38pm

Updated On: 3/31/13 at 12:38 PM

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#64Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 12:49pm

If you tried 12 straight times without success and you see the exact same scenario playing out yet again for the 13th time and you still decided to wait 60 minutes, that's on you.

She didn't sign your card, tough break, life goes on.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#65Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 12:57pm

Oh does it, Bob? Thanks for your (as always) words of wisdom. I love when people only read what they want to in my posts and completely miss the actual point.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#66Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 1:06pm

I understand the actual point. They were apparently intentionally misleading people. I don't disagree with your point that it's not a cool thing to do. There may be reasons they felt the need to do this that you haven't any knowledge of and that may have nothing to do with her being a mean person who didn't want to sign for her fans. I don't know the real reason and neither do you so let's not be too quick to assume and publicly call her out on it based on "what you heard" secondhand.

But again, it's only her name scribbled on a piece of cardboard. It's not life or death.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#67Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 1:11pm

Who said it was life or death? I never said or implied in any way that it was.

Tink2 Profile Photo
#68Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 4:45pm

Jordon, I'm sorry that you were unable to get Scarlett's autograph to complete your card. I know you tried very hard and it is extremely frustrating. The explanation given for her not coming out anymore is probably what happened. It's impossible for any of us to get inside her head and understand her rationale. Maybe she will return in another show at some point, be over this incident, and she will sign it for you then.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#69Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 4:54pm

Maybe. If she does, she does. My whole point was that (and contrary to what idiots like Bob would like to make true), it was a horribly run stage door that was told to lie to people to make them waste their time.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#70Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 5:33pm

And here I thought you welcomed my wisdom. I even hoped I had a chance at becoming your personal life coach.

What I find interesting about you Jordan is you inhabit every thread and the vast majority of the comments you make are nasty, sarcastic or snarky yet if anyone else heaven forbid says anything like that to you, you're the first to jump up in indignation and call them out. An interesting value system you live your life with, my friend.

The stagedoor folks didn't play fair. Granted. But if you already saw that happen 12 times, then don't waste an hour thinking it will be different the 13th time and if you do, don't whine about it when it's not and complain about Scarlett Johansson being bitchy when you don't know for a fact why they did what they did.

You can respond by calling me another name if you want but I am done with you.

Updated On: 3/31/13 at 05:33 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#71Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 5:35pm

You're done with me? Like for really real? Like no more comments directed at me?


yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#72Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 5:36pm

Jordan - I believe everyone thinks it was wrong to tell people to wait when they knew she was leaving thru another exit. I still would like you to explain your comment "The "altercation" that probably didn't even happen, you mean?" since the post I mentioned earlier seemed to go into detail about the person and the actual incident.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#73Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 5:44pm

Oh, sorry I didn't see that.

I had waited a couple times with the gentleman in question there as well and each time he was there he never got close to her and always said how she never came out (except for the first time when she only signed for a few people and for into her car).

He's not a mean guy. He seems eccentric but not mean.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#74Scarlett Johansson Stage Door
Posted: 3/31/13 at 5:49pm

Jordan - OK, you have seen the man and "thepianoconductor" reported what he/she was told. Beats me but thanks for explanation.
