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She's Back! CARRIE - First preview !!! - Page 12

She's Back! CARRIE - First preview !!!

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#275A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 3:11am

The scene leading up to the blood spill always did remind me of Bernard Herrmann.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#276A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 8:54am

Here is a full break down of the show so people can track the changes.
Act 1
Scene - Police station - The police ask Sue about the night Carrie Burned down the gym, she has been interrogated for hours, Sue says they were just kids trying to the best they can.

Song - IN - New orchestrations, a real high point of the show for me, its boys and girls singing about the pressure of school, the scene moves from school, to gym, to the showers, really well done.

Scene - Shower Scene - Carrie has her period and freaks out, the girls make fun. Mrs Gardner comes in and tries to calm her down and slaps her, a light bulb explodes. Miss Gardner expresses her disappointment in Sue, Chris and the girls think it was funny as hell.

Scene - Principals office - Miss Gardner tells him about what happened and who were involved and how even she found it crazy that Carrie didn’t know what was happening to her. The principal sends Carrie home with the kids shouting Scary White

Song - Carrie, the song is cut down and slightly re- orchestrated, has a bit more of an edge. Molly's voice is not great on the big notes but she sings it with passion.

Scene - The boys are all hanging out, they see Carrie and taunt her, she uses her power here on one of the boys. Tommy asks her if she is OK, it’s their first ‘moment’

Song - Open Your Heart, the song is started by Rev Bliss on the radio giving his service, Carrie arrives home and she and Margaret sing it together, beautiful

Scene - Margaret is talking about running in to Sues Mum who was talking about Sue's graduation party, Carrie tells her mum what happened in the shower

Song - Eve Was Weak, lots of passion but the song needs to be slowed down a bit. Also it would be good to hear Mazzie really sing it out rather than just shout it out. When she does sing it out she cuts her big notes off very quickly, she storms the end of the song though, Molly is great in this song.

Scene - Scene – kids hanging out at a house getting stoned talking about the shower incident, Chris is excited about what they did and the girls seem to be as well, except Sue, we find out why Chris is dating Billy (to anger her father) and that she is going to college.

Song - The World According to Chris
Not the best song but works for the moment, performed very well. Chris sings of how it’s better to be the one doing the hurting than get hurt. The girls taunt Sue because she feels bad for what she did, she confides in Tommy.

Song - Evening Prayers - Very similar to the Broadway version, slightly re - orchestrated (for the better), stunningly performed. We also hear Tommy ask Sue to the prom in this moment which works well. Carrie is sent to bed with Margaret telling her god will forgive her, they pray together. Superb.

Scene - At school the kids are in English class, the teacher tells them their papers were weak, especially Billy who did not even hand one in, however one impressed was Tommy's, the kids especially Billy make fun when Tommy has to stand up and read it to the class

Song - Dreamer in Disguise (Tommy’s Poem from the early 80s workshop), the poem very much relates to him and how there is more to him than meets the eye.

Scene - After the poem Carrie remarks that she liked it, she could also relate, this only makes the taunting of her worse, but Tommy seems moved. After class Sue tries to talk to Carrie and apologise but Carrie freaks out thinking Sue is trying to trick her, she gets angry. Sue has seen Carrie for the first time. Chris sees and laughs and comments to Sue

Song - Once You See - Sue sings about Carrie and finally seeing her, a really nice moment that connects the 2 girls

Scene - Gym class, Miss Gardner is angry at the girls (similar scene to the film). She tells the girls they must say sorry to Carrie or will not be going to the prom. Chris gets angry but Sue tells her they need to say sorry, this gets Chris even more worked up. When Carrie comes in each girl says sorry, all except Chris who shouts 'Carrie White Eats S**t'. She is out of the prom and reacts badly, so badly that Miss Gardner slaps her.
The girls leave and Carrie tells Miss Gardner she must let Chris go to prom because it’s important to her, She asks Carrie who she is taking to prom? She says nobody because she’s different. Miss Gardener tells her she's not and she could be happy

Song - Unsuspecting Hearts, slightly re - orchestrated (for the better), this works so much better now and is performed so well

Scene - Scene – Tommy and Sue, Tommy reveals that he wants to try something different and put the football scholarship on hold and try to be a writer, Sue tells him to go for it. She also has something to ask him

Song - Do Me A Favour - Sue asking Tommy to take Carrie to Prom to make her feel part of the group, Chris wanting to get revenge on Carrie with Billy’s help, song is cut down and still works but i preferred the Broadway version. The cast do a great job on this (the harmonies in this show for the ensemble are brilliant)

Scene – Carrie looks up what is happening to her in the school library and stumbles across Telekinesis, she sees that one world used to describe it is 'anomaly'. Carrie is trying to use her power to make something move when Tommy sees her, he makes small talk to her to try and put her and him at ease. At the same time Mrs White goes to see the principal and Misss Gardner, she’s not really paying attention to the issue, Mrs Gardner tries to say how wonderful Carrie is and that the kids who did her wrong have been punished, she doesn’t really want to listen, instead she hands the kids the biblical leaflets, she blames the teachers and says the kids are living in godless times.

