I miss not being able to see my Bee!
¿Anyone else see it this weekend and have funny stories?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Not this weekend, but when I saw it the last guy got past catajunes (or whatever) and got to the xero- one. When he asked for the definition, the guy goes "No." It was too funny. And he had a really wierd last name so I was really afraid he was going to forget it. It was like "Malakotch" or "Makasomething". Truly amazing.
Liotte, I saw today's 7:30 and thought of you. :)
One of the audience spellers tonight was a woman whose last name is Smiley, so one of Lisa's comments about her was that her archnemesis is "Jane (whatever, I don't remember) Frowney."
And another audience speller was a young woman with short hair, much like a certain TV host, so Lisa said, "When ______ goes to see her hair stylist, she simply says, 'Give me the Katie Couric!'" Ha.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I guess though that we now have to give Greg, the current Vice Principal Panch credit for the improv introductions . since he like Jay Reiss is also a writer and now responsible for that aspect.
I do agree Liotte that Lisa's delivery is beyond perfect....
I miss The BEE!!!!
¿Anyone else see it this weekend and have funny stories?
Not this weekend, but the last time I saw it one of the spellers had some hugely long last name- I can't remember what it was, but it was like six or eight syllables long- and his intro was "Mr. _______ won his local spelling bee by spelling his own last name correctly."
Which could be one of those intros that they recycle (?), but I'd never heard it before and the audience could not stop laughing.
I saw the show for this first time yesterday afternoon, and I just have to say...that was quite possibly the most entertaining and hysterical and wonderful theatre experience I have had in a very, VERY long time.
My friend won lotto, so we were sitting in the second row (well, I guess it was more first, since the first bench is only four seats and we were the fifth and sixth seats in the second bench?). I can't even tell you how many times I had my head buried in my knees from laughing so hard. I got to see Lisa go on as Marcy (was sad I didn't get to see Deborah, as my friend ADORES her and talks about how wonderful she is all the time, but Lisa was fantastic).
I was SO impressed by this cast. They were all so fantastic and so dedicated and committed to everything they were up there delivering - so, so insanely impressive. I have to say, my favorite were most definitely Jesse and Celia. Jesse was just the CUTEST thing on the planet, and his reactions to everything were FANTASTIC. "Is that even a wooooooooooord????" SO adorable. So insanely adorable. And Celia...she is just the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Such a beautiful girl, so talented. I most definitely teared up a bit during The I Love You Song.
liotte, I know you asked for fun stories, so I'm trying to remember some of the funny things that happened with our guest spellers yesterday. One of them was an older man, and he had written his name down as "Dr. ___ ____." And the second time he goes up to the microphone, Lisa goes "When Dr. ___ ___ grows up, he wants to be a LAWYER!!!" There was also this little girl, probably about 9 or 10, and her word was "cow." She asked for a definition, and Greg looks at her and goes "Its....its a cow." And she laughed and asked for him to use it in a sentence. And he just gave her the most mystified look at goes "....spell....COW." And Logainne's speech about Brokeback Mountain was fantastic. She mentioned that her Carl Dad said that he couldn't think of cowboys without thinking of George Bush, and her DanDad said he couldn't think of gay cowboys without thinking of Karl Rove, and she said something about how AT LEAST NOW THEY'RE SCREWING EACH OTHER!!!!
Such an amazing show, and I was very happy after the show to see how incredibly nice the cast was. Only got the chance to talk to Celia and Greg, but they were both absolutely fantastic. It was really nice to see Greg, because we have a mutual friend who was very excited about him being the new Vice Principal, so I of course had to mention how our friend had told me I had to make sure I saw Greg.
I will most DEFINITELY be going back to see this again. I had such a blast.
long story fishergirl!!!glad you enjoy the show!!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
My fun story happened early in the Broadway run. I'm not so sure how many people actually saw this since it has been changed---but during the scene where Barfee says to Chip--See you next year--and tweeks Chip--when chip runs after him instead of Barfee hiding beside the bleachers--Barfee ran into the audience and sat on someone.... Jose absolutely lost it--He fought so hard to stay in character but was literally hysterical.....
It was a fun moment .
At the performance I went to *12/11 matinee*, there was a guy named Timothy Copp. Lisa said something like "Little Timmy changed his name because the schoolyard bullies made fun of "Timothy Policeman."
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I wonder if everyone involved had any idea what an important component these intros would become. They really contribute so much to the enjoyment of this wonderful show.
Keep sharing the love!!!
I love spelling bee!! I just saw it for the first time this past weekend! loved it, I want to go see it again! ah.
