Doyle was brought in for another reason. Trust me. I've heard he's wonderful too!
Yes Doyle was brought in for other reasons but it was mainly to understudy Melchoir. I heard his Hanschen was pretty nice....
OK, I'll bite, what reasons other than understudying Groff?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
hey guys, this is my first post on this thread but I am getting tix to Spring Awakening and am wondering if the whole cast has been in lately, or if there are currently any understudies? Only because I've heard such great things about the cast and would love to see them all together.
thanks in advance
so...I just got back from New York a couple of days ago, saw Spring Awakening, and absolutely fell in love with it... Johnathan hope he gets a tony win! :) As for the rest of the cast, they were AMAZING as well... just a great show.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/9/05
Has this been posted already?
I apologize if it has, but I stumbled upon it and thought I would share. On the right side of the page there are three video clips, the first and third are pretty much the same. The first takes place right before "I Believe" and the third is a clip of "The Word of Your Body." Enjoy!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/7/05
Yeah, so I saw the Saturday matinee for "Spring Awakening"....All I can say is I guess at the grand old age of 38 I've reached "fuddy duddy" status because I was underwhelmed to sat the least. I felt the raw energy and enthusiam of the cast, and was suitably impressed by the talent I saw.
I know I am setting myself for all kinds of abuse, but...all I got from the show was "yeah, it's LOUD." To the point where the screechy reverb of the some of the actors made WHAT they were singing indecipherable.
The anachronisms were hard to take, modern hairstyles and speech versus period costumes and story. I was actually perplexed by the overwhelmingly positive response the show has received.
I thought very little effort was made to distinguish between each adult role the adult actors were playing.
I tell you whas WAS awesome about the show was the set and the production values...truly impressive. Lea Michelle was wonderful, but overall, don't believe the hype.
"The anachronisms were hard to take, modern hairstyles and speech versus period costumes and story. "
Are you referencing to Kysta Rodriguez about the hairstyle thing? They do need to get her a wig for when she goes on for Anna.
This is random but I just thought, Phoebe had gone on for three roles in the past two days. Damn.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
Not everyone will love everything. Thanks for posting mikewood.
For the record, I am a cranky, cynical 46-year-old who catches himself railing more and more often about today's youth culture....and I just abosultely adore SA! So don't chalk it all up to your advanced years. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 4/18/07
I second that. I'm a 47 year old and absolutely loved Spring Awakening. First, I downloaded the cast recording and knew the songs before I went. I also read about the play and knew the basic story line. I had also read about the cast andwas prepared for my night with SA. Now contrast this to the first time I saw "Rent." I too could not understand the lyrics, could not follow the plot, and did not udnerstand what all the fuss was about. So, I bought the CD, found a synopsis, read the lyrics, and learned to love that muscial. SA did not spoon feed me and I loved the symbolism with the microphones, the juxtaposition of the rock music with the setting, the universal theme of parents failing to communicate wiht their children, and the co-existing danger/hope in questioning dogma, authority, and sensuality.
Here's to SA and to the Tony Awards!
Updated On: 6/4/07 at 01:55 PM
to bway tourist and gymdude, it goes both ways im 18 and i really enjoy SA and i take my non theater friends to it all the time, there are some parts of the show that get to me mostly some of the lyrics, so there are younger people that dont think its the second coming of musical theater, but i do feel that it is nice to see something new, and out of all the shows i have seen it has impressed me the most as a whole this year
just a thought
Hi guys, I know this is a bit of a redundant question, but what's the rush line like nowadays? I am going to get student rush tickets tomorrow morning (Wednesday), and I'm wondering how early I need to get there. I'm not ever by that theater at that time of day so I really don't know how long the line ever is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/19/03
46 going on 47 here and I loved it too.
Haven't been so excited (or moved) by a show since I saw "Metamorpheses" (sp?). Went into that one pretty much blind and expecting something dry and was moved to tears several times.
Similarly, wasn't sure what to expect with "Spring" but was pretty much blown away.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
re: Doyle....I heard from a friend *in* the production that he is mainly to understudy Melchior...gustoff in his/her post above hints that there is another *main* reason...I'm dying of curiosity.
I saw him go on for Hanshen. He was OK...he got everything right, but didn't have that special something that Wright does.
misschung: The cast is generally all there. Sometimes there will will be an understudy in a secondary role (Ernst, Georg, etc.), but the two male leads have not missed a perfomrance yet.
Gymdudeva, is right. He was mainly for Melchoir but they needed more understudies anyways. But Matt has been learning the other boys tracks as well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
thanks, gymdude. I am waiting for my paycheck to clear and then I'm buying a ticket, lol. I can't wait. I will def post my review after I see it
Totally switching gears, but starting tonight, the cast and crew are working non-stop (i.e. no days off) through June 16th. They're putting on the show 16 times between now and then.
C R A Z Y !
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
^^Plus the Tonys! Eeek. Maybe Groff and Gallagher will finally take a break! (But not on the same nights....)
They are going to have to go Ebersole about Gallagher taking a vacation.
Le'ts hope Groff takes off soon. I want to see Doyle in the role.
Stand-by Joined: 7/2/06
I read Matt Doyle's blog that someone posted in a different thread, and they all sound so exhausted. I feel like Broadway should take this week off every year so the nominees can get a chance to breathe. Why would they choose this week of all weeks to start messing with the show's schedule? Give these guys a break!
Damn, apparently a lot of people read his blog. I agree, they do sound tired.
"They are going to have to go Ebersole about Gallagher taking a vacation."
what does that mean? i hope johnny's there when i go again.. i go mostly to see him haha. i'm going again mid-august and i'll be crushed if i don't see him. *sigh*
changing gears..
i cannot wait for the tony's!! i wish the cast & crew & creative team the best of luck and i am hoping, thinking, and crossing my fingers for all of you! this show deserves to take home all 11 of those little silver statues.. so do us proud! i am so thrilled with this show it's unbelievable. it's been almost 6 months since i saw it for the first time and i am STILL in awe. what a powerful and meaningful experience. gorgeous, simply gorgeous. love & luck to you, spring awakening! <333
She means that Gallagher cannot be out before the Tonys unless dire emergency, as to have more people see him, and get more votes. Ebersole is doing the same thing in Grey Gardens to increase her (already high) chances of winning.
And the Tonys aren't gold. They're silver.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
But wouldn't the voting close well before the Tonys?