Scene - Tommy goes to Carrie’s house and asks her to the prom (similar to film), Carrie thinks it a trick at first, but gives in at the end when he refuses to leave and Margaret is in the house shouting to Carrie, this is really well played by the two.

Scene- Carrie and Margret sit having dinner, Carrie tells her that she has been invited to the prom, she sings how excited she is and how she wants to fit in (Invited)

Song - I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance - Incredible, so well performed with Margaret warning Carrie about boys and relating it to what happened to her and how Carrie was born. The scene ends with Carrie using her powers to stop Margaret leaving the room. It ends with her singing 'Nothing you will say or do will ever stop me again'

Act 2
Scene - The police ask Sue about the lead up to the events that happened on Prom Night

Song - A Night We'll Never Forget - Kids getting ready for prom, shopping, doing all the things you would do. Carrie sings of her hopes from the future, Chris plans her revenge at the pig farm. Sue and Tommy try to stand up the boys and girls who are concerned about Carrie and Tommy going to prom, Chris says she knows Sue put Tommy up to it, Carrie tries on make up for first time. The song is great and a very welcome addition and even has a few lines of Out For Blood. It cleverly dips in and out of a playful mood with the kids, a softer mood with Carrie and a sinister side with Chris and Billy.

Scene – Sue and Tommy talk about their future, his reservations about taking Carrie, but he’s fine with it because he knows it’s important to Sue. Sue and Tommy are excited their plans to go backpacking around Europe. We see Norma get the ballot votes, she’s up to something with Chris.

You Shine – Love song between the 2, the song talks about how Tommy has more inside than he’s letting on, Tommy tells Sue that she needs to give herself more credit, Sue says in the interview to the police at the end of the song that Tommy said ‘I Love You’ and that was the first time he had said it, that’s what she remembers the most about that day. Another good addition to the show, really helps flesh these 2 out

Song Ensemble section leads in to Carrie’s solo song Why Not Me
Carrie talks about how she feels can do this, she can be like everybody else, and is not going to run away, well sung by Molly and a nice song, keeps more in tone with the show than 'I'm Not Alone did.

Song/Scene - Margaret comes in and says that Tommy is not coming as a hopeful Carrie gets ready for Prom, she begs her to stay in, she does everything to put her off going but Carrie won’t listen (Don’t Leave Tonight). Tommy arrives to pick her up, Margaret says she should never had her, she should never have let her live. She tries to stop her leaving, Carrie goes leaving Margaret alone who believes that judgment day is coming and Carrie has now lost her way, she fears for her and reads a passage from the bible about sacrifice. Tommy gives Carrie a Corsage at the door, Tommy tells her she looks beautiful

Song - When There's No One - STUNNING, love the new orchestration, Mazzie sings it to perfection. Margaret sings of how she will be alone once Carrie has gone.

Songs/Scenes - The Prom – Kids reprise A Night we’ll Never Forget, it’s fun, the song shows the kids enjoying the prom. Tommy and Carrie enter, Tommy is supportive when everyone is looking at her, everyone is talking about her, some of the girls and guys are been really nice to her, a fun moment, lots of laughs from the audience, the humour works well in this scene. Tommy reassures her she’s gonna be fine, they get their pictures taken together. Carrie and Miss Gardner have a moment together, Carrie tells her she’s trying to memorise everything, take it in. Miss Gardner tells about her prom, it’s very reminiscent of the scene from the film (unsuspecting hearts Reprise).
Tommy asks Carrie to dance, but she says not yet, he’s very sweet to her, Tommy invites her to the after party, Carrie accepts. The prom King and Queen vote happens. Tommy is shocked that he and Carrie are on the ballot, they vote for themselves. Tommy and Carrie dance to Dreamer in Disguise music (he’s sings it to her, she joins in). Sue tells the police she needed to go to prom to see for herself. We see the girls who were nice to her are not so nice behind her back and are up to something. Chris and Billy turn up and sing part of Do Me A Favour/Out For Blood (new lyrics), Norma switches the ballot papers, Sue sees something is not right, Norma tells sue to stick around and see the best prom ever. The kids enjoy the prom including Carrie, Chris and Billy prepare for their big moment. The results are announced, Carrie and Tommy win, Alma Martyr is sung as Carrie and Tommy go to get their crowns, Sue tries to warn Miss Gardner that something is not right, Miss Gardener thinks sue is up to something and kicks her out, as she does the rope is pulled and Carrie is covered in blood, the kids laugh, Carrie sings ‘I will not cry I’m ok’ (she sings bits of many different bits from the show, very well done, much better than Broadway). Carrie uses her power to lock the kids in the gym, fire starts and the alarm goes off, she kills everyone in the gym, the sound effects and music are FANTASTIC in this scene.

