I've no idea. But it was reported by someone (Riedel, I think?) that the producers wanted Ebersole to perform every night leading up to the Tonys unless she was very sick, to increase her chances of winning.
DramaQueen, I meant that they are going to have to basically force him to take a vacation. The poor man is always so tired. Wizard, your thinking to hard into it.
EDIT: Anyways Gallagher hasn't missed any performances yet, nor has Groff.
Updated On: 6/5/07 at 05:08 PM
No one though, has to force Ebersole to take a vacation though. I was thrown off by your comment.
Well Christine was asked to take a vacation, wasn't she?
As far as I know, she wasn't. I don't remember anything about that.
Besides, it's not even the producers forcing Gallagher to not take a vacation. He dosen't want to miss any shows, it's his choice -- he'd rather perform than vacation. Very classy and respectable guy.
Well she was asked to take a vacation the rest up in time for the Tony's.
This musical has more of an impact on teens than I thought. Today I walk into a bathroom stall in my high school excpecting to see the usual graffiti. You know the typical "Amber is a slut" "F** B**** Whore!" Instead I see:
"You just can't call your soul your own"
-Spring Awakening <3
I got way more excitied than I probobly should have. I couldn't help myself but add on to the song. I asked all my friends who love the show if they wrote it, but it wasn't one of them. So there's some other spring junkie in my school that I don't know about. I love that there's broadway writing on the walls of a school where most kids would much rather dig their eyes out with a spoon than go see a musical.
Updated On: 6/6/07 at 03:49 PM
Felt bad for Johnny today at Stars in the Alley. The music started off at a weird place, and he had to stop to catch up. Handled it beautifully, though.
"I love that there's broadway writing on the walls of a school where most kids would much rather dig their eyes out with a spoon than go see a musical".
That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Thanks!
So is this.
Stand-by Joined: 7/2/06
Did anyone catch Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele on CBS this morning? Was there an interview after the performance? Any chance that someone can upload it to the web? I had planned to tape it, but my VCR failed me.
It was pretty boring. Just watch any of the other interviews they've ever done; it was basically the same thing as all the other ones.
Lauren Pritchard made the "Go Fug Yourself" website, which, if you don't know it, is kinda one of those 'backhanded compliment' type things, in that yes they're mocking her outfit, but she's known enough to be on their site (between Sarah Jessica Parker and Katie Heigel), and so I thought that part was cool...or maybe I just have an odd sense of what's cool. :)
Random fug
Someone posted that on TGO earlier and I bust out laughing.
Updated On: 6/9/07 at 01:21 AM
*fingers crossed for tonight*
I am in utter shock and awe. I knew how much he deserved to win, and I wanted him to win so badly, but I never thought he would really win!
Congratulations to Tony Award Winner John Gallagher, Jr. for this MUCH DESERVED honor! You rock, Gallagher!
Featured Actor Joined: 8/3/06
I am in utter shock and awe. I knew how much he deserved to win, and I wanted him to win so badly, but I never thought he would really win!
Congratulations to Tony Award Winner John Gallagher, Jr. for this MUCH DESERVED honor! You rock, Gallagher!
I totally agree!! I talked to him yesterday at stage door after the matinee and he said he was so nervous, but honored to be nominated and if he won, he won. And he won! Yay! :)
It's unfortunate that unhappy people feel the need to start threads spreading their misery and ensuring that since they are miserable, everybody should be miserable.
Congratulations to SPRING AWAKENING on winning 8 Tony Awards!
*Best Musical
*Best Book of A Musical, Steven Sater
*Best Original Score, Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater
*Best Featured Actor in a Musical, John Gallagher, Jr.
*Best Orchestrations, Duncan Sheik
*Best Direction of a Musical, Michael Mayer
*Best Choreography, Bill T. Jones
*Best Lighting Design of a Musical, Kevin Adams
Broadway Star Joined: 7/24/06
It's nice to see this thread back on the first page of this board. After reading all the people talk about how Spring Awakening is a terrible show, it's nice to read this thread again.
obsessedjb, I was there last night too. Gallagher said afterward that this was the most amazing audience they have ever had. He said it's a night he will never forget. Where were you in the autograph line afterward?
For those of you who were not there, let me give you a recap. Well first off, I was walking to my seat at around 7:45 and who is sitting two rows behind me? Karen Ziemba! I guess she decided to come and see what all the fuss was about.
The actors came onstage and the audience CHEERED for what felt like two minutes. The cast looked like they were in shock. Especially Groff. He had this huge smile on his face.
The lights came down and Lea gave the most gorgeous "Mama Who Bore Me". The audience cheered for about a minute after the "Mama Who Bore Me" Reprise. Then the classroom scene began with the boys, and for those of you who have seen the show, you know that Moritz is asleep in his chair and Stephen Spinella begins his lesson and starts questioning the class. So he sees that Moritz is asleep and he shouts "Moritz Stiefel!" and Moritz startles and wakes up. Well, the second Gallagher opens his eyes the audience starts cheering (an entrance applause if you may). They cheered, and cheered, and cheered for about two and a half minutes, until Stephen Spinella finally said his next line.
Following "Bitch of Living" there was more cheering and a partial standing ovation. The cast was on fire last night. "The Dark I Know Well" was haunting as ever. Steven Sater, Duncan Sheik, and Michael Mayer were all in the audience and people were chatting with them during intermission.
The only sad part was that Jonathan B. Wright was out last night. I don't know what's with that kid. He seems to have the worst attendance of the cast. So that was disappointing. Matt Doyle was on as Hanschen, and he was fine. But really, Jonathan B. Wright is the only actor that can pull off those lines and have the audience in the palm of his hand. Plus, Doyle looks like he could be Gideon Glick's identical twin, and the dynamic between the two was just sparkless.
Gallagher, on the other hand, performed like there was electricity running through his body. This was the best I'd ever seen him. He didn't miss a beat. "Left Behind" was devastating. Groff's delivery was beautiful. Following "Totally F*cked" the audience cheered for another two minutes.
At curtain call, the audience was on their feet immediately, cheering. The actors came out three times. The third time, with the audience still cheering, Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater came out onto the stage and the audience cheered some more. Then Michael Mayer came on stage. Gallagher was crying. They were all so happy.
The stage door was very busy, as expected, but they all stayed and were chatting it up with everyone, until every last person got an autograph. The last two to leave were Groff, and finally Gallagher. Duncan, Steven, and Michael were signing autographs down the line as well. It was an absolutely magical evening. This is the best musical I have ever seen, and I hope that it is on Broadway for a very, very long time.
Edited for typo.
great review! Um I was in the front row to the right of the stage door on the other side of the girl who was having her hat signed.. Skylar said that Sunday night was like the World Series and we were their hometown parade he also commented on the change in lyrics (like a wtf kind of thing). It was a great night.
PS did you see that exchange with Lea, Jonathan and the fake Tony? Too cute!
Updated On: 6/12/07 at 10:46 AM
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
As much as I love SA, I think all that cheering every five minutes would get annoying.