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Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools- Page 6

Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#125re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 10:26pm

"and they can always Music Man, Jesus, Joseph, Little Shop and Lil Abner, every hs in America will probably do these in the next few years."

Yep, we did Lil Abner last year.
42nd Street the year before
Anythings goes before that
and Damn Yankees before that.
I go to a very original school.

You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#126re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 10:29pm

I love Anything Goes. Lil Abner is a good musical.
You guys did 42nd? wow, you must have an awesome dance department.

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#127re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/6/05 at 11:06pm


that was a joke right?


You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#128re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 12:40am

I still can't believe anyone would advocate editing shows for the sake of allowing high schools to do them, let alone that they actually are already doing it. If the creators of the show were worried about the swearing and controversial themes affecting the audiences, they wouldn't have included them in the first place!

I'm sorry, but if you feel that it's necessary to edit the material to make it more appropriate for your audience, then maybe you shouldn't be doing a show like Cabaret or Rent in the first place. Try Rodgers and Hammerstein. I just can't see how people that love a show so much would be willing to sacrifice artistic integrity for the sake of some 15 year old that HAS to play Mimi while her obsession lasts, even if it means putting on an illegal production.

I just wish high schoolers would just realize that they were still in high school, and- regardless of how much they want to hump the fire escape like a crackwhore- it's not the an appropriate show for them to be doing if they can't do the show right.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#129re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 12:52am

It would be easy for schools up north, in the west and and in the east to do shows like BARE, RENT, La Cage..but here in the south nobody would probably touch these shows because of the subject matter. But shows like Follies, Company, Chicago, and other would be done.

Facebook...ME !!!

#130re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 1:08am

my school did chicago, and it was the best production of a show I've ever seen. I'd rather see 20 amazing high schoolers pull off chicago beautifully than see it for 50 bucks at the kodak in hollywood and watch 30 actors RUIN the show for me (highlights include forgotten lyrics by Patti LaBelle, and lots of cracking from Mary Sunshine, and an ensemble that just WASNT THERE! Sloppy choreography on that level in unacceptable!). My school really recently did Cabaret, and again it was phenominal, though ur right the maturity level wasnt there make it a perfect production, I'd say its a heck of a better than the 3 pro/college productions I've seen- all of which were just painful to watch. We won awards for our production! Never llimit a school to onyl doing the mundane musicals were all sick of. We need challenges in high school! You'll never know how good soemthing could be until you actually try it!

MLE Profile Photo
#131re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 1:10am

I saw A Chorus Line done by a high school a couple years ago and it was excellent.

Personally, these are shows I NEVER want to see done by a high school:

Phantom of the Opera - Vocally and tech wise!
Avenue Q
Bare - I could very well see it done in college theatre though
Wicked - As much as I'd LOVE to be in that show, it would be an insult to be performed by high school students. NO WAY, NO HOW! How could they manage the choreography or those awesome costumes? Plus just the tech stuff alone is so involved! It's just too big of a show!!

Our school NEVER does anything remotely edgy, our director thinks Grease is way too dirty. re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools I'll just have to wait for college.....
Updated On: 7/7/05 at 01:10 AM

#132re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 1:15am

I dont think editing is quite as bad as people are making it out ot be. Editing that drastically changes themes from the show is bad (ie Rent , b/c cutting things like AIDS, homosexuality, crossdressing, sexual content and/or drug use would undermine some if not all of Jonathan Larsons intent) but sometimes editing for schools can clear up problems never fixed.

My high school did the school edition of les miz, many people said they liked our production better than the broadway one, I certainly dont think it because our talent/direction/technical aspects were better than Broadway (cuz they werent, but they were good) I think the reason was that the show was much more direct and didnt drag on as much allowing people to follow the story better because useless (albeit nice) things like the refrain for "Stars" were cut in editing.

Madame X2 Profile Photo
Madame X2
#133re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 1:17am

The Full Monty. That will never be done.

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#134re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 1:54am

I LOVE I love you Your Perfet now Change!!!! My Local theatre did that and it was amazing, I saw it two times. !! WOw I love that show!

#135re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 5:11am

Why on earth would a high school, even if it had the talent and the community that would love the material, do Company? It's about 30-something's and their grief in relationships, why hand that material to high schoolers?

Then again, I think of all the aging stars who did Grease... maybe it's retribution

Whiteguy2088 Profile Photo
#136re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 5:44am

Our school did Cabaret....and next year during our Broadway Show there is a 20min Rent Medley

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#137re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 5:50am

i have seen "cabaret" in a high school was so weird to see little kids playing gays and was mind blowing.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Shelley_is_batty Profile Photo
#138re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 9:19am

I also love I LOVE YOU, YOUR PERFECT, NOW CHANGE. It's sunch an amazing show and totally underrated

"It's really crazy backstage. Just before the show started, Elaine Stritch got into a fight with stage hand, and then inexplicably started squeezing Hugh Jackman's buttocks. And by the time they had sedated her, she had punched out two cops and was holding Norbert Leo Butz hostage, threatening to kill one of his three names." -Nathan Lane

biggyg2006 Profile Photo
#139re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/7/05 at 12:05pm

next year my highschool will be doing evita! i didn't think that would be a show that a high school would do.. but we certainly are doing it!

#140re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/13/05 at 4:21pm

My high school just did rocky horror this year. I was Columbia and the person who was Frank-n-furter was amazing! The school was fine with it you just have to have a really liberal kind of audience.

#141re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/13/05 at 4:39pm

I don't think CATS will ever be done. Nor POTO. Also I don't know if a high school would do Sunday in the Park with George.

baddadnpa Profile Photo
#142re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/13/05 at 4:40pm

Love! Valour! Compassion! and Take Me Out.

The truly beautiful should be lawfully restricted from wearing clothing; and the truly butt-ugly should be lawfully mandated from going naked.

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#143re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/13/05 at 4:40pm

EATING RAOUL will not be done by a high school.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

ChiChi Profile Photo
#144re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/13/05 at 4:43pm

We did Sunday in the Park with George when I was in High School.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
#145re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/14/05 at 6:47am

There's only one problem with everything being said. I know it seems unfair to allow high schools to do all of these shows that are too "big" or "inappropriate", but these are also the people asking why we're only getting Jesus Christ Superstar and Into the Woods, and Fame, or what have you. Why don't we just cut theatre out of high schools all together? They obviously can't do it. The whole point of high school theatre (at least for myself and many of the people I do it with) is to learn and prepare for the future study of theatre arts. As for the capabiltiy of high school performers, my high school has successfully in recent years performed Pirates of Penzance, Mikado, and Pippin, not easy shows to do. I will be a senior next year. I want to do a modern musical, but it seems people (even in the theatre community) are too skeptical to allow us to do it. Even if it was a bad production, so what? The point is you should get something out of it. I don't want my last HS show to be Grease (and thank god it won't). All I'm saying is, give it a chance. No one's breaking your arm to go see it anyway, so what's the big deal?

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

Broadwaygirl22 Profile Photo
#147re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/14/05 at 7:32pm

I don't think that Rent, Avenue Q, La Cage, A Chorus Line, Wicked, and The Producers will be done in high schools. Maybe colleges could pull of doing The Producers and A Chorus Line, but probably not the other ones I mentioned.

"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation."

#148re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/14/05 at 8:20pm

zanna dont

shows with tiny casts....although....:
my school did Love You/Perfect/Change with a huge cast and had big chorus dancers and alternated between performers to scenes.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#149re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
Posted: 7/14/05 at 8:24pm

The Paris Letter
Mambo Kings

Poster Emeritus