Scene Sue tells the police that Carrie walked through the town leaving destruction; she followed Carrie to her house.

Song - Carrie (Reprise) Margaret is waiting for her reading the bible, Carrie tells her mum she was right, they all laughed at her. Margaret and Carrie embrace, but Margaret stabs Carrie, Carrie screams and makes Margaret’s heart stop beating, Carrie is horrified as to what she has done and what her mum has done to her. Sue runs in and finds Carrie on the floor and her mother dead beside her, she holds Carrie, Carrie dies in her arms as Sue sings a few lines from You Shine.

The ensemble sing the bits from the show about finally seeing Carrie and noticing her, beautiful moment, very much about bullying, sue finishes the show singing the line ‘Once You See You Can’t un-see’

This is based on the audio and i have to say i was far more engaged with this audio then the Broadway one that i have listened to for over a decade. It FEELS like Carrie, nothing forced, nothing that is not needed, you get the vibe of Carrie from this recording. The scenes are far better and Sue and Tommy now have characters to play (people can insult them because they are a sweet couple but that's how King wrote them, and it translates well here, especially for Sue). This also no longer feels like 2 shows fighting against each other like the 88 show, it all feels like one show which is a remarkable achievement by the creative team. The scenes added in bring so much more to the piece and the team have taken many chances with the music and the way the story is told. I look forward to seeing this show soon, but based simply from the audio, this feels like the Carrie i was hoping for.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#277A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 9:02am

I'll say it again - you can create a great working script and score for CARRIE that sounds good on a bootleg, but unless you can find a way to STAGE it, you've lost the contest.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#278A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 9:05am

I am not disagreeing with you, i'm just posting my opions based on the audio. To be fair though from what i have heard on this audio the staging would have to be completly lifeless and flat for this to turn out to be bad, just my opinion.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

whatacharacter Profile Photo
#279A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 9:18am

I understand the concern of slipping or mopping up blood. Why not have a projection of the blood falling that coincides with the release of blood from camouflaged blood packs in the crown and the shoulders of the dress. That way the blood never misses it's target and clean-up is minimal, yet we still get to see carrie drenched in blood at a low cost. Just a thought.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#280A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 9:20am

I wouldn't say the staging is lifeless and flat; its just not very exciting or clever or inspired and I think you need to have those things to pull off this story on stage.

The stuff with the teens feels like Spring Awakening or Rent or half a dozen other shows we've seen in the last few years, i.e derivative, and the stuff with the mother and daughter doesn't have the go-for-broke danger/thrill that it did in the earlier incarnations and so it doesn't have the same impact.And as many others have said, the entire prom sequence just doesn't work (and maybe never ever could ever work on stage - that's the creative challenge that has to be proven to justify doing the entire show).

The biggest complaint I have directorially, is that while this CARRIE is now in every way 'respectable' - from book/score to staging, it is never, ever, in any way ever anything more than that. CARRIE is a thriller - it should thrill - that's the problem.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#281A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 9:32am

I think for me one of the things which i find odd is that after the 2009 reading, so many commented that the teen stuff still sounded dating and they should try the more Spring Awakening approach (or just teen angst). Now that they have gone that way (which i personally feel is the only way the teen stuff could have gone) that is being pulled as a negative.

As i say i have just heard the audio (will be seeing it in a month) but th audio alone makes songs like Eve Was Weak and I Remember sound very exciting.

I guess this show is going to be very much some love it, some don't. To me if they have worked out the book, the music and the flow the show then its done something pretty incredible considering the mess it had to undo to get to the point.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#282A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 9:50am

I wouldn't say this is going to be a love it / hate it experience. I wish that it were because that is what it should be. I think it will be a mostly 'that was okay' experience for the majority of the audience, which brings me back to the question is that really in any way an improvement?

My guess is that the show will continue to be one of those cult hits like CHESS in which many love the score, but few have ever figured out how to make it work on stage.