The cast really impressed me especially Celia! :)
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I think we all identify with different characters because of our own childhood experiences. Regardless of who we have the strongest connection with or the one that becomes our favorite--I think what is so wonderful about Spelling Bee is that we end up caring about each and every one of the spellers.
Our heart breaks for each of the obstacles that they have to overcome. That's why I love the transcripts so much.The audience discovers that they all survived these middle school traumas.
I can just hug Barfee(it's BARFAY) when he announces that he becomes incredibly handsome!!!!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/05
LilDiva05- I went to that show too! It was my first time actually seeing it, but I've been a fan of the cast recording for a while. I'd love to see it again, but I don't think it's in the cards unless my friend winds up seeing it for her birthday.
Anyway, another of the audience spellers was a Mr. Dijon. His introductions were (something along the lines of) "Mr. Dijon's favorite character in Clue is Colonel Mustard," and "Mr. Dijon goes well with potato salad."
Creative Lunatic: I couldn't agree more with everything you said.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Thanks EDB!!! Didn't you actually hear audible sighs when each speller is eliminated? I think that jarring slamming of the door when Logainne leaves the stage is such a brilliant sound effect because it symbolizes what it must have sounded like to her character.
It's great to learn that eventually Logainne triumphs!!
I also just love the duet and ballet with Olive and Barfee.
They are just the cutest.
When Olive sings---Mama I made a friend...it breaks my heart.
I really think everyone needs to revisit The Bee. it is like revisitng your childhood...
Now I can join the love too! I also saw it Sunday matinee for the first time, same show as Fishergirl. I laughed so much, even though I already knew a lot of the jokes and the words. (Glad the young girl spelled cow right )
What I didn't expect was how moved I would be by Celia's performance, or how impressed I would be by Lisa Howard -who was magnificant. What a great presence and beautiful voice. And everything about Jesse Tyler Ferguson made me laugh. Liotte, I can see why you have him as your avatar.
I was expecting to really like Dan Fogler's performance and he exceeded my expectations. I sort of related to 'Bar-FAY' because when I was growing up, many teachers would mispronounce my first name.
Can't wait to see this again!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Harpo--Welcome Aboard--- All who love Spelling Bee are appreciated here for their discerning taste.
Dan has commented on that he finds it funny that like his character, Dan too has had to correct people about his last name.----It's BARFAY for God's Sake!!!--Even well intentioned fans and journalists have mispronounced or mispelled his name as
F-o-l-g-e-r instead of F-o-g-l-e-r.
He and Celia think it's the Keenan-Bolger thing that throws people off... so he would definitely sympathize with you---OF COURSE
I saw it in August with the full original cast and LOVED it!! From the decorations in the lobby, to the entire vast set to each and every original and wonderful performance, I absolutely adored it! Audience participation is my goal, although I think I'll have to lie... a lot to get up there. I was thinking as going as a cowboy to try and get up on stage, but seeing as I'd need tickets, that's currently not happening.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/05
Creative Lunatic- For the first time in my life, I said "awwww" out loud, during a live performance, before I could stop myself. You really do become very attatched to these characters, and relate to them. My heart absolutely broke for Chip, Logainne, and Leaf when they were eliminated (although Leaf's turns out to be more uplifting, his kind of hits you out of nowhere). Middle school is only a few years behind me, so 99.9% of the show strikes a very familliar chord (especially since a lot of the characters remind me of a few of my friends, quite a bit).
I just have to give my love to this fabulous musical as well! I saw it this past weekend and I was there on the night when the guy got past the xero word. It was amazing! All of his buddies stood up and were bowing down to him.. he was great! I tried to be a speller.. didn't get it.. but I was Marigold that night. Chip was adorable and I laughed so hard the whole time. What a great show! I'm in love.. I bought two t-shirts, the cd, the poster, the magnet, and the hat.. I wish I could go see it again!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
You know EDB---I think whether you are actually a middle schooler, a bit beyond or an adult--what strikes such a chord is that we recognize and or remember how much we have all felt like outsiders. How much we wanted to just fit in and have something that made us feel we were important and validated .
I remember Dan commenting in an interview when asked how he developed his character, explaining that Barfee wears on the outside what all of us felt like on the inside. It didn't matter if others perceived us as normal or cool--Most of us go through this phase in our lives feeling like such misfits.
Some of us were embarrassed by our families or had neglectful parents. I just think Spelling Bee is as others have said --a metaphor for life.
This little show makes us laugh and brings us to tears because we see ourselves in these endearing characters.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/05
Very, very true.
(...Yeah, that's my brilliant response)
I love all these stories! Thanks for sharing everyone!