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Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools- Page 5

Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#100re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 2:55pm

DRS would definetly need to be tweaked, the bathrobe scene with Greg Jbara and Joana Gleason would have to be completely cut or changed to one line...How about the son of great big stuff"And I get laid, now theres a perk"...

...the Last 5 Years is a show that shouldn't be done by highschools!!

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space

Broadway_Bound_Star Profile Photo
#101re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 2:56pm

Well, every show can be done through a High school, but it might now be appropriate or good. RENT could be done if the rights were relesed and the parents of th kids would mind beacuse they would be swearing and saying..."weird" things that teenagers arn't upposed to say. But yeah, a High School could do Cats or ANY show but you could NEVER guarantee that it would be good. But most school do easy ones, like Little shop or Seussical. but yeah, anything can happen.

Why did they make Les Mis the high school esition? I find that completely a STUPID idea, they are killing the original.
But yeah, i saw a little bit of the musical and instead of Empty chairs at empty tables, it was the CAfe song, how dumb is that!

#102re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:04pm

I could give you a whole list of shows that will never be done/shouldn't be done by high schools, if I could find the list my friend submitted to the drama club. Last year, you could submit ideas. After the musical was picked (Peter Pan - but it fell through since we had no money), my friend was so angry. I'll never forget when she stormed up to me.

Her: I can't believe it! They didn't use any of my suggestions!
Me: Well, what did you suggest?
Her: Oh, well, CATS, Evita, A Chorus Line, 42nd Street, Chicago, Victor/ know.

I still laugh about that.

#103re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:08pm

But ALL of the shows you just named have been done in high schools around the country.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#104re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:11pm

Even CATS? Is it licensed yet? Now when I was in the 5th grade we did a pretty bang up production of CATS, but I'm sure it was illegal and I'll get in trouble for mentioning it on this site...

#105re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:14pm

I seem to remember somebody mentioning seeing Cats at a performing arts high school, but can't remember any other details.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

Broadway_Bound_Star Profile Photo
#106re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:14pm

Well, a High School that is clos to my house did 42nd street, everything was good, exept the dancing part, LOL

#107re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:28pm

Phantom Of The Opera
Rent, if its done, heavy editing.
Avenue Q

I've heard of high schools doing The Wild Party, I don't know which one though. Lion King is possible, I saw a high school do a small cutting, no costumes though.

#108re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:35pm

"Take Me Out"
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

#109re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:50pm

Anything from the Sarah Kane oeuvre.

#110re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 8:01pm

No matter how talented the students are, and I've seen some phenomenal high school productions, I can't see 15 year olds doing La Cage, Cabaret, Rent, Assassins, Avenue Q or half a dozen others. There is a maturity level that just isn't there, or young voices are just not able to handle the scores. Never mind the hysterics by parents and the community. I'm sure all of these, in one form or another, will be done in high school if they haven't been already. I'm just not convinced it's necessarily a good idea. There should be some shows kids get to grow into, not do too soon.

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

#111re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 8:30pm

I think whoever said debbioe does dallas has hit it on the head... this will never be done!

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#112re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:00pm

My School did Scarlett Pimpernell just a few years ago I think, and Sweeny Todd, which was really really good. The school is supposed to specialize in dramatic arts, which it is sadly it is closing, I was just in the recent production of Sleepy Hollow which was amazing.

Wicked was brought up before just because of the rights, But it would also never be done just because of the imencement of it, Glinda's bubble? Elphie flying? Trap doors and lifts? Makeup and costumes, that would cost an arm and a leg to do, though I would see it none the less, I just couldn't see it being done.

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#113re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:02pm

God forbid the day I have to see high schools do these shows:

Les Miz- NO NO NO, this needs to much talent for hs
POTO- " "
Chicago- I dont care if its been done, 16 year olds can't possibly do Chicago unless they are professional, in my opinion, its way to mature and takes real actors and dancers and singers.
Avenue Q
Rent- needs more talent than hs
Wicked- I will kill myself before I try to watch someone in high school try to belt this and go horribly flat, and/or Glinda have a weak voice. (Also I sat through my cousin's school's production of The Wizard of Oz and it was extremely flat and nobody could act or sing)
Piazza- Im sorry but I dont really want to see a school tackle this, I love it far too much for it to be ruined by a high school.
La Cage- because I doubt they will find an ensemble of guys at their school that want to crossdress and dance, or rather, are able to dance, and it just doesnt work with girls. Plus the local press would have a field day and so would the school board and someone ::cough:teacher:cough:: would get fired in the process, and that always ends bad)
Little Women- I will be 'astonished' if there is a hs that can pull this show off (particularly Jo, and all of her high belting)

Furthermore I understand this may be harsh, and you can probably infer from this that I dont really like hs performances very much (with the occasional exception). I believe that there is a reason why 16-year-olds arent starring on broadway- because their voices arent developed enough (Sutton is 30, Gavin Creel is 29, Idina and Kristin are both in their 30s and Matt Morrison is 28 ). I know Im being mean, but Ive already seen schools ruin the Wizard of Oz and others for me, and I dont wanna see it happen to my favorite musicals.

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#114re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:06pm

I would pay to see Wicked, just because I would want to see the set, and the challenges that they worked around.

This maybe changing the subject, but what about plays that are OVERDONE by schools,

The one that pops into my head is Grease, which I cant stand at all! And also Jesus Christ Superstar.

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#115re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:12pm

OMG EDCT! I Jesus two years ago and laughed so hard, I couldnt help it, it was just so rediculous, and I also saw Joseph and tATDC and laughed out loud during the opening number, (good thing I was in the back)

Aigoo Profile Photo
#116re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:14pm

I would so pay to go see the high school Wicked productions.

This is my signature.

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#117re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:18pm

Joseph is also another over done one, No highschools have the urge to look into new productions other than JCS, Grease or Joseph. HONESTLYYYYYYY.

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#118re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:18pm

Joseph is also another over done one, No highschools have the urge to look into new productions other than JCS, Grease or Joseph. HONESTLYYYYYYY.

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#119re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:23pm

Also, my hs did The Music Man last year, and, I swear, 5 other schools around this area did it too, at the exact same time.
Come on, the teachers need to get a little more original than MM, Jesus, Joseph and Grease.

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#120re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:26pm

Most overdone are Little Shop, Rumors, Wizard of Oz, and Godspell

Be the change you want in the world....

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#121re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 9:27pm

add Into the Woods and Anything Goes to the overdone list.

You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

#122re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 10:10pm

ok so let me get this straight...

you guy are tired of schools over doing shows, that you are sick of. But you don't want them to do any of peoples 'fave new' shows either... hmmm so whats left????

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#123re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 10:17pm

A Chorus Line
All Shook up would be good when it comes out
Into the Woods
West Side Story
and they can always Music Man, Jesus, Joseph, Little Shop and Lil Abner, every hs in America will probably do these in the next few years.

Shelley_is_batty Profile Photo
#124re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 10:17pm

I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE! (technically off-broadway) It's just too adult. I would, however, pay money to see the rehearsal process if it ever did happen. I can always use a good laugh

"It's really crazy backstage. Just before the show started, Elaine Stritch got into a fight with stage hand, and then inexplicably started squeezing Hugh Jackman's buttocks. And by the time they had sedated her, she had punched out two cops and was holding Norbert Leo Butz hostage, threatening to kill one of his three names." -Nathan Lane
