Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
ruby: I think the girls *may* sing on The View. I hear they are reworking the song somewhat, and I know they had a special rehearsal for it, and I know that at least the ensemble (i.e., normally just in the chairs) guys will be in period costume, so it could be a little different than the usual rendition.
"i think gymdude meant the view when he said "that appearance"... but maybe i'm wrong haha"
That is what I meant. I mentioned The View last and then said "that appearance", meaning The View. Sorry for any ambiguity.
I'm thrilled that it's not Purple Summer. I'm bummed that I can't legally be at the Letterman show and that someone couldn't get me tickets to the View in the end. Someone please tivo it and put it on the website not to be named because I will be in class and I broke my recording devices.
Oh, gotcha Gym Dude.
This rendition does sound interesting. At least the show will be getting publicity.
So, I didn't get Letterman tickets. Did anyone go?
I think gustof777 went.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/4/07
Is there a recording of Purple summer anywhere? I would love to watch it,.....
Maybe I'm hallucinating, but haven't all the other appearences with the cast involved Purple Summer? Like the updates, and I think the Virgin Megastore performance. Actually I want them to do the new Purple Summer, because it never occured to me that it is somehow different than that on the recording.
Oh you got to love the kids from UMich and their cabaret acts...
UMich kids do Touch Me!
I like this partly due to the fact that Andrew Keenan-Bolger is in it.
Edit:This is hilarious!
Updated On: 2/21/07 at 09:39 PM
I just got back from Letterman and they did a GREAT job!! All 6 guys were there for Bitch of Living...when the they set all the chairs up on stage I got so excited! Duncan Sheik played with the band and it was overall incredible. Letterman talked about the show a bit throughout his whole show, and kept referring to it as the hit "with all the sex" or something along those lines. He had a funny line about the "special" matinee performances, but I won't ruin it for you.
I'm so excited to see the episode! Also depending on the the forbidden site. So glad that its good
Sheik was there?!?! Special matinee
Stand-by Joined: 11/28/06
That UMich cabaret thing was a joke i get it. But the audience was cheering for vocalist who sounded just awful! Was that part of the joke to sound bad? lol. anyway, So excited for Letterman Tonight!!!!
"But the audience was cheering for vocalist who sounded just awful! Was that part of the joke to sound bad"
I think so.
Stand-by Joined: 11/28/06
I dont know. They looked and sounded like they were trying really hard. oh well...
All 6 of Spring Awakenings boys will perform "A Bitch of Living" on Letterman tonight. That's about 20 mmiutes from now on CBS. I heard that they were terrific and I can't wait to see them!
Kinda random, does anybody have the like about SA auditions in Florida. I couldn't find it in the search. Are they over?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
I think matinée ticket sales for this show just went up...
Did I miss the segment?
No you didn't miss the segment, just the joke about the matinee perfomances! And, yes sales definetley just went up!
Wait, what did he say?
I hope someone is tivo-ing and youtubing...does any one want to fill me in with the matinee story?
He said something about the reason people are lined up around the theatre to see the show, is becuase they pick an audience member at the matinee shows to join in on the sex scene.
hahahah, oh david.