Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
They've changed the wording to suggesting that no one under 16 attend this Parent/teacher night.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
That's what telecharge says..
Perhaps it is a way of protecting themselves--but letting people use their judgment.
It says material is adult and not politically correct.
Adult and not PC is definitely a good description!
Last time though, there was a family with 2 girls (looked about 8 and 10), and they were not allowed to come see the show. They ended up selling their tickets to someone in the cancellation line.
Spelling Bee is awesome!
I loved it when i saw it!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I think that was good decision.--so not appropriate for kids of that age
There were also people there who didn't realize that this was not Spelling Bee's regular show. They looked shell shocked
Yeah, I remember a lot of tourists and older people leaving who had no idea what they just saw. I found that rather funny too!
Stand-by Joined: 8/28/05
YAY for this thread! I have posted about this show and the cast members before. It is my favorite on Broadway right now.
I haven't seen it since Jay left and the only understudy I have seen is the one for Marcy. I can't wait to see it again, though I have to say that I wish the parent/teacher nights were not on Sunday nights. That's tough if you work and you're not local. But...I did it before so I guess I can do it again. I haven't listened to the soundtrack in a while, and after reading all the bee love here, I really want to listen again. I love all the cast members, but I know creative lunatic will agree (from what I've read on earlier posts) that Lisa Howard is incredible. I hope she has a lengthy, great Broadway career.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
QOM---This thread makes me happy too---I won't tell you who my personal favorite is because I love them all---and it is my hope that this show becomes the launching pad for incredible successful careers for each and everyone of them
And yes--Lisa has an exquisite voice
I think that every single person in the cast is incredibly talented, I love watching all of them.
does anyone know the current status of the cast? I thought I'd heard Dan Fogler was leaving for awhile but never heard if it was for good or for how long or dates...?
anyone know when anyone else may be leaving or out of the show? I'm trying to figure out when to go see it again and don't wanna miss anyone...
Their contracts are through April. Dan is back in the show. The only vacation I know of is Jesse the first week in January.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
NY Times Thursday Styles page today mentions in A Happy Hipster Hanukkah article that the cast of Spelling Bee performed at Crowbar in Chelsea for an event entitled a Jewcy Chanukah....
Did anyone go?
I'm thinking they must have incorporated some of the outrageous Jewish themed sentences and been hysterical.
I love that these middle school misfits hang out at Crobar
---must have fake IDs
Yeah, I went to that. Bee was by far the best act, they went on last after I sat through 3 hours of Jewish hell first.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
They performed a song that Sarah wrote about all the different religions and their holiday- christmas, hanukah, kwanzaa, had each of the people dressed as someone from a different country- muslim (law), phillipino (jose), buddhist (deborah), jewish (sarah), christian i think- jesse, and a couple others- derrick and willis (one was jamaican maybe?). Dan was there watching but not in it. Sarah said they are planning to record it, so maybe it will be available to buy soon.
I have a few pictures from it, the lighting was really dark though so it is hard to see.
Stand-by Joined: 8/28/05
that's one of the things I love about this cast...they're always doing something different and creative. I really hope they extend past April as I want to take two groups there in the spring and summer. Does anyone know when announcements about extensions or people leaving the show happen? In other words how soon before their contracts expire will we start to hear some tidbits on people?
saw Bee tonight for the first time with a fellow BWWer. I loved it and don't think I've laughed so much in a long, long time. I will definitely be returning
My good friend and classmate at WMU just got cast as Logainne in the Chicago Spelling Bee...she is absolutely perfect for the role. Its going to be a crazy few months. But she is keeping all of us Music theatre majors posted and letting us know all about the production process and everything!
cool...keep us posted!congrats to her!
Congrats to your friend! I hope to be able to check out at least the Chicago production of this show, don't think I can get to SF anytime soon. I'd be interested to see it with other people in the roles instead of the cast that I know and love from the Broadway production here.
Bumping back up the love!
Anyone seeing the show this weekend?
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
No but I miss it-- Need my Bee fix!!!Any updates to report about any interesting recent shows or guest spellers?
On Thursday night, a huge (muscular) guy was a speller, and he was described as literally crushing the competition. There was also a sexy librarian (in black everything- major heels, tights, skirt, and jacket, and glasses) that got quite a few laughs.