Joined: 12/31/69
Hi!! This is my first post :)
So, I was thinking about auditioning for Glinda. There is gonna be a casting for Wicked now... And my voice and personality suits Glinda perfectly :) The thing is that this is gonna be a professional production, so I have to pick a good song to audition with... Could you recommend me one? I'm looking for an alto happy song. It doesn't matter if it's much higher than Glinda's range. Anyway, I'll listen to all your recommendations. Thank you so much in advance!! <3
marijara2 said: "Hi!! This is my first post :)
So, I was thinking about auditioning for Glinda. There is gonna be a casting for Wicked now... And my voice and personality suits Glinda perfectly :) The thing is that this is gonna be a professional production, so I have to pick a good song to audition with... Could you recommend me one? I'm looking for an alto happy song. It doesn't matter if it's much higher than Glinda's range. Anyway, I'll listen to all your recommendations. Thank you so much in advance!! <3"
There is no such thing . If there was, everyone would do only that song.....and then what. Its far more what you do with your chosen song, if the range/type is similar.
Welcome to Broadway World Forum! :)
To actually answer your question:
“Popular”, if I had to pick one. Its bubbly, ridiculously cute, and funny. All of her personality, wit, and character comes out in that one song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Thanks for your reply!! The thing is that I don't know if popular would be the best song to audition with... For it's from wicked. I would like to sing something similar to popular, but from a different musical. Anyway, thanks again!! :)
Dont you dare sing Popular. If you sing that you might as well not even audition. So many people are going to sing that. NEVER sing a song from the show you aew auditioning for.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/18/11
Your first professional audition is going to be for Glinda in Wicked? Youve got guts, kid. BTW, its a high soprano role, not alto.
Understudy Joined: 11/3/18
Featured Actor Joined: 11/30/16
"Glitter and Be Gay" from Candide.
Dance 10, Looks 3
Huh it's funny because I remember discussing this with a pianist about three years ago and really the only things that come to mind are songs Kristin Chenoweth has sung. And some of them aren't even ones that are mainly associated with her! Here's a list:
1. Glitter And Be Gay(obviously this one is one she is famous for)
2. Vanilla Ice Cream(she's sang this in concert before but it's not one of her staples)
3. Art Is Calling For Me(This is a very popular yet not horrendously overdone soprano song and one that Kristin used several times on the pageant circuit and also for auditioning for Steel Pier but she hasn't sang it in public since at least as far as I know)
4. Italian Street Song(This is a wonderful song from The Naughty Marietta and one that Kristin has only done once in public I believe. Here's a link:
5. Veronique(You even have to ask?)
If it's a professional audition, are you sure you'll be allowed to sing an entire song? Or will they just want your best 8 to 16 bars? If the latter, the song almost doesn't matter except it should be something that demonstrates your range is right for the role.
If you get to sing a full song and want something nobody else will be doing, look at "Letters" from BAKER STREET. Not a great score otherwise, but "Letters" is a lot of fun: a late-19th century actress describes the letters she gets from gentlemen fans, imitating each letter writer as she quotes from his letter. The listener doesn't have to know the show to "get" the song. If you have Glinda's range, this might make a good audition song to learn and have handy for call backs. You can download the song by looking up the OBCR on iTunes. (The full song clocks in at 5 minutes, but an arranger could probably shorten it for you by omitting one of the letters.)
Speaking of Inga Swenson, something from 110 IN THE SHADE might also work. "Raunchy" seems the logical choice since it is relatively short and, actually, not really very raunchy. The joke is that the character's idea of raunchy behavior is actually pretty innocent.
Whatever you do, DO NOT sing "Glitter and Be Gay" unless you have really worked on the song and it sits perfectly on your voice. That song has been sung too well by Barbara Cook, Kristin Chenowith and several opera singers; a less than perfect version is painful to the ear. (And is the reason I don't own a recording of the Hal Prince revival from the 1970s, even though I own five other versions.)
Whatever you decide, break a leg!
"On the Steps of the Palace" sung with Glinda's charming conceit rather than Cinderella's charming guilelessness - "but what if I am / what a prince would envision" etc..