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Shakespeare in the Park Lines- Page 6

Shakespeare in the Park Lines

#125re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 1:42pm

Tickets are extremely limited tonight. This has been the big sponsor night from the get - summer sponsor tickets were never even available for tonight. You never know, I suppose. Good luck.
Updated On: 7/9/09 at 01:42 PM

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#126re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 2:06pm

I read on the other board that someone who called the Public today seeking to purchase a Summer Supporter $170 ticket was told they were completely sold out. I'd imagine that after the reviews came out a lot of people just went ahead and bought these tickets, which further limited the number available to be distributed.

The Public does have to have a way to pay for these productions, so it is entirely logical that they would end up sacrificing a block of tickets for their corporate sponsors. Without them, especially in this economy, it would be difficult for the Public to even mount these productions.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#127re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 2:06pm

Wow, someone must really hate me. I can never seem to see the show. I was gonna go try the Stand By Line tonight but that isn't sounding good. I'm gonna go over and see what I can get.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#128re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 2:55pm

I'm on line now. I'm about 60th in line,

#129re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 2:56pm

60th in the standby line??
Updated On: 7/9/09 at 02:56 PM

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#130re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 4:51pm

56th to be exact

Eponine Profile Photo
#131re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 5:16pm

Ugh I'm in line right now too and according to the line guy probably won't get a ticket

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#132re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 5:27pm

Are you really far from the front? He told me that too when I lined up for the standby line and I got a ticket.

I'd say never know. Unless you're really far back. The cut-off seems to be right around that first set of park benches. He said that's usually where they run out of tickets...and they probably ran out right before the benches the night I was there. So that seems pretty accurate.

If you're behind that first set of park benches, waiting will probably end up being a waste of time.
Updated On: 7/9/09 at 05:27 PM

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#133re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 5:34pm

I'm right in front of the first set of benches.

#134re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 10:52pm

FYI to anyone interested-- got there around 3:40pm, was about 75th in line, and I'd say only the first 30 people got in (not sure how many had vouchers from the morning and how many were just waiting in the line). Apparently only 5 (yes, FIVE) people got in from the standby line yesterday, though.

I was also told that 6am was not early enough to even get vouchers this morning (which someone else probably already posted here today). 3am seems to be the time the staff was recommending arrival in order to definitely get tickets.

"I thought that that was just going to be a like one shot deal for me, you know, but they kept talking about it like, 'when we do the production, when we do the production', and I was like, 'yes, yes, when you do the production, cool, I will come and see it'". - John Gallagher Jr. on SA

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#135re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/9/09 at 11:02pm

Good lord, people are insane.

I was also told that 6am was not early enough to even get vouchers this morning

Right, but as was already clarified, today was a limited distribution day because it was a partner performance. So on a normal day, that wouldn't be the case.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/9/09 at 11:02 PM

bwayfan3 Profile Photo
#136re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 12:19am

I was the final person to get a standby ticket tonight and was about 35th in line. The final person to receive morning tickets lined up at 5:15. The first person in the standby line got there at 5:30 am. I opted to only do standby but arrived at the park at 1:00. I think my friend and I were the first people in the standby line who hadn't been on the original line.

In truly devastating fashion, when it got to me and my friend they only had ONE ticket left. I was like please check for one more and they were like this is it. And my rockstar friend told me to take it. I literally had to run to my seat as the show began. So I was kind of feeling guilty the entire time and then ANGRY because there just two rows in front of me...the entire EMPTY SEAT. I know it's not a perfect science...but it sucked

Not the show however..what a lovely production. What a great cast. Feeling very lucky.

Also saw Pierce Brosnan there and I'm pretty sure Laura Osnes (but wasn't she supposed to be performing in South Pacific?)

scott68 Profile Photo
#137re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 5:24am

Yeesh! I went on a whim this morning, got there at 4:30, and there were already five blocks of people lined up. I opted to go home and get some sleep rather than waiting eight hours to MAYBE get a ticket, but I've already seen the show, so my motivation wasn't at an all-time high.

"Why, I make more money than... than... than Calvin Coolidge! PUT TOGETHER!"
~Lina Lamont

My name wasn't, isn't, and will never be Scott.

#138re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 9:10am

I got on line this morning at 5:30 a.m., which was too late to get tickets.

SingingCats Profile Photo
#139re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 10:58am

Are the lines usually this bad??

I got tickets to Hair last year and only got in the Stand-by line at about 5:30PM?! Granted, that was my second try, but I certainly didn't have to stand in line all day.

acd114 Profile Photo
#140re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 10:59am

If anybody finds out what time the last people to get tickets got in line today, could you give us an update? ( I know we won't know until 1:30sih.... but I thought I'd ask..)

#141re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 12:59pm

acd, I got on line today at 5:30 am, and there were at least 100 people ahead of me who definitely didn't get tickets because once the park opened and the hundreds of people who were waiting outside the park were let in and we lined up proper, the line stretched from the Delacorte to the reservoir and staff told us no more people could get on line at that point. I would guess that not everyone who actually was on line was able to get a ticket either, but don't really know.

bwayfan3 Profile Photo
#142re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 1:07pm

They said yesterday the lines haven't been like this in 10 years.

Millie315 Profile Photo
#143re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 1:16pm

I can tell you that today the cut off point in the line was 4:00 am. After they walked the people into the park they sent anyone who got there after 8 home, telling them they most likely would not get tickets. Also the first person in like got there at 9:30 pm last night. So it looks like if you want to see the last 3 shows this weekend you will be spending the night in the park.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#144re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 1:24pm

I lost the Virtual Line again. Ridiculous.

AryaUnderfoot Profile Photo
#145re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 1:44pm

It's kind of sad that I'm afraid of getting there at 2 AM on Sunday and not getting a seat. Am I the only one who thinks it's gotten a bit out of hand?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#146re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 1:56pm

It's RIDICULOUS. And seriously, the people who are making it this insane are the ones who insist on getting there the night before. It's crazy all-around; at this point it's very difficult to get tickets even if you have connections, but my God. I would love to be there this weekend, but this is just absurd. And really kind of annoying that people feel the need to be so silly about it. A few idiots set the precedent to camp out, and look what happens; it becomes nearly impossible for anyone who's remotely sane to see the show, and if you even want a CHANCE at obtaining tickets, you have to spend the night in the park. I get that it's tradition and whatever, but this is excessive. I'd like to say this is what people get for waiting until the last minute, and where were all of you for three weeks, but I suppose it's futile. Admittedly, I'm kind of sad that I probably won't be able to see it closing weekend because of the current madness, but I'm glad I went early in the run, before it became like this.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/10/09 at 01:56 PM

#147re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 2:01pm

I don't even know what that means, "gotten out of hand". Some of you are acting as if you're personally being denied this show somehow (Drunken Chita Rivera, I'm looking at you), when at least three people on this thread have attended at least three times.

You want to see the show, make the time to go see it. Get a little damp in the process, perhaps, but it was obviously very achievable. Those of you complaining just waited too long. If you really, truly, couldn't have tried before, then I am sorry for you - but if you just put it off, or the timing or the weather wasn't convenient, I'm having trouble rummaging up sympathy for you.

"I have to throw in here...what's more ridiculous is that early in the run, I'd guess there were about seven or more shows that did not sell out, and one night I remember where the theatre was not even HALF full. All these hundreds of people complaining about how hard it is to get tickets could have walked up to the box office that evening without waiting more than 5 minutes for their turn and gotten good seats and a fantastic show".

This is absolutely true (and thanks for that, broadwaygirl). Where were you guys before the reviews came out and the weather wasn't ideal? Freakin' fair-weather theater-goers....

re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines

eta: gmta, emcee, but seriously, I don't think it matters whether or not people choose to camp out. The amount of people who want to see the show at this late date will remain the same whether they camp out or line up at 7am, right? The only difference is the time frame.

Updated On: 7/10/09 at 02:01 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#148re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 2:06pm

Don't you know, though, someone is manning the Public Theater's server and has a PERSONAL VENDETTA against them.

Really, if you wanted to see it badly enough, you would have sucked it up and gotten up early on your day off or waited in the rain or whatever. I did both, and I'll have the pleasure of remembering this production and these performances forever. That seems sort of cruel to say, but some of you are behaving like toddlers.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/10/09 at 02:06 PM

#149re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
Posted: 7/10/09 at 2:08pm

The Entitled Toddlers.

Good name for a band. Their first album can be called PERSONAL VENDETTA.
Updated On: 7/10/09 at 02:08 PM
