I know for sure of cast members who are leaving way before another year....
But yay, 1000 posts for the Bee!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
I'm so excited that I can't sit down and WRITE THIS DAMN PAPER due tomorrow. This is so bad.
<------- jealous!
I am seeing the Bee here tonight in solidarity.
I know it hasn't even started yet in SF, can't wait for the reviews!
Bee here in NYC was great, the audience kind of sucked tonight though. It was good to see my "normal" Bee cast again!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Back from the SF Adult Bee, it was so great!!!
Some highlights:
The pose during the first song was all the same, but replace Leaf's butt for his face. :)
Mitch's new speech after Chip's elimination - he said that he was runner up to Rona in that Bee 22 years ago.
Jared & Jenni (Barfee and Olive) cracking up after Panche did an improv about "busting a nut"
Barfee doing Rona from behind during Pandemonium (total shades of Ruprecht).
The asian jokes, including "Marcy love spelling long time", having her spell Hello Kitty, simply calling her "that asian girl" when it was her turn to spell and having her yell out "BUKKAKE SLUT" in one of the montages.
Panche spelling out "CUN..." with his magic foot.
Logainne's Bush rant: "About how his dick is in America's ass and the only lube available is ignorance!"
Leaf & Barfee sitting on people's laps while serenading the last guest speller.
The entire "Woe is Me (Reprise)" being replaced by "Go **** yourselves."
Olive's mom was at a Scientology resort in Hollywood - during the I Love You Song she wore green fuzzy alien eyes on a headband and a sandwich board type thing (which Jenni told me after the show she furiously scribbled an hour before the performance) saying "Free Stress Test". Adapted lyrics: And you never asked me if I'd join you in the LA sun/ ... /tell me what you're learning in scientology/tell me about the aliens/are they like, oh god, et?/i think tom cruise is crazy mom/ .../ how I wish you'd phone home
William's last word being "Schadenfreude" - "Of course, from the hit show Avenue Q that just closed in Vegas. My mom says no one wants to see a show with potty humor."
Leaf Coneybear wrote "Cats"
But my absolute favorite was Leaf full on making out with Barfee after he wins.
I spoke to them all afterwards - Jared said that they only rehearsed for about two and a half hours. Anyway, they all seemed to have so much fun with it.
Was there too. Why didn't you come say "Hi" marshmallow?
Had great (press comp.) seats.
Yes, thanks for the refresher course on the show (above)... I will forever have some of this visions engrained in my head... like Marcy's leopard print panties and Barfee humpin' Rona.
I totally loved how they revised the script to fit for the San Francisco audience. Jared/Sarah/Jenni added and subtracted from the NYC Adult Script to better fit their characters and the SF crowd.
That entire scientology bit was their doing! And that classic Bush rant from Sarah. I also love how we finally learn Mitch's backstory.
It was totally what I expected and didn't expect all at once. Some of those jokes elicited slack-jaws of shock instead of laughter even!
Full review coming soon to BWW.com
PS: JarretSF was one of the audience spellers!
Updated On: 6/5/06 at 02:39 AM
I'm pretty sure Panch yelled, "You, Chinese girl!"
Let's see, what else? :)
Panch's last monologue was not about Rona. Oh, no. His new passion in life was Mitch Mahoney, and they would often go to the mountains on fishing trips. After this, Panch pulled out Mitch's purple shirt, sniffed it and said, "MITCH MAHONEY, I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU!"
Instead of Chip having a wicked screwball, "Chip Tolentino is the son of a mail-order bride."
"Could that also be pronounced 'omPHALeskpsis'?" "Yes, if you were retarded."
Logainne's first word was 'indigent' instead of 'strabismus.' Her second word was something else instead of 'cystitis.' Barfee got 'fudgepacker' for Magic Foot, and 'schadenfreude' for his last word. Then there was a fun Avenue Q reference...
Jesus told Marcy, "And Marcy, when you start having sex, use contraceptives. But don't say I told you." (Or "it came from me," I forget.)
Instead of "Daddy conference, now!," Stan said "I have an anal fissure!"
The sticky spot on the floor. OMG. When Barfee said, "There's something sticky here!," Panch sheepishly replied, "Oh, that was me."
Olive rode the flag during Pandemonium.
Barfee grew up to be incredibly well-hung.
Instead of "Get up," Mitch said, "Get the f*ck up!"
Leaf's spelling was delivered rather...orgasmically rather than hypotically.
i loved it when during the "i love you song", olive says, "and my black dad says..."
stanley bahorek, who plays leaf coneybear, said that about 90% of the show was rehearsed, and 10% was a surprise. he said it was a surprise when he got the word "tampon".
Yes, I believe "Virginia is for Lovers" was an adlib as well. And something Doug Panche said later I believe was improv.
They had 2.5 hrs of rehearsal Friday and 45mins pre-show! Excellent, eh?
2 BWW.com Board Members were guest spellers! JarretSF and JenniferBeal (apparently, her lastname isn't really Bird... they just used it for the joke!)
It's Leal. And yes, they changed it for the joke.
Swing Joined: 6/5/06
The adult remix was awesome! Thanks jochang621 for making me go!
Oh, and Greta Lee is cute out of costume =)
It was so much fun. I loved the changes. I wish I'd lasted a little longer up there, I misspelled my 2nd word. Is it bad that I've never heard of "lewise" in regards to STDS?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
I saw JenniferLeal when she was talking to Jenni and commented on her signed juice box, which was adorable.
The other female speller, I think, had to have seen the show before because she spelled the plural of mexicans when he only asked for the singular this show.
Thanks for rhe reviews guys!! Sounds like it was a great night!
I actually think that Mitch and Panch went, er, "horseback riding" in the woods.
I have to say that I have probably never laughed so hard while at the theatre, although the woman across the aisle from me who fell out of her seat while trying to collect as many of the condoms thrown out during "Pandemonium" was a special highlight.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
jarretSF, I thought it was spelled "lues"?
See, I'm still misspelling it!
Oh, there was also: "Thanks, Mitch, for the talk. And the backrub." (But he still had the juice box!)
Chorus Member Joined: 4/14/06
the whole brokeback moutian refrence cracked me up. esp, the line "I wish I could quit you" straight from the movie.
and i LOVED Logainnes monolouge about Bush last night. by far my favorite one yet.
I should mention, too, with all the whooping at the beginning of the show, it really felt like a closing night or something. The enthusiasm of the audience was incredible. :)
I also get the feeling a lot of the regular jokes worked better too, because people were listening that much more intently for the dirty ones.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/14/06
OH! and no one else has mentioned this, but instead of Marcy throwing cards, she was carrying a vibrator through the audience, then took it back up on stage and left it in the middle. then Rona Lisa claimed it and put it back in her purse.
There were no cards thrown at all. I was surprised!
Oh, and Chip had fun pelting one person with a whole bunch of candy. It was great. :)
OMG The vibrating dildo! That was by far one of the best laughs (for me anyway). Marcy dances around with it in the aisles than places it center stage... Rona comes over, picks it up, and slyly slips it back into her purse! Hahaha
The guy being pelted with candy was Jarret (BWW member) who'd just been taken off stage as a speller.
Oh god, what else happened that we haven't mentioned yet?
PS: To be announced soon on the SF BWW site, Gay Night! is planned for June 14 at SF Bee.
Wait, it was vibrating?!