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She's Back! CARRIE - First preview !!! - Page 37

She's Back! CARRIE - First preview !!!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#900Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/23/12 at 6:22pm

Damnit! I was finally seeing it tonight!

Guess I'll be staying home now.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#901Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/23/12 at 11:32pm

Saw this again tonight (my fourth time) and I noticed many little changes here and there.

Marin's understudy was actually fantastic...she really surprised me and how well she could sing the score. You couldn't tell she was an understudy at all.

"The World According to Chris" no longer ends with the actress belting to the rafters - instead it is a quiet ending, with her in tears, and just transitioning into the next scene (aka no room for applause). In fact, I noticed more than one place where transition music replaced where applause would be. It worked very well in those instances.

A couple of scenes were added, many lines were added and cut. I also noticed many lyric changes. It is so wonderful to know that the creative team is working so hard on this and making tons of minor changes (all for the better).

The audience LOVED the show tonight and I sincerely hope it continues to sell well so it can extend and have a successful off-broadway run at the Lucille Lortel.

PS: Molly Ranson continue to amaze me. Plus, the crowd was all talking about her at intermission. She deserves all the rave reviews and positive buzz she is getting. A wonderful talent - and absolutely perfect for this role.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#902Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/23/12 at 11:40pm

Is the Margaret/teacher conference really gone?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#903Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/23/12 at 11:42pm

"Is the Margaret/teacher conference really gone?"

Yes it is.

I just thought of two changes that I didn't really like. I miss the slapping. The teacher slapping Carrie at the beginning to make the lightbulb break is gone. Instead, the lightbulb just randomly breaks while the other girls are taunting her. Also, Carrie's mom no longer slaps her during "And Eve Was Weak." I thought the slaps were effective.

Also, in the beginning of Act 2, Billy and Chris no longer smear blood on each other's faces. Instead they just douse one hand in blood and then join them together while making out. I preferred the smearing of blood on their faces, as I felt it was the one "campy" moment that paid homage to the brilliance that was "Out For Blood."

Still, even with those minor quibbles, if I hadn't seen those parts in early previews, I probably wouldn't have missed them.

Updated On: 2/23/12 at 11:42 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#904Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 12:09am

Yes it is.

Does anything replace it? It seems kind of odd to take material away from Margaret, especially given that the role isn't THAT big.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#905Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 12:26am

Nothing replaced it.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#906Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 1:40am

Is Mazzie trying to leave the show?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#907Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 8:32am

Hat the teacher/parent scene is gone, it was very effective seeing her function outside the home. Margaret slapping Carrie on Eve Was Weak was so effective, terrifying, they should not be taking things like that out, they should be adding more in. I liked the blood smear, i thought it was fun. Also Miss G slapping Carrie is NEEDED, her powers are a reaction to things. I also really liked the ending with all the kids coming back on and LOVED the photo of Carrie going up when she was happy at the prom.

I have to say i think the changes he is making are silly, he seems to be taking things out that are risky (teacher slaps student, mother slaps daughter) or fun (the blood smear, the photo). This really sounds like someone who is changing things for the sake of changing things.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#908Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 1:04pm

What the show needs, not having seen it, is, let me think of the right word. I dunno. DANGER! It needs danger, that's what I've been saying all along.

But maybe you have to whittle it out to drop from a PG-13 to a PG rating.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#909Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 2:26pm

What the show needs is for people who haven't seen it to stop saying what it needs. Go sit in a seat and experience the whole thing from start to finish live and in person and then hop on here and give an opinion informed by what you saw and felt for yourself.

I've seen Carrie twice now, both with and without the parent teacher conference scene, with and without the slap, and with and without Marin Mazzie. (I went precisely to see her understudy last night when I heard Mazzie was still sick.)

I liked the parent teacher thing fine the first time, but nothing has been lost without it -- in retrospect, it slowed things down. It's better with Margaret isolated to that small world of her house -- we see her coming home after a day at work, so we know that she exists in the world outside by that alone. And that seems enough.

On an audio clip or video the slap might seem like it worked but because the Lortel is so small it looked like a stage slap and a little silly. The scene looks better without it. Is some danger missing now as a result? Maybe. But I have to say, while there might not be the "danger" of Piper Laurie (who was more satirical and comic to me than scary) or BB (who, based on all the youtube clips, seemed out of balance to the rest of the material), it seems beside the point - Margaret's lines and her lyrics and the way the relationship is detailed make it plenty clear she is a mother who switches on a dime - loving one minute and then quoting scripture and abusing Carrie physically and perhaps more psychologically in a way that is damaging to the girl but seems like tough love or saving her soul to the mother. EVE WAS WEAK is chilling enough. The music and lyrics and the intensity of the moment, to me, sufficiently convey the history of abuse.

