Zach was at the show on Friday night (also in the audience was Liev Shreiber, Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman). He was sitting 3 rows behind me and I spoke to him after the show - he absolutely loved it. He was sweet and very approachable. He went to visit the cast after the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
um, I definitely, DEFINITELY want pictures of him with the cast like, right now. *hopes they'll show up eventually*
Zach Braff? AWESOME.
All my favorite celebrities are coming to see the show, I love it.
If you go to and type in "Jill Stuart" you can see some of the boys in the fashion show!
Thanks becoz! You might just wanna search Jill Stuart 2007, because you'll get like 10 less pages of pictures.
I didn't see any pictures of Jonathan Wright. I saw 3 of Jonathan Groff and 1 of Johnny Gallagher. They look awesome
Understudy Joined: 5/16/06
Are they selling programs at the theater yet? Just curious as to when those will be around. I can only imagine how pretty they'll be.
And those fashion shots were great. Could Jonathan Groff look any cuter?
Thanks for that tip picturetaker! I thought Johnathan Gallagher totally had the "model look" down. I feel weird saying that.
WOW...I love those pictures...they both look amazing!!! But what happend to Jonathan Wright?
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
Thanks for that tip picturetaker! I thought Johnathan Gallagher totally had the "model look" down. I feel weird saying that.
hehe, he totally did :P
seriously, they're so cute being all "modely". (not like its much of a stretch- obviously they are both gorgeous!!)
and does anyone happen to know if Jon Wright WAS there? are there just no pics of him?
Just read on the myspace page that Jon Wright was NOT there.
Yeah, according to the show's Myspace page they had to cut Jon Wright because he didn't have the "body type" they were looking for.
"Yeah, according to the show's Myspace page they had to cut Jon Wright because he didn't have the "body type" they were looking for."
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
hehe yayy, there's a video up from fashion week, with interviews of jon and johnny!
if you go there and click the little "dial up" or "broadband" link, the video will open. they're about 1:26 in
whyyy are they such CUTIES??
"I struck my look as 'quiet;discontent' but maybe I was more content than discontent..."
"I was a.. quiet, content confidence"
Haven't been at this thread in awhile, figured I'd join back in.
Anyways, I wanted to let all of you guys know that my friend and I are in the process of creating a Lea Michele fansite. If you have any idea or suggestions, please let me know! It would be so helpful.
Backstage pictures with with Danny Devito and Zach Braff
Updated On: 2/6/07 at 07:36 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
I have been waiting for pics with Zach Braff <33
edit: darn it, the link wont work
edit again: found it
That's so funny - Jon Wright looks the most like a model out of the SA boys.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
yeahh, he does actually. He's most chizelled (sp?) and "model" looking. Jon Groff is GORGEOUS of course, but he's more really really pretty, adorable gorgeous :P and Johnny's just adorable
They said he was too big. Updated On: 2/6/07 at 09:15 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
woahhh dang, way to have a VERY nice six pack and.. yummy biceps jon wright!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
I'm seeing the show for my first time on April 2nd with my introduction to theatre class and I looking forward to it. This is one of three new shows that I really want to see, along with Curtains and Young Frankestein. I can' wait.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
^awesome! have fun!!
and speaking of jon wright:
he has a personality profile survery thingy! very cool
and aww, his favorite broadway star is Raul, which is really cool becuase Raul apparantly loves SA too, so the love goes both ways :P (kinda like lea with idina!)
Thanks for the link snl!
Ah the NY1 video won't work for me because my computer keeps trying to open it w/ Windows Media Player.