Updated On: 2/2/12 at 09:50 AM

#283A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 10:11am

Info in this article in today's Times:

Apparently Arima met with the producers and promised: “From the very start I said flat out that there would not be one drop of liquid blood during the destruction,” Mr. Arima said, referring to the apocalyptic prom sequence. (Carrie does appear in a later scene in a bloody dress.) “You can render World War III onstage by dousing out one candle. If you do your job right, the candle can go out, and the audience will understand viscerally that the world has ended.”

Updated On: 2/2/12 at 10:11 AM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#284A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 10:22am

Well there you have it. All the reasons I think this production doesn't work are right there in that article.

Arima's comment about the blood reminds me of that absurd comment Francesca Zambello had about 'no water' in THE LITTLE MERMAID.

I think this quote though sums up the problem:

It was the rare moment, during visits to rehearsals over the last two months, that recalled the “Carrie” of yore and lore — and made you miss the old girl for a moment.

That’s because this “Carrie” is as serious as a hostage-rescue mission, which approximates how its creators — the same men who kept it under lock and key all those years — see their task.

#285A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 11:00am

OK. I am just gonna skip through the previews to when Marin leaves the show and start the campaign for Alice Ripley to replace her right now. Let's get some crazy up in here.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#286A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 11:01am

Excellent article. I'm so glad they staged it the way they did - perfect for off broadway, and a wonderful new way to view this show. I am seeing it again tonight and I can't wait.

#287A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 11:24am

Loved the article... and those pictures are fantastic.

Let us know your thoughts once you've seen it, withoutatrace!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#288A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 11:30am

I would be surprised to see many changes since Tuesday night's first preview, but if there is anything of significance, I will certainly let you all know.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#289A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 11:57am

The pictures in the article are fantastic, the destruction looks great and makes me believe the use of red lights is fine, with that lighting you would not see the blood anyway. And it's not like a blood soaked Carrie does not appear on the stage, the last image is one of the most bloody things i have seen on the stage.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#290A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 12:13pm

A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#291A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 12:41pm

"The Destruction" was very effective in my opinion. And yes, it was wonderful to see her in the blood soaked dress in the following scene in her house. I gasped when Molly Ranson walked out from up stage right in that dress - it was handled perfectly.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#292A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:05pm

For me, and I think for the others who don't think the red light works, is because the moment of horror is seeing the blood fall on her and seeing her absolute shock and humiliation in front of her peers.

For my money, not only does the red light not creatively substitute that moment, its also completely not clear what happens. I'm with a couple of others who posted that its not even obvious that its blood in the bucket, because the earlier "Do Me a Favor" moment in the show between Chris and Billy is now so vague.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#293A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:09pm

There was a point in the beginning of Act 2 where Chris and Billy put their fingers in the bucket, and smeared some blood on each others' faces. This was a nice throwback to "Out For Blood" without being too ridiculous and over-the-top, and showed the audience that, yes, there is pigs blood in the bucket. I loved that moment between the two of them and remember it vividly from Tuesday evening.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#294A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:15pm

What was in the bucket though was so obviously not blood - it looked like thick red tempra paint - and the fact that they rubbed it on each other's faces and that it stuck like Sherwin Williams was so not believable and I really do think potentially pretty confusing.

It would be fun to take someone to see this production who had never seen or heard of CARRIE before and to hear what they think, whether they could follow the details of the story etc.

Updated On: 2/2/12 at 01:15 PM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#295A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:19pm

What would you use as blood instead of red paint?

Maybe you should call up Mr. Arima and ask if you could co-direct the show.

Updated On: 2/2/12 at 01:19 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#296A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:20pm

On the recording alone its plain to hear on 'A Night We'll Never Forget' that Billy and Chris have got the blood, they mention it in the song and have the whole Old Mc.....bit as well, i think it's pretty clear. Again from just the audio i love that you can hear the sound of the rope getting pulled, the bucket tipping and the sound of blood gush out, that made me gasp, far more than actually sitting in the audience in 88 and watching Billy plonk a bucket of blood on her head.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#297A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:21pm

I think they could use something that looked a little more like...blood?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#298A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:24pm

I kinda like the lights idea with the projection and sound, i guess that moment was always going to split people, and that's fine, thats what gets us talking.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#299A Carrie Without Blood Is Like Show Boat Without a Boat
Posted: 2/2/12 at 1:26pm

You'll just have to wait and see yourself sondanddance if you think the moment works. There is no right or wrong in this debate - its all just a matter of opinion on a show we all find interesting and obviously all feel spirited about.