Mazzie's understudy is quite good, she's just not Marin Mazzie. I would say that seeing it with her revealed to me that the show itself is in really good shape and can withstand the absence of Mazzie, who was fantastic and plenty intense on the night I saw her. Not as intense as BB or what some people might expect, but totally effective. I thought the pleading (both Mazzie and her understudy) of Carrie not to go to the prom was a shrewd attempt to manipulate Carrie (another form of abuse!) - more so when Mazzie played it, but still there with the understudy, too.

I don't really understand this desire for everything to be so literal or just like it was in the book/movie/and what seems an insanely overproduced and undercooked Broadway production... or like one expects or demands it be. I found so much of this production to be very surprising and much of it quite thrilling and when I saw it the first time was so happy to have my expectations thwarted. Isn't that one of the reasons to go to the theater, especially when you already know the material? It felt like money and time well spent, which helped motivate my visit last night (also money and time well spent). I'd consider going again after it opens and the cast has more time to breathe and play inside of it.

(Sat in front row mezz last night -- incredible visual perspective!)

#910Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 3:33pm

Know what this show HAS?
Molly Ranson!!
Molly Ranson!!
Molly Ranson!!

Screw everything else said here.
GO see this show for Molly Ranson!
She is Fabulous!!!

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#911Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 8:25pm

Anyone know if Marin's on tonight? I might rush tomorrow but I won't if there's a good chance she'll be out.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

binau Profile Photo
#912Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 8:29pm

According to ATC, "Riedel says Mazzie will be back this weekend for press." Although there is no substantiation etc.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

#913Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 9:38pm

When is the next show in the space after Carrie? Good possibility it will extend into the summer?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#914Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 9:57pm

Not until around Aug/Sept

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

PalJoey Profile Photo
#915Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/24/12 at 10:44pm

What the show needs is for people who haven't seen it to stop saying what it needs.

How do you un-invent the Internet?

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.

#916Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 1:48am

MSmith2, I am laughing in a kind of "ha ha" pointing and making fun of you kind of way because unless you went and sat in a seat and watched the original production from start to finish you have no business commenting on whether Betty Buckley's performance was "out of balance" because you simply can't give an informed opinion on that fact based on youtube clips. What Betty Buckley was was scary, of course there has been some debate in this thread whether scary is important in a horror story, and she was perfect.

I urge others who saw the original production to point and laugh at you, too. That's right, they're all gonna laugh at you. You have just been served the patented Mike Brady one finger pointing at others and four pointing right back at yourself postulate.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#917Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 4:31am

Marin is returning for the press? Does that mean she is recovered, or will she be giving a strained, delirious performance because reviewers need to see her? I'm not excited at the prospect of seeing the show KNOWING that she's struggling/still sick...honestly, I'd rather see her understudy if that's the case.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#918Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 9:19am

So here is a question

Does anybody else think Carrie would work well as a straight play?

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Jane2 Profile Photo
#919Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 9:28am

I bought and watched the original film, again, last night. I craved it after seeing the show.

My own feeling about whether this particular story would work as a straight play concerns the destruction in the gym. I really don't think it's possible to even approximate the horror of it on a stage. So, no.


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#920Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 9:37am

You see i think the Destruction is the easy part of the show to stage. I know our company has spoke about it many times and planned the whole thing and how we would do it. Even in a straight play i think music would be needed for the Destruction but apart from that it seems fairly easy to us.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

After Eight
#921Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 10:01am

Very sorry to read that the two idiots smearing each other's faces with blood is gone. That was the funniest moment in the show! Why are they aking out all the ludicrous things-and the only things- that made the original worthwhile? Who cares about Carrie and her crazed mom? I want to see the dopey teens acting ridiculously!

Well, I hope they've at least retained the monstrous prom costumes, because the laughs are getting fewer and fewer.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#922Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 10:05am

Hmm, for some reason, I don't see how unleashing a fire hose with no one holding it and killing people with the sheer force of the water, besides setting the entire place on fire, as well as all the pieces of the gym falling on people killing them, etc. would be easy to stage.


After Eight
#923Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 10:53am

Oh, and one more thing about today's formal wear. Jane and another poster informed me that the haute couture dresses on display in Carrie (more like basse couture) are indicative of today's prom raiment. Well, so be it. And I suppose that wearing red sneakers with one's tux is considered equally appropriate. But hey, why not? When you see the way some actors dress for opening night performances and parties, one would think they just came from having played a softball game in Central Park.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#924Carrie Article from 1997
Posted: 2/25/12 at 11:27am

'Hmm, for some reason, I don't see how unleashing a fire hose with no one holding it and killing people with the sheer force of the water, besides setting the entire place on fire, as well as all the pieces of the gym falling on people killing them, etc. would be easy to stage.'

Well the hose pipe thing would not make an appearance as its ridiculous, but the use of fire, projections, lighting, explosions and moving objects (chairs and tables flipping in the Destruction etc) is not the hardest of tasks.

After Eight, i'm not even sure what you are talking about. The prom outfits looked fine

